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soldier of fortune

Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by soldier of fortune

  1. Heh, i must admit i'll be going to watch the simpson's movie with low expectations given some of the tripe new episodes they've given us lately.
  2. Hype, it serves the purpose of making us want to see it, to see if its up to the hype. I'll admit i thought Borat was only ok, not the best comedy ever as some made out And in fairness, there are some turkey bond films, but over all i think its a solid franchise
  3. Top Five Live Songs 1: Their Law - Prodigy 2: Oasis - Champagne Supernova 3: Eagles - Hotel California 4: Satan - Orbital 5: Everlong - Foo Fighters
  4. Some good stuff there. I'm so getting a ps3 soon! As in next month That new crash bandicoot game looks like a hoot, and as for little big planet wow
  5. Again, Europe doesn't get a Price Drop. HOwever we get a bundle of Resistance, and Motorstorm for €599, plus extra SixAxis Controller. Which if you were to buy previously here would cost €60 for each game, and €50 for the pad, plus the console @ €629 saving you €200 by my calculations!
  6. ASC, I've read it before, but i can't for the life of me remember the ending. Boogie, There's a thread in movies where i think HBO are doing a series, whether its animated a la Spawn (which rocked) or with real actors, i don't know.
  7. I'm gonna break the 5000 barrier this weekend!
  8. Manic Street Preachers - If you tolerate this, your children will be next
  9. Strange thing is i could end up with a Mondeo as a company car. New one looks good, though i used to dig the old one, remember when David Duchovney did the ad for it But that Brabus tuned SLR is the dogs bollocks, And i could still fit my golf clubs in the boot i'd wager
  10. So i've finally bought up to volume 8 of these and not mooched em off Dave. Fantastic, i really can't wait for this to appear as a TV Show/Movie. Though TV Show would probably better suit it But i just have to get my grubby mitts on Alamo now, so i'll get that on Monday.
  11. OMG I've to change my boxers,
  12. Yeah they we broadcast lasting about 50 mins of episode, then 10 mins behind the scenes which was also good to see
  13. I loved the episode about the snow leopards, but the every episode is awesome. Different ecosystem each episode. If you like this, you'd love Blue Planet, by the same team, and other this side David Attenborough is a legend
  14. We've only two episodes left according to the papers, i don't want it to end!!!
  15. We watched the series over here on BBC, and it is indeed amazing. I have a lot of respect for David Attenborough, and some of the shots took them months, the Snow Leopard was one. This will be one of the first BlueRays i purchase when i get my PS3 (which will be soon, cos when i sell my car, i'm getting a new tv, and PS3)
  16. fuck that shit, i'm off to bed! Tomorrow i'll figure out howto wirelessly link my mac and PC
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