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Posts posted by FireDownBelow

  1. Ryan, get bent. I can handle this.


    <sigh> Ok, I've derailed this thread enough. I'm going to make one last ditch effort to explain myself and then I'm gonna drop it.


    Seeing parts of a movie is definitely not seeing a movie. This I agree with, which is why I maintain that I've not seen the movie. BUT, seeing parts of it were enough to confirm that I was uncomfortable with the movie for the same reason that most Asian media bothers me: cultural differences. Which is what Space Cowboy was able to put into words while I was blindly groping for a way not to sound like a xenophobic, culturally ignorant prick.


    My opinion: I don't see the need for a remake. What is there is fine. From what I have heard the movie works very well in it's own language and is described as being very good. Now, based on what I have seen, I don't think it will have the same...flavor, if it is remade. In my opinion, that counts as a muck-up. Leading right back to my question: Why a remake?


    Which Jax answered.



  2. Nope! I just don't watch the same things ya'll watch. I mean, I didn't see the Notebook or Nights in Rhodesia or whatever the fuck that one was. So it's not a matter of having a vagina.


    I've just been burned by Asian movies before. They are...weird in a way that I can't describe. I'm not getting why a remake of this is necessary though. It's not really an old movie, from all accounts it's a good movie, and it's widely available with subs. It's a head scratcher.




    There we go! Thanks, Space, you just summed up my entire issue with the film! (I have seen parts of it, just not the entirety) But I reiterate, I don't see why there's a ned for a remake.

  3. I've never eaten at In and Out Burger either, but I can point out that many people think they make pretty fine food and that there's no reason to mess with the original.


    I never said I saw it. I said it's considered an excellent film and I think it will be mucked up. Does that sentence in any way lose it's meaning if I haven't seen the film?


    Do you even read my posts? Or do you just like arguing with me that much?

  4. Doesn't make em stupid, though. This is just another example of folks on high horses. Not everyone likes things your way. Get over it. There's no wrong way to watch a movie.


    Umm...and refusing to watch a movie that might be excellent simply because you don't dig subs seems a little high-horsey to me. So, are you arguing for it or against it?


    At least my decision to not to see the original or being disinterested in a remake is based on content.


    It's not really all that off topic. It goes back to my arguement on what's the point of a remake when subbed versions are readily obtainable. We then pointed out American's lack of interest in subbed movies, which is shortsighted because they are missing what is generally considered an excellent film. Likely Hollywood will muck it up and if they don't, I somehow don't see that it will translate that well because as I was trying to put my finger on and what Spacecowboy finally explained, it's a VERY Korean film

  5. Nope! I just don't watch the same things ya'll watch. I mean, I didn't see the Notebook or Nights in Rhodesia or whatever the fuck that one was. So it's not a matter of having a vagina.


    I've just been burned by Asian movies before. They are...weird in a way that I can't describe. I'm not getting why a remake of this is necessary though. It's not really an old movie, from all accounts it's a good movie, and it's widely available with subs. It's a head scratcher.


    While I concede that Brolin is a much better fit than Will Smith, I just can't fathom how this is going to work. Oldboy is just so...Korean.


    The rational of the villain, and the intricacies of his plot for revenge teetered dangerously on the edge of becoming laughable. Now I love Oldboy, but there was a razor thin margin between it working and not working. Koreans know melodrama, and Oldboy worked ‘cause they sold it. I’m not sure a westernized take will be able to achieve the same feat, without compromising the plot somehow.


    Then you take something like the squid scene. One of the memorable scenes in the movie, but steeped in the culture of the original film. How are they going to pull that off without making it seem even more surreal? I guess they could set the movie in Korea, but if they are going to do that, why remake it at all?? Ugh.


    There we go! Thanks, Space, you just summed up my entire issue with the film! (I have seen parts of it, just not the entirety) But I reiterate, I don't see why there's a ned for a remake.

  6. Kiss my ass. I've read the synopsis. It sounds like something that would make me uncomfortable and considering that it's Korean, I'm going to trust my gut because I have never had a good experience with Korean media.


    I am, however, aware that many people hold this film in high regard and so I wonder if Hollywood would do it well enough to satisfy the fans. I do have to wonder about Spike Lee as well... I like him as a director but this seems to be a bit of a departure for him.

  7. There is a fourth type:


    People who are aware of Oldboy but never saw it because it sounds fucking strange and probably will not see the American remake because there does not appear to be any way to make it unstrange without making it an entirely different movie, thus defeating the point.


    Also, that poster looks stupid. It seems very nonscensical and kinda incongruent. For what it is, the colors are too vibrant.

  8. You know, Jax, I'm racking my brain trying to come up with an example of massive hordes of zombies overruning the Earth and I can't. So you've got me on that one. So, perhaps I could understand the World War Z title when taken in that context.


    As to new Coke (or this movie) ...well, I wouldn't need to try it because I have heard and carefully weighed the opinions of people I trust that have taken the plunge.


    I don't think I'm being overly critical. I'm just making assumptions, which can be detrimental but guide most of our quick decisions. And I'd like it to have a different name because it's not the same story. It just...isn't. I can't explain it any better than that.


    Some argue that the book would have made for a dull story. I disagree. Interview with a Vampire used a similar premise and I think it was well done, for the overwrought gothic mess that it was. Diary of Anne Frank managed it. If anything, I think I'm being more of a purist. Psst: I actually don't like the xtras they threw in the Hobbit movies and I'm afraid to watch Game of Thrones because of the changes (minute though they may be) that might irritate me.


    I guess I just like what I like and see no reason for change. I'm stodgy.

  9. Well, it's a principle thing. Like the difference between Coke and New Coke. One is Coke and the other wasn't, even if the label did say it was.


    But yes, aside from my irritation with the title, the main reason is because it doesn't look much different from other zombie/end of the world movies that are being pumped out. I'm thinking its just some more cheap entertainment without the emotional impact and since going to a movie is a difficult thing for me these days, I'm putting this one in the RENT list.

  10. That is the first time I've ever been called a hipster. I don't even know what to say to that except, Wow. And would it be predictable of me to ask that you please not patronize me with 'pet' names? I'm more bitter fat lady with a bad attitude than a babydoll. As least be more accurate if you're gonna condescend, thanks.


    I'm not bashing it, just saying I don't think I want to see it. I'm bored with the premise.


    Eh...now if I were a hipster I would ironically like Romero, right? And if I were a purist I would genuinely like Romero... Here's the thing, I don't really care either way about Romero. I agree the films were groundbreaking for the time and they created the whole genre, but I feel they were clumsy. <shrug> But I think that's just indicative of that era as well.

  11. I agree with Logan. It was finally a look at the zombie genre that wasn't just a horror/action film. It felt as if it could have been real. It is a good piece of literature.


    Also, I give a shit and last I checked whether or not you give a shit isn't really my problem. Just like you don't have to get so fucking worked up about my opinion. Good god, you'd think we were talking about politics. You got your opinion and I've got mine. Like assholes.


    Also, (in addition to the title thing) I don't want to see the fucking movie because there's been such a glut of zombie media over the last few years that I'm frankly sick of the shit. So, unless this is doing something drastically different (like the book) then I really have no desire to watch it.

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