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Death Stranding (The Walking Dad)


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So....who's actually playing? I'm on chapter 6, so I'll keep this spoiler free as possible. 


"It's a walking/Delivery sim". - people


Sure. If you boil it down to its core components. Also DOOM is just a shooting game, or COD is JUST a military sim. Or Mario is just a game about jumping. A game is more than the core concept it presents. Superhot sold  you on the cool you control time concept and layers a pretty dark story on top of it.


"Kojima has too much metaphor in his games and it doesn't make sense" - I dunno, some asshole on the internet


I don't know if it's because he's Japanese and is more prone to literal descriptions of things but it's not like the game is fucking subtle about what it represents. It's about connection and how we as a society have lost that.  In chapter 1 your character even asks if it's worth connecting the world because "last time we did that (internet) it didn't do anything but tear us apart". Now, if you don't LIKE Kojima games, this game probably won't change your mind. This shit is peak Kojima. 


"Too many acronyms, story is too convoluted/not enough is explained" - That dude who wanted more boobs in the game


Fair. Kojima hits you with a LOT of shit in the acronym department and the story starts off pretty vague. Fun fact, as you play it and "connect" things, knowledge of the past comes to light and you get to LEARN about the world. (and what all those acronyms are)


"Game is boring"  - dude who watched an IGN review


Any game can be, there s a lot to DS that is just about making your own fun. Some people are trying to 100% their connections with NPCS as quick as possible to get special things from them (you can get bored because youre just running everywhere delivering packages), some people are having fun helping others (you build a road in your world, or HELP build one, you help other people) or for me, I powered through plot till I got a bunch of faster ways to travel before I backtracked to help people. It's an open game that encourages you to explore, help and take time to just enjoy the world. 


Are there flaws? Of course. Product placement can seem a bit off-putting (it really doesn't bother me, Kojima had to fun the game somehow) , and there's some areas of the game I /really/ hate (but I hear once new mobility options open up, its much more manageable) and while you /can/ burn through the story, making live easier on yourself (building things) will take time (a resource a lot of us don't have these days). I've even had some texture issues loading on my OG PS4. These things feel few and far in between for me.


Should you play it? I'd love to recommend this game to everyone. The Reddit community is one of the kindest (spoiler free) communities out there (down to people buying the game for other members of the thread that couldent afford it). It can be moving at times, sad and yes - frustrating.I don't think I /can/ recommend it to everyone, but if it even peaked your curiosity at all in the lead up to it, i'd say its worth your time. 

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  • 8 months later...

day 1: okay is this lord of the rings, is this just a walking simulator


day 3: goddammit why does bindy have a thousand hours in this (also: it's a walking simulator)


week 2: this shit is twin peaks season 3: kojima's day out, the plot makes no sense and it's just a vehicle to listen to his favorite indie bands and




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