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Posts posted by FireDownBelow

  1. I don't go to the gym cause I'm cheap and pressed for time but Wii Fit and Zumba are saving me. That and my trusty 1500 calories a day. I'm down about 15 pounds and am headed towards 20. This time next year I will be at my pre-Ryan weight, so help me god.

  2. Positive. I'm much prettier than Ryan. And I have breasts which automatically makes me smarter.


    Althought, his chest size is closely approaching my own these days...



    Moving along, Ryan has a theory. I don't know if I missed it or what...



    Gale is gay and has a crush on Walt. I did not see that. I saw a man with some idol worship going on and maybe he was weird... Did anyone else pick up on that?

  3. Oh, it's very much the point, especially when you think about the title of the show. It's just incredibly well done. Familiarity breeds contempt brought to television. I guess I should have been clearer in that I am praising the writing and acting of this show for managing it so well.


    What I am really looking forward to finiding out is who Gus really is. They keep alluding to some importance beyond what we know and it's killing me.

  4. I can't see whatever it is you poasted since I am at work, or I might respond...but let me say this:


    I no longer have any sympathy for Walt. At first I understood the motivation of death but then it became about pride. His story is anagalous to Scarface or any other empire builder. He's left blood and death in his wake. I really find him contemptible now.


    I don't think i have loved/hated such a character before in my life.

  5. It gets better as it goes on. Thing is, this show marks a transformation in Piper which is why the first episode is so fucking bland. Because so is Piper. I admit, when I first started watching it, it wasn't Piper that kept me coming back. She was so fucking white bread and flat that I really didn't care. But that changes as Piper does. Give it some time. Also, Mulgrew isn't the most horrid lady out of the bunch. Her story and her character tug the heartstrings. And as always, Mulgrew is doing a bang-up job.

  6. So...it's like a big cracker?


    I wonder if one could make a sort of pizza like this...bake the crescent roll and maybe saute the veggies then toss it on with some of the cream cheese. I like the grilled chicken idea. I'm definitely gonna try something like this week after next.


    Here's my own recipe. The guys ask for this at least twice a month and it's super easy to make.


    Teriyaki marinade

    Thin steak (usually skirt)

    Frozen long fine green beans


    Marinate the steak in the teriyaki sauce. I like to throw in some soy cause teriyaki is too sweet for my liking. Let this marinate at least thirty minutes but I like to do it for about twleve hours.


    Pan fry the steak. Don't overcook. This stuff cooks in a flash.


    Retain marinade.


    Flash boil the green beans to get them unfrozen, again, not more than five minutes because you aren't trying to cook them, just blanch them.


    Fry the green beans with some of the leftover marinade until tender. I like to drain the rest of the sauce and cook mine till they blacken a little but that's personal preference.



  7. Catch 22...damned if you do and damned if you don't.


    However, if I recall correctly aren't peanut oil, corn oil, and soy fully hydrogenated? Those three things can be had in abudance in the states. Also, peanut oil has other health properties.

  8. I'm on a diet and all of you are horrible people! weep.gif


    Any agua fresca is awesome. Ryan and I discovered a grocery store not far from us that has tres leches. It was pretty good. Man, there's a Mexican restaraunt in az town not far from where Ryan grew up, and as much as I hate to admit it, it was pretty damn good.


    Taco Casa beats out Taco Bell for me.

  9. That's funny, I was just talking to MetalHeart's sister's fiancee (say that five times fast) about barley wine and he told me about this very man and how he had analyzed the residue on some drinking vessels from Crete which had led them to produce a brew called the Midas touch which is not quite a beer and not quite a wine but all kinds of awesome.


    I think it's pretty cool.

  10. Well...I've read aseveral articles about things that aren't banned in the US but are in Europe and I gotta agree with Europe. I mean, banning samosas because their triangles is dumb but banning GMO foods because a country is worried about the long term effect on their populations and heirloom crops is understandable. I think the US has some kinda screwed up priorities. And it can usually be traced back to lobbyists.

  11. Last we watched the Incredible Burth Wonderstone. Jim Carey pulled out some of his older overacting methods to play the Criss Angel jerk-off and Steve Carell did his best again with the clueless jerk type. I thought it was good but the ending seemed kinda...out of synch with the rest of the film. Also, not enough Steve Buscemi.


    Then we watched Sinister. I know the demon thing looked like a freaking juggalo but that movie still creeped my shit.

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