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Posts posted by Iambaytor

  1. So I know this is for legit making anyway, but say you've got enough room for 10 Arcade games.  Doesn't matter what size they are, just any ten you choose, what are they gonna be?



    Gauntlet Legends

    House of the Dead

    Area 51

    Star Wars Trilogy

    Soul Calibur


    Spider-Man: The Videogame

    Time Crisis


    My final pick is a game I cannot for the life of me name: it was a Metal Slug-ish type game where you played as either a man or woman, I seem to recall they were both decked out in red shoulder pads.  Each of the levels was element themed (wind, water, fire) and the characters attacked with a sort of elongated punch attack.  The man's was a big boxing glove and the woman's was like a metal fist on a chain, the enemies as near as I recall were these identical soldiers with their helmets pulled down over their eyes so you could only see their faces from the nose down.  I sucked at it but I dumped more quarters than I care to remember into it.


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  2. 12 minutes ago, alive she cried said:

    Yeah, the man is in his mid to late thirties though, doesn't he have a wife and kid/kids? I just...who would do that?

    Don't think that hasn't been at the top of my mind.  But if internet has taught me anything it's to never overestimate the immaturity of a grown-ass adult.

  3. 2 minutes ago, alive she cried said:

    Am I the only one that believes that he could be genuine? I can see why ye think he's not, but I just can't see the motive. What could he possibly get out of pissing everybody off?

    I might see myself buying that if his continual bumping of the birthday threads had no been so clearly flippant.  He's just trying to get a rise out of people and playing the innocent schoolboy act to try and keep it going. 

  4. I will say I feel vindicated in my stance by one simple fact: Roseanne gets fired for being a shit, everybody talks about what a shit Roseanne was to them.  Chris Hardwick gets suspended (AMC apparently found him innocent of wrongdoing, I disagree but since he technically did nothing illegal they're obliged to make whatever wrongheaded mistake they want) and everybody talks about what a shit Chris Hardwick is.  James Gunn gets fired and not only do friends and co-workers defend him, people who admit to openly disliking him come to his defense.  It's hard to prove a person's changed but when nobody who has worked with you or known you personally is willing to step out and stomp on your neck when you're down that sure points toward you at least being decent to the people in your life.

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  5. 14 minutes ago, Donatella said:

    This makes me curious. Does Hondos have official rules and regulations? Have you guys ever clearly laid out what are punishable offenses? Like what gets someone warned vs. suspended vs. banned?


    This is a can of worms that has been the subject of several long and super contentious debates.  The answer is yes, but also... no.

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  6. See, I think they vetted Gunn. Those tweets were contemporary at the time and they surely cruised his Imdb.  You don't just get put at the head of a multi-million dollar film franchise without getting vetted.  But Roseanne has kept a low profile since she went off the air, she popped up on Portlandia a couple times, and ABC isn't Marvel, they're much lower in the corporate structure so they probably went "eh, she's conservative but it's fine" only to learn too late, as all of us did, that Tom Arnold was actually the GOOD one in that marriage and that Roseanne is a monster.

  7. At this point I just assume it's Adam Baldwin's fault.


    There's two reasons this won't be a continuation. 1. Dealing with the continuity is a clumsy mess and it would be so much easier to start fresh, and you know fans are going to go crazy if they fuck up one little detail.  It's my understanding that Sarah Michelle Gellar is done with Buffy anyway.  2. Who wants to was the Afterm*a*s*h* of Buffy the Vampire Slayers? You care about the original show but you're not the target demo and in much the same way you probably didn't give 2 shits about the Kristy Swanson movie, teens and teens aren't going to like all this baggage from a 90s show that they probably find boring and dumb.  It's a lose-lose to try and pander to fans of the original so the best they can hope for is to break it off and start fresh and maybe attract a new audience.

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  8. Also, let's be real, ABC didn't know what they were in for when they dug Roseanne out from under that rock.  She may have officially been fired for her racist tweet but she was actually fired because she was a detestable hate-filled asshole and a pizzagater.  They just couldn't fire her for being a Trump supporter so they waited until their first chance and took it.

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  9. 16 hours ago, Mr. Hakujin said:

    *sigh* I counted two tweets mentioning a three-year-old specifically and five other tweets mentioning either a "baby" or "little kid" in Donatella's posting of the montage of  Gunn's cringe tweets. So, yeah, ya got me there. I should've written "baby, little kids, and 3-yr-old" instead of just the latter. It's also commendable that in a post where I essentially agreed with you and tried to put down a truncated version of my thought process on examining this whole thing from multiple pov's you still managed to find a way to take out one line of text and skew the context of my post into a prop for a rage rant. You've really leveled up your contrarian slant game to Breitbart levels. Kudos?

    Oh calm down, you touchy bastard.  You did agree with me, however you were also furthering the "Gunn is betraying pedophilic tendencies" narrative that is at the heart of this matter.  You who I know watched the Aristocrats really felt like those tweets when compared to jokes by Patton Oswald, Anthony Jeselnik, Sarah Silverman, Michael Ian Black, George Carlin, Gilbbert Gottfried, and I don't know how many others that those fairly-tame-for-2009 jokes were just too disturbing to not signify something.  Did people actually think that video link lead to child porn?  We're all smart enough to know a bad source when we see one, this could not have been a more obvious smear job, nobody else noticed the artful way that wall of posts was arranged to make it look like a complete wall of pedophile jokes when fewer than half of them are?





    And in regard to Roseanne vs. Gunn.  Racist jokes ARE racist, pedophile jokes aren't pedophilia.  Roseanne compared a black lady to an ape this year, Gunn made some poor taste jokes nearly a decade ago before he was even hired.  The situations contrast pretty significantly.  I do think companies are too quick to fire people for controversy in general but they made the right call with Roseanne Barr.

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  10. Another probably intended side-effect I just thought of, this entices the little Nazi boys on social media to double down on their stance.  It's showing that the left will never accept them even if they change their minds so stick with the alt-right because the alt-right cares.  They've weaponized human decency.

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  11. Disney doesn't generally take requests, as much as I'd like them to reverse their decision I don't see it happening because them taking it back can be exploited as well ("You took James Gunn back, why not Roseanne?")  And yeah, I don't know if Gunn would take it back at this point even though this series was very personal to him and I have no idea how they're going to cap it without his involvement, hopefully the script's done and whoever comes in sticks to it. 





















    Now they're going after Michael Ian Black and Patton Oswald (the NAMBLA tweet was a joke about how the character limit makes it look like you're saying something you're not, it's taken waaay out of context).  Don't let these fuckheads control the narrative.


    Also, uncomfirmed but I'm hearing that some of these tweets were pulled from the internet wayback machine, meaning that James Gunn may have indeed deleted them in the past.  So I hope everyone here has always been a shining paragon of virtue because apparently if you have done anything even remotely bad they will find it and they will use it.


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