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Wow, this was the most enjoyable movie I've seen in a long time. I don't understand all the criticisms I've heard about it, people need to lighten up!


Zatoichi is a pretty straightforward samurai genre flick with likeable characters and some crazy action scenes. The film is actually not really about Zatoichi, and he might not get as much screentime as some would like, but I think it works, because whenever he does come on screen, he really has a presence about him. Takeshi does a fantastic job, he's just a hell of an actor. Whenever he is on screen you know some asswhoopin is probably gonna happen. Some of my friends had some problems with too much backstory being told, but I think if some time wasn't taken on that the movie would have moved much slower because I wouldn't have cared for anyone and would just be waiting for another action scene all the time. I guess saying that this is a fun movie doesn't mean it's for the impatient or those with ADD.


Um, spoilers from here on I guess, nothing plotwise really, but some might not want this spoiled.


Anyways, basically we have a really fun, solid samurai movie, and the plot of that basically ends, and then comes the festival! The movie is basically over, and then the villagers all get together and tap dance! This ending is my favorite part of the film. This is just Takeshi having fun after the movie is over. The dance itself is really great, and not really that much of a surprise after seeing other cool musical moments in the film. Plus, intercut with the dance are some final crazy moments with Zatoichi which I thought were really fun. Basically if you're not impatient and you're open minded, this is one hell of a fun ending.


Anyways, fun fun fun, I loved it. See it with an open mind!

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Damn, another review lost....yeah, i too enjoyed it. You know the character is a cult classic, with a lotta old b-movies from back in the day, right?

Odd musicals & such here and there...it was a fun year, because for the moviegoer lookin for serious drama, they had "Twilight Samurai", a good film, low on the action. For those looking for more of the latter, "Zatoichi" was a lotta fun.

I suspect the bad reviews only come from those going in expecting Shogun Assasins or somethin; i guess i figured Beat would be more up for doin this kinda thing, myself.

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Hell yeah, the old zatoichi movies are great too. I'd really like to go back and see more of those actually. I love how this one very much keeps the same sort of tone and the added style from takeshi only adds to it. He saves all of the crazyness for when the movie's over.

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