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Hondo's Bar

Poppin' (spoiler) tags


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I gotta edit the HTML of every skin for every forum that might be spoiled, so for now, im thinkin:

Town Square

Movies (done!)



Video Games

(mebbe?) Pimp Hand


...just tell me what other forums you think might be spoiled. Right now, im doin it manually with the [*spoiler]put shit here[/*spoiler], obviously without the *'s, but in movies, i set up a SPOILER tag with the image ones & others for conveninece, ill try to do the same for those other places tonight too...just lemme know what you think, and where they'd be useful!


man, its been so long since i used a mod that worked here... :D

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..they have them there too? that's cool.


Im glad you like em! Tell me tho, what forums you think could really use em? I dont know that im convinced we need em in the pubs, crap shack, politics & philosophy, etc tho...unless its like


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..but then youre just bein mean.


speakin of bein mean, here's how to yell at people who spoil shit from now on:



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Ne'ermind, didnt take that long to just toss them in every forum we use, so theyre standard issue now. Yay, spoiler tags for all of hondo's! :D


...except for Fight Club, cause that shit's hardcore. People spoil shit down there just to start a fight.

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  • 9 months later...

...alright, so we obviously lost them in our most recent patch/update, sadly. I worked on em tonight, and therye back, but theyre manual now - sorry, no shortcut buttons, and the on in Town Square dont seem to work anyway ( :anger: ), but manually typing it in works, like:


[ spoiler ]newtype is a twat[ /spoiler ]


...obviously, without the spaces. And itll work, in the following forums:


Town Square





Video Games


that's where it stands now. I didnt bother with the other forums cause i dont think theyd be used there, but if you think otherwise, lemme know here. Shame i couldnt get the shortcut to take, but i spent a few hours on it, and im done.

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[ spoiler ]newtype is a twat[ /spoiler ]


What kind of twat are we talking about


1) A great word to shout out.

2) A woman's vagina.

3) A blow to the face or genitalia.

4) Used by Tweety.

5) An offensive term for a person.

6) Acronym for The War Against Terrorism.


1) "You're getting right on my tits you TWAAAAAAAAT!"

2) "Nice twat there woman."

3) "You twatted me, I'll twat you back."

4) "Where's dat liddle puddy twat?"

5) "Tony Blair's a twat."

6) "TWAT is going well, don't you think?"


Can you be a little more clear on this.

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  • 3 months later...

...ok, took half the night, but theyre back, in the following forums:


this one (to test)

town square








that's it. if you manually put in the code in other forums, it wont work, cause i didnt finish setting them up in the ones i didnt think theyd get used in. if you wanna see them in some of the other forums, lemme know which ones and ill set it up.


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