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Posts posted by Heartlessbitch

  1. Forrest Gump: best oldies compilation i've heard.. i love the movie.. the soundtrack is just as good


    Wedding Singer: Again this movie came out with a Part 1 and 2 of this soundtrack another good 80's compilation cd.


    Romeo and Juliet (buz luhrman version) awesome cd.. cardigans, butthole surfers, etc.. come on.. everyone loves the song "love fool"


    Mallrats: with Weezer, Sublime, Bush, etc. what could be better? except for the fact that it's a kevin smith movie.. and kevin smith kicks enormous amounts of ass.


    10 things i hate about you: the raincoats covers on that cd are awesome.. i love the cheap trick cover of "i want you to want me" and "Cruel to be kind"

  2. Lets hear everybody's porn star name


    its your middle name and then your streetname (the first streetname you ever had... your parents house.. the first house you remember living in.. you get the gist of it..)



    mine would be Jahaan Nancy... i think it sounds better the other way around Nancy Jahaan...


    oh and for porn movie names.. Pokahotass (Pocahontas)

  3. Paradigm Shift yay yay yay


    i think their drummer is the hottest thing since sliced bread  :blush:


    um, too bad he thought i hated him... when you told me that i was like "but i think dave is one of the cooler guys @ vanden!!


    too bad, i don't think i'm his type, i'm nothing like Taylor Perkins..


    yes support local bands, hey they could get up like  Papa  Roach.. (cough..whoop..cough..)


    on a Veruca Salt album there is a secret song.. um.. i have to find the cd somewhere


    and for all you Vacavillians, i'm sure ms. "i date the guitar player from paridigm shift" over there can tell you more dates,


    but isn't paridigm shift playing @ splitfire on April 4.. (they have a big ad up on the window @ baci)


    and Big Bad Voodo Daddy is @ the V-PAT on April 6th.. *even tho it's a major gip for $34 ticket.. *


    Joan Jett @ Dixon May Fair


    and there's more.. Juliana Theory is coming back to Sacto..but unfortunately i think i'll be out of the country when they're back..


    if i find out any FL concerts, i'll post them (like the CAKE concert back in Feb...)

  4. couldn't agree with you more Junker.  


    All of their albums are wonderful from begining to end, but my all time favorite would have to be "Physical Graffiti" but all of their albums kick ass.


    yea i didn't have room to put all of their songs.. "when the levee breaks" is a good song too..


    dammit i'm sooooo pissed i missed Robert Plant and Jimmy Paige @ the Concord Pavillion (anger.....)

  5. i chose "over the hills and far away" because that song makes me happy, i love it, i could be in the shittiest mood ever and that song comes on the radio and i know everything is going to be alright.


    "whole lotta love" was a really close second, with "kasmir" and "stairway" coming in third, but honestly, i love them all. Led Zeppelin is one of the best rock bands in history in my opinion.


    and this is going to sound cheesy as hell, but i've seen footage of their performances and i dunno, but there's just this thing about them, between Jimmy  Paige on Guitar, and Robert Plant's vocals.. just something god-like and magical.. (i know it sounds cheesy,) but dammit that band had chemistry..

  6. New York Dolls.. they deserve to be in the hall of fame..


    also metallica, nirvana, sublime, i'll think of more later... i also think you have to pay your dues in order to be in the hall of fame.. so n'sync therefore hasn't been around long enough


    and i know imam you're going to come back with some bullshit on how Cobain sucks, and nirvana wasn't around that long either, blah blah blah, and the fact that cobain died made him a maytr and glorified nirvana, blah  blah blah i've heard your rant before.

  7. Hitchcock: there's not enough to say about this man, his work is fucking awesome.. a lot of people credit him to "Psycho" and i am the first to agree that that movie kicked ass.. but some of other good hitchcock movies are "Rebecca"(w/Sir Laurence Oliver), "Wait Until Dark" (w/Audrey Hepburn!), "Vertigo", "Rear Window", "North by Northwest", "Dial M For Murder", god what is the one with jimmy stweart and doris day...... god can't think of the title.. but so many and all wonderfully crafted, i really reccomend "Rebecca" if you haven't seen it..


    Wes Anderson: "Rushmore"  "Royal Tannenbaums" this guy, i love his work, it's dark comedy which  i love.


    Kevin Smith: can't say enough about him either, great dialogue.


    Cameron Crowe... ("almost famous", "vanilla sky", etc)


    Tim Burton.. (i saw a short he did about Vincent  Price on the Frankie Weenie DVD and he is such a talented man, aside from his commercial hits)


    Francis Ford Coppola, Stanley Kubric, Sophia Coppola, just to name a few more..

  8. cRate amps are killer actually, i agree with slapaho, mine is small, but has a lot of clarity... the distorition sucks on my amp tho... and i do have a whammy bar.. but that's about it for the gadgets to enhance my guitar..i'll have to wait till pay day if i want to upgrade anything..


    i don't know if you guys have one there, i think it's a chain but Guitar Center is a kick ass place to get guitars, esp. if you're just starting out, pretty inexpensive and the help is great... (lauren there's one in concord and sacramento, i don't know if you knew that or not)


    and here's a school of thought concerning the whole electric vs aucoustic debate.


    George Harrison once said "Andrea Segovia is like a fther to us all." (andrea segovia was a master class, classical guitar player) Andrea Segovia replied "if the they (meaning people who play electric guitar) are my children, then they would be the basstards"  andrea segovia never took too kindly to the electric guitar.. and believed if you really wanted to learn how to play the instrument, it had to be on an aucoustic.. but i digress..


    and i LOATHE using a pick, i never use it, always either finger pick or strum with my hand.. NO PICKS god i hate it, to me the pick isn't versitile enough to make the certain sounds i want to produce, i can get the desired effect more by using my hands.. or maybe i'm just a shit guitar player with no tecnique for not being  able to use the pick.. oh well, i just hate using it.

  9. *drools over topic, wonders why i haven't ventured in here sooner*


    as i mentioned earlier i have an ibanez 6-string electric guitar with a little crate amp, and as def mentioned she heard ibanez's sucked, i'll admit, it's no feder strat, but it's good for learning,


    and def, damn it YOUR BOYFRIEND, is only a really great guitar player (sean m and i were marveling over that the other day) i took lessons from the same guy brian did for a while (Stephan from Vacaville Music and TV) i also took a class at solano for guitar, the teacher was Leo Cavagh, i basically re-learned the basics i already knew (hence the name of the class intro to guitar) but learned a really killer jazz riff there.


    yes i agree learning on acoustic is hard, when i first started playing i played on this cheap ass acoustic guitar i got in a pawn shop in downtown vacaville.. *sigh* badness, it had classical guitar strings tho.. i had to push down really hard to get any kind of sound produced from that thing,


    the most recent thing i tackled was a tab of pink floyd's "wish you were here" from guitar world (i love that magazine) when i first started playing i played a lot of nirvana, (about a girl), house of the rising sun, zeppelin, hendrix (hey joe, nothing too complex) , etc.


    oh and lauren i have to say i was impressed @ spirit show by nick, amier and rich... it was pretty cool... they've gotten really good.


    hm.. and leaky i'll look into on a plain


    and i got to agree with slapaho. hes nirvana shit is pretty easy, lithium was the second song i learned after "sunshine of your love"


    i also dig playing hole, i love playing doll parts on my guitar because you can experiment a lot with that song..


    and also like def, i'm a million miles away from miami, settled in a quaint suburb that def and i refer to fondly as "cowtown" gotta love it.

  10. LEAKY i'm so glad you're on dd  :D


    you truly appreciate my tatoo visison as a tribute to kurt/nirvana, other people just think it's stupid *sigh* ignoramouses..


    and did you know that french fries were kurt's favorite food and he burnt his hand trying to make them in a fryer at home?


    just more useless kurt knowledge


    here's a question, what was the name of kurt's gf that inspired the song "about a girl"

  11. yeah leaky, i'm pretty obsessed too..


    don't know who's more obsessed you or i


    to give you a general idea about my nirvana/kurt obsession, i am getting the tatoo kurt had (the sheild with the k in it)


    and contrary to popular belief, that k in the shield on the tatoo does not stand for kurt, but rather for k records, the first record company to sign nirvana


    but of course you knew that leaky  ;)


    welcome aboard, glad to have another nirvana obsessed fan on DD... i'm not the only one anymore!

  12. 1.) Nirvana

    2.)Smashing Pumpkins


    4.)STP (good choice)



    7.) Alanis Morsette

    8.)No Doubt (i will always associate with the 90's their second cd tradgic kingdom was killer, and i know almost everyone has that album in their cd collection)

    9.) Rage Against the Machine

    10.) Hole

    11.) Greenday (everyone remembers when dookie came out)

    12.) CAKE of course their definitive CD "Fashion Nugget" their first cd "motorcade of generosity" however came out in 1994, damn good album.

    13.) Aerosmith... come on "cryin" and "crazy"

    14.) Weezer

    15.) Save Ferris (getting later 90's) also Reel Big Fish, Lee Press On Nails,

    16.) Red Hot Chilli Peppers

    17.) Deftones

    18.) Raincoats

    19.) Suicide Machines ("i'm not crazy you're the one that's crazy...")


    so many more...

  13. another one..


    alanis morestte "jagged little pill" there's a secret stalker song at the end... if i remember correctly..


    (i lost my jagged little pill cd 2 years ago... don't know where it went)

  14. um.. are you talking about the secret drummer song off of "dookie?"


    some more


    another classic one is...


    the cover of sgt. pepper's lonely heart's club band.. and of course if you play "a day in the life" back words it says "paul's dead, paul's dead, paul's dead" hence the conspiracy theory that Paul Macartney actually died in a car crash, and that a look alike named William Campbell replaced him..but that's getting into urban legends..


    more to come... (yawn) i have to get up early and i'm so fucking tired right now.. i'll think of some more tommorow


    i'm actually atempting to be a moderater here.. how am i doing? (i feel like i'm posting one of those stickers that says "how is my driving?")


    oh and alita, no worries, as long as i am one of the people moderating i don't get offended easily. be as controversial as you want to be. censorship blows. also i won't delete anybody else's thread who posts it under culture, no matter how stupid i may think it is..

  15. you know some cd's have hidden messages or secret songs? time to expose some of them here on DD, i hope we can have a good list of secret songs going, without further ado i'll start


    1.) Nirvana, "Nevermind" at the very end there is a song called "Endless Nameless" after the last track on the album, you have to wait a good 2 minutes before it'll come on, but it's there nonetheless


    2.) Everclear "So Much for the Afterglow" at the end of the last track there is a song called "i will be hating you for christmas"


    3.) A classic, if you play Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" on the third lion roar of the MGM lion on "the wizard of oz" some parts will line up.  here's a good site about the "dark side of the moon" "wizard of oz" phenomenon



    many more to come.. please add on..

  16. hey.. which song reminds you of a bad breakup?


    mine is Veruca Salt's "breakup song" (adequately named)


    "i crawl out of sight for you, dear, i melt with the light, i dissapear, i won't have more fun with you, never get drunk with you, i'll let you go for good.  i pull it apart for you, dear, i wait for my heart to shift, gear, i'll never sleep late with you, never get baked with you, i'll let you down for good....i'll never go back to you, never shoot smack with you, i'll let you go for good"


    and CAKE's "haze of love"


    "it's 3 in the morning or maybe it's 4, i'm thinking of you, wondering what i should do but i'm finally cutting through this haze.. it's 4 in the morning or maybe it's 5, i think i'm alive and i think i'll survive i'm finally cutting through this haaaze of love, haze of love, for days and days and days i'm your haze of love. yah you, don't love me like i love you.  although you pretend i can see this will end, i'm finally cutting through this haze of love"


    and what are songs that were "our song" you know that you and your bf, gf or whatever had together?


    my 2 favorite ones were


    Donnas, Keep on Loving you


    "you should have seen by the look in my eyes baby, there was something missing, you should have known by the tone in my voice, baby, but you didn't listen.  you play dead, but you never bled, instead you lay strewn in the grass all caught up in kisses.  and tho i know all about those girls, still i don't remember. cause it was us baby way before them, and we're still together.  and i meant, every word i said when i said that i love you i meant that i'd love you forever and i'm gonna  keep on loving you, cause it's the only thing i wanna do, i don't want to sleep, i just wanna keep on loving you"


    and of course led zeppelin


    "if the sun refused to shine i would still be loving you, when the mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me"

  17. i agree with you junker, alita that was a very good choice, i love that song..


    i love mellon collie and the infinite sadness, but personally there will always be a special place in my heart, and i'll always love the album "siamese dream" best.


    and who do you think was the better bass player?


    d'arcy or arf de meur? i liked d'arcy better, even tho i dug arf in hole..

  18. hey i like sinead o connor


    do you not like her because she tore up a pic of the pope irish?


    and prince, i really don't dig him as much as i dig his songwriting..conicidentially..he wrote "nothing compares to you.."


    paula abdul, come on HOW COULDN'T YOU LIKE PAULA ABDUL she was my idol when i was about 5...


    and nobody said which ones were a given. (i.e. police, depeche mode, billy idol , etc. etc.)

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