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Posts posted by FireDownBelow

  1. I wouldn't mind playing Trivial Pursuit again. It was fun if nothing else. :???: Well, we can play Clue. Nick is still bugging me about it. And Scattegories sounds like fun too. My favorite board game...I like Monopoly.


    My answer to the 'question'... African swallow! JK. Actually I'd have to say...onions. That's the answer. Onions.


    Yes, I do watch porn. Normally its the typical girl/guy stuff but I prefer girl on girl flicks and bondage flicks.

  2. My favorite song would have to be 'Hurt', either Trent Reznor's or Johnny Cash's versions will do. They both have their own merits.


    My favorite movie...Labryinth or Secretary. I can't really decide between the two.


    My favorite toothpaste?? Hmm, I've never really thought of it. I usually let the hubby decide what toothpaste. He's the one with the oral fixation. I mean, I brush twice a day and floss but I never pay much attention. I guess if I bought it myself I would buy the cinnamon flavored Close-Up. Do they still make that?


    My favorite month, again another toss up. I like Oct because it starts to cool down but isn't freezing but I also like December because of Christmas and stuff.

  3. Bad smells:


    My mother-in-law's house smells likes ass. I don't know what she's been eating but she's in bad need of...beano or something. The dog stinks too after I bathed her. Twice. I still smell like spunk and my whole office smells like burnt popcorn. I wonder if there's some way to kill off all my olfactory cells. the Nick wouldn't havr to listen to me bitch about when he last bathed. :2T:

  4. Yes, I am submissive. I prefer to be submissive with a man and dominant with a woman but I can submit to a lady also. Though I could never dominate a man.


    I would have to choose...a woman. I've had plenty of men in my own life.


    My husband does not participate, mainly because my former Mistress was married and my current play mate is committed. Its not an option, though if the right woman comes along I wouldn't mind sharing.


    250,000? Pay off the debts, substantial down payment on a house, pay for my schooling, invest what's left.

  5. My favorite pet is my dog, but if I had my way I'd have a rat. If you get the when they are still very small thy become quite tame. They are like dogs. They like to lick you and they are really quite intelligent.


    Favorite Drink? Hmm...Bloody Mary. A close second would be whiskey and coke or anything from Boone's Farm. But if you were meaning just to satisfy thirst...tea. Fresh brewed.


    Do you "swing"? No, I don't swing. Hubby won't go for that. Wish he would but...as is, I'm allowed only female partners.


    Do you shave? I shave my legs and under my arms. I don't shave my face because my beard is still blonde. :2T: I used to shave the kitty, but last time I got this horrid ingrown hair that got infected and it was the size of a quarter and painful. So now I'lll just have to trim the verge rather than mow it.


    Best moment in life? I've got two. The first time I got to hold my niece. She was a whole ten minutes old. And the second would have to be the first time someone took a whip to me and did it correctly. Still get shivers when I thknk about that.


    Favorite sport? I am not a sports fanatic but the sport I enjoy watching most of all...hmm, toss up between hockey and rugby. I want violence!


    Worst moment in life? My worst moment would have to be when my father died. It was gut wrenching. Nothing compares to losing a parent, except maybe losing a child.


    Last book/ movie that you would recommend. I would recommend Kung Fu Hustle movie wise and as for a book...the Red Tent for women and for anyone, anything by Augusten Burroughs.

  6. D battery? Yeah, that's a good enough size for me. Just right.


    Umm...I don't have any plans to visit Florida anytime soon. Maybe when I have kids and can afford a trip to the monstrosity that is Disney Land. Or maybe if I ever take a trip around the Gulf. But honestly, I'm not a big fan of heat, humidity, or oranges. Although...the Everglades might be intersting and I hear that there are some noteworthy roadside attractions.

  7. The best place to meet women besides clubs...hmm, the internet. Try Lavalife. I love that place. And church, if you're a religious sort of person. And honestly, I'm not that cool. I'm a lazy, cynical, preachy, self righteous hardass who enjoys the occasional bout of whimsy. But, it is about how you use it. Even a big dick is useless if its attatched to a jerk. However, assuming that said penis is stuck to a nice guy, about medium is good. That is to say anywhere from 5-7 inches with about an inch and half diameter. Anything larger than that and it gets painful. Anything much smaller becomes inadequate after more than five minutes of friction.

  8. Every year when I put the Halloween or Christmas decorations back into the closet, something gets left behind.


    Last year there was the singing Scooby-Doo stocking that I left hanging on the back of the front door until March. Now it sits on the floor near the coat rack because I'm too lazy to put it away. I'll leave it there since Dec is so close now.


    The Halloween decoration that got left behind last year was a plastic skull. It looks real...in a plasticky kinda way. We had darts stuck in its head and then bolted it to the dart board. I forgot about it. Forever and a day it sat in the bedroom floor on my side of the bed. I picked it up yesterday and sat it on my night stand. Halloween is coming. I may use it again or I might leave it on the night stand. It doesn't look half bad there.




    Alas poor Yorik!

  9. Huh? IR lost again. I don't use my microwave for anything. Except...well, softening cookie dough and ice cream. Chris, you should go to a pawn shop. You can sometimes find one there for afforable. Just make sure there's no roaches or spiders in it. Wouldn't want roaches in your three day old mac and cheese.

  10. Oy vey! :yup: I've got two of the nicest people in the world offering a dream come true. But how is a poor redhead to choose! Alas, I cannot. Draw straws you two and see who gets the privilege, because I couldn't bring myself to offer anyone sloppy seconds. :)


    And Chris, an hour's better than nothing. And even if all we do is sit around and watch the Simpsons, at least I can say, "Christy and Jake came by and watched the Simpsons with us, hee!"

  11. Wet. I'm dripping, soaking. :yup: Kidding, you little horndog.


    Yes, I'm at work. Trying to post on the fly, without getting caught and kill time. You can definitely stop by before the game if you get a chance. But I don't get home until 6:30 or so. We could...I dunno, see what happens. :)


    I think I get it now, though. Red is the Alter Ego of someone who reads a lot of comics. Go me! IR Edumicated. Ok, so I'm suitably impressed.

  12. My favorite position would have to be reverse cowgirl, when we can get it to work. Our matress has gotten so lumpy that half the times I'm crooked and its hard to make it work. :(


    If Tenacious D is the band Jack Black formed, which I'm sure it is, then very much so.


    It would be nice if everyone would lighten up, not take life so seriously and if not be nice, then at least be polite for a change. Anf for Christ's sake, no more road rage.


    Black holes...well, I'd like to believe that if you get sucked in you get to go to some strange parallel universe where time stands still and everything floats around you, like something you'd see in Twilight Zone but I'm pragmatic so I pretty much know that the gravity would tear you into itty bitty pieces that you couldn't see even with an electron microscope. Pleasant image, isn't it?


    And most definitely coffee Sat. :howyoudoin:

  13. Well...hmm, I do have an insatiable appetite and so does my redheaded friend Tiff, she's a born again virgin though, but man before her Holy Roller phase she was all about the lovin'. I don't know about all redheads but I've never heard anthing contrary to the belief. :blink:

  14. It wa Ashely Simpson, didn't sound like her... I don't like her but Nick thinks she H-O-T. Yeah, she was asking me for money for a car seat. She doesn't use protection the little idiot. When she told me the first thing I thought was, damn, I'm going to have to buy a bassinet. :( No, I didn't know Lycaon was redhead. That's neat.

  15. Really, cause I was thinking of that song on the shampoo commercial...


    You make me wanna La La La

    On the kitchen, on the floor

    I'll be your french maid and meet you at the door.


    Nifty little song. Wish I knew who sung it.

  16. Christy: The erotica bix is ok. I'm seeing more and more venues opening up but I haven't written or submitted anything in a while. I want to publish my book first. The fellow in Scotland has not yet gotten back to me. I'm going to wait till the end of the month before I start getting all fired up. At this precise moment I'm listening to my sister bitch. And I have no idea what LA LA La La means. :ohface:


    MM: I'd love to invite you but seeing as how I don't really see my Mistress much I don't think I'll be going to any play parties any time soon.


    Skeeter: I'm probably the strangest girl you'll ever meet.


    Lycaon: Yes, actually I do. One hour out in the sun and I turn pink. Any longer than that and I have to remember to wear sunblock.


    Christy again :yup: : I still think the pumpkin and pumkin seeds idea was a good one. Or you could come as yourself, you don't really have to wear a costume. And yes, you can practice on me. I'm a willing volunteer. And my fave color would have to be...er...silver. And if I wrote anything other than erotica it would just be plain fiction. Drama type stuff.

  17. The kinkiest thing I've ever done...well, that's either letting my husband attempt to fist me...or the time I let my ex-Mistress adminster a spanking at a play party.


    And to Christy:


    I haven't been doing anything. Was waiting to talk to you and then a movie came on. :) I am awesomely excited about Nov and Halloween. Thinking about it all day. I'm not going to post any pics of you. I'll keep them under my pillow. :devil: Right now...hmm, watched Harold and Kumar so now I'm thinking where I can find some of the frozen burgers. So good.

  18. Not really...the way it works is like folks who spend a lot of time in the sun, well their hair lightens. If they shave it it will grow back in the darker winter shade. Same thing with redheads, just a little more extreme cause the sun tends to lighten our hair anytime of the year.


    My hair is more blond than it was...say five years ago.

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