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Hondo's Bar

Mailboxes & PMs


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Ok folks, here's the deal:

A few of you might notice youre not gettin many PM's these days, or cant send to others.  

Weve allowed every user about 100kb of room for archived messages, but it gets full quick if ya let it...remember, unless you uncheck that one box, youre makin a copy of every post you write in your "Sent Messages" box, and that fills up too.

Wed give more room but Yahven's honestly only got so much webspace, and since we're growin as fast as we are, we gotta watch these things a lil...private message all ya want, but please, if you can, delete your old messages unless youre keepin em, and be sure to delete your sent messages as well...i can only keep expandin the mailbox size so much, and it sucks to write someone a long ass PM and get "Sorry this user's mailbox is full" like i have with Jumbie, artisticcartoon, and others.  When this happens, the message i was sendin is killed, so much for all i wrote.... :D

Anyway, please empty em out a bit if ya can, people.

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...add :kitty: to the list of full mailbox people, i just emailed her to let her know as well.

People, please, ill try to give more room but remember, that means less room for the actual board itself... and i doubt any of us are readin the old private messages anyway, so please delete some, as well as your sent messages, or its gonna be harder to get a hold of some of ya, especially since no one's tryin the chat room much as of yet... :plain:

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok that is nice and Dandy but umm how many messages would that be so we can know cause I mean its nice that we have a limit but what I would like to know is how many messages would 100kb actually be....ok thanks going to run off and erase my messages...

:D  :D  :D  :D

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Bascially, you can have up to 100kb or around 100 messages accordin to how im readin the setup, whichever comes first...like i said, just be sure to delete old ones & empty your sent messages as well (i try to make sure to uncheck the "copy to sent messages" box when writing a private message).

Again, We'd really like to give more room on 'em, but with all the text & images, Yahven tells me were kinda over the web space limit as it is, so its not a good idea right now.  Thanks again everybody, hope it aint too much trouble.

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