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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by BigChiefSlapaho

  1. Reptile was rated the worst character of MK2. In MK3 & Ultimate, when they did the combo system, he became really really good b/c he could shoot like 4 different types of projectiles at you & his combo was good. In MK3, Sub Zero could make an ice image of himself and if you touched it, you froze. He could do it in the air too, which made him really tough. Scorpion kinda fell behind, still hooking & teleporting (now towards & away from you), but when in a combo, he busted out an Axe & chopped you up nicely.
  2. Besides, if you want burgers that taste like meat, run over to Checkers & get yerself one of those Kangaroo-meat burgers they make.
  3. Nick's got a good point a/b the cardboard fries. Remember when those fries used to rock? When BK changed their recipe for the first time in like 20 yrs & started making these really crunchy ones and everyone thought they were way better than McD's... then, people started realizing that these fries were made in O-Lean, some new fangled type of veggie oil that immediately lubricates your entire intestines in a matter of 15 minutes and causes you to dump everything you just finished eating. Now, not even the taste of the fries can save them, they've lost all form of relation to normal french fries. Here's another fact... McD's has a breakfast menu that's about a million times better than BK's. Don't know if many of you guys are up early enough to witness this.
  4. Obviously, in fuckin-Guyana things must be different. If you've gone to any BK in Miami in the last year you know that the microwaved cow toes they use in the burgers are about as bad as the ones in McD's. Now... compare their only redeming quality... the chicken sandwiches... you know that the McD's one still resembles chicken, while the BK ones look like an enlarged Chicken Nugget on bread.
  5. Sad to say, but the quality of food at BK has diminished to 3rd world country status. And the Fried & Grilled McChicken sandwhiches fucking rock.
  6. Lets see how far back your memory goes. Ever watched a full episode of $25,000 Pyramid? You must be older than a hell of alot of us here, not including myself. Pick your all-time favorite gameshow.
  7. Anyone else? I can't believe that in THIS forum, noone else has played the game or has an opinion?
  8. Guess it was a shitty poll. Nobody voted.
  9. I just think you guys are acting as if Maximus had never killed anyone until that first battle at the beginning of the movie. I mean, he was General of the Roman Legions! You don't get there without seeing alot of battle & outlasting everyone else that was there before you. Plus, you're probably a hell of alot smarter than everyone around you.
  10. Aw, dude you forgot to include War Machine from Iron Man's books. Come on... he was black & everything, that's at least 2 votes.
  11. Ok... had a thought... You guys remember BattleToads, right? Remember they came out with all those SNES & Genesis games a/b them, and there were actually some weak ass comics out there featuring them. Well, here's my question. How many of you guys were lucky enough to experience the BattleToads arcade game? I know there's got to be only a handful of people on this Earth who have even seen the thing. This version of the game was as god-awful close to rated X as possible, not many arcades carried it. I know of only 1 spot in Miami that had it, and that was Bird Bowl. This game displayed horrendous amounts of violence... above & beyond your average rinky-dink 2D group-fighter game. Zitz would jump in the air and do a spin kick that would turn his leg into an axe which would decapitate whoever's standing next to him. I recall confronting one of the bosses (first level I believe) and defeating him by dodging his bullcharge, then grabbing his crotch & nailing him at least 4 good times until he collapsed... then punting his ass off the screen. It get's worse. For those of you who played the game, you may recall the giant snake boss at the end of one level who's head was larger than the 3 players combined. One of the gruesomest scenes in arcade history ever, the snake would then proceed to bob back & forth until the right moment when you weren't paying attention, then he would dive down, whip out these fangs that were at least the length of your character's body, impale your 'Toad, shower blood all over the screen, then crunch on your body a few times before swallowing. If you've played it, let me know, otherwise I'll try to look up something on it for reference.
  12. Actually, Nick, you were right a/b the Superman game. It was Taito. That game used to make me mad b/c I wanted to get past level 3 so freaking bad & never had enough quarters. That 6 player X-Men was one of the funnest moments in my arcade experience... part of the fun was seeing who got to be stuck with whimpy ass Dazzler.
  13. Which one of these two rival teams is superior? Any additions to the lineup should be mentioned if you want to add someone to the list for your verdict.
  14. "Blame it on the RAIN! YEAH YEAH!" That's a piece of music history there. I actually own the tape. Not selling that for anything, it's too funny. Remember the spandex pants?
  15. 2 for Sub-Zero's move. Is this poll a little biased? They were a little more creative with the ones in MK2. But this one has always been a favorite.
  16. Well that explains it. I know where my vote's going. ???
  17. Oh my God, Dan, you may have just angered a posting deamon. Stand by for the massive response.
  18. Sorry, I tried. I just couldn't find a pic of Wolvie getting hurt... or anyone for that matter. gamegen seems to not like posting those kinda .gifs
  19. Shit... lets start by beating the behemoth with the battle axe with a sword & flimsy shield while tied down to the floor with metal chains & surrounded by tigers. That works for me!
  20. See, that's what I'm saying. This is not a crowd fight here, this is one-on-one. I think Maximus has the upper hand here... although Spartacus would've ripped them both up.
  21. Seeing these things for the first time brought an aura of shock and disbelief over the video gaming world & changed fighting games as we know it. No longer was it good enough to just beat your opponent silly, but now it was just as important to know that secret combination to dismember your opponent in your character's oh-so-special way. Pick your fav.
  22. DAMMIT I ALMOST HAD HIM! These 1 pump chump guys piss me off.
  23. Wow... I have been schooled in the ways. It was painful, but I learned much.
  24. According to the votes, the man from Italy has it... for now. Anyone else care to voice their opinion?
  25. Not too familiar with the comic book Spawn since the first couple issues. Movie Spawn was kinda weird but visually cool. But if he's bad enough to take down the Hulk, how come he couldn't beat Batman?
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