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Hondo's Bar


Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by archangel

  1. heh. Whoever did this is my FHD

  2. Get out of my car!

  3. You'd think Bauer woulda learned his lesson LAST time he did what he just did....
  4. yea...then they became Nazis. That's absurd.
  5. I think the problem with the series was how they painted out the Pro-Reg side. They did a weak job, and made them look too crazy.
  6. brain....hurting... yea, I haven't heard one of the e-mails in such a LONG time. and i'll never ever ever ever ever write a song about the sibby
  7. so can we finally talk about how Punisher capped Cap?
  8. "You might marry, you know. You see, Eliza, all men are not confirmed old bachelors like myself and the Colonel. Most men are the marrying sort, poor devils. And you're not bad-looking; you're really quite a pleasure to look at sometimes. Not now, of course, when you've been crying, you look like the very devil; but when you're all right, and quite yourself, you're what I would call... attractive."- Professor Henry Higgins I need to watch this again. I forget how much I admire this man
  9. "Women are irrational, that's all there is to that! Their heads are full of cotton, hay, and rags. They're nothing but exasperating, irritating, vacillating, calculating, agitating, maddening and infuriating hags!" - Professor Henry Higgins
  10. I know, I know, i responded in blargh. My bad
  11. guess your doing your job well, then
  12. I suggest the troll Madman be locked out, banned. It's more trouble than it's worth
  13. oh, and before I forget:

    PR Firm? You can barely afford the rent and you're squandering money on a PR Firm?

    Typical Democrat :-p

  14. perhaps my musical references aren't well received (or understood), but damnit if someone here needs culture.

    Nothing wrong with Andrew Lloyd Webber

  15. Cue whore number 2: No, it isn't. The question here is not to limit free speech in any way, it's to determine when speech is appropriate and when it isn't, an argument that goes on even in the highest levels of ALL free governments. In the very laws you wish to cite, in your lack of knowledge of said law, you merely support my statements: Freedom of Speech does not mean anarchy. A limitation on speech includes any speech which hinders government operation. If you wish to use the same analogy that you yourself brought up, then the free speech of this board should not hinder the running of this board. for those very reasons, it is unlawful for a protester to protest in Chambers while Congress is in Session, so to should it be against board regulations for the same form of activities on the one thread that is specifically set aside for the running and management of this board. Jim Henson and Walt Disney did not develop Mickey Mouse and Big Bird as alter-egos. They are trademarked characters in the respective business they created, which are separate entities from Walt Disney and Jim Henson. Look up the definition of alter-ego. deflection, Jax: attacking me isn't going to improve your position at all, and is only enforcing the point that both you and Jumbie argue for the sake of being argumentative, you moreso than Jumbie (I'll give him that). my decision to ignore Jumbie and Dickweed has nothing to do with this thread, nor is it, frankly, any of your business. Whether you choose to mis characterize it is your affair, but I certainly don't have to justify my decisions to you, Edwardo. Besides, the only person of note I'm ignoring is Jumbie. NO ONE pays attention to what Drifter says. I'm only officially doing what everyone else does passively.
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