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Hondo's Bar

the division of joy

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Status Updates posted by the division of joy

  1. Well given i don't find britney attractive at all and i've no idea what you look like , you're currently at an advantage, i however like people slightly mental, it makes for more fun, less predictibility and all that.

  2. That is rather ghetto... I feel all numb and empty now being a false representation of what ghetto is :(

  3. I see what you did there... How lateral thinking of you...

  4. Heh, damn.. Welcome aboard, you.

  5. I'm no stalker... Thats an acalis job!

  6. You're on a board with a few of them anyway.

  7. I fail to see why i wouldn't like it

  8. So by calling you a mental and offering you to join my mini cult of mentals, i'm nice? Awesome.

  9. You need to get on AIM more...

  10. you're free to join my rather mental group if you wish.

  11. Awooga!! But yeah, being mental is fun. Hence my member group!

  12. *sigh* that thread was epic, even though i don't know the guy, they were some awesome limericks

  13. I should only hope you're more attractive and just as mental.

  14. Curse you and your defensive driving antics, i keep getting images of your avatar driving a tank.

  15. I'll let you know when i know, for now, i'm just on to you...

  16. I can't help the fact I'm so square I verge on being hip.

  17. You call me son yet i'm your senior... This sickens me, i challenge you to a racial slur contest.

  18. Always good to have more neil young fans around.

  19. Willkommen zum Hondos bar. Ich sehe, dass der Doktor Sie gesendet hat.

  20. Yes, tribal techno, its nothing other than the goods. I just added you there.

  21. I'm always good for musical reccomendations, i could also suggest some Juno Reactor, i'm doubting your love of tribal techno. You got msn or anything chat thinger, it cuts out the intermittent commenting

  22. where the feck have you gone to

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