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Everything posted by JunkerSeed

  1. Um, I couldn't go for the P-Roach vote, The Bassist from Tool was on there! Holy god damned hell those two shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentance.... And yeah, Arf de meur rocks, liked her in Hole, and she's prolly the only person I would have had replacing D'arcy in the pumpkins. I wonder what she's doing now that Hole seems to be done for and the pumpkins...... ??? :scared: oops, sorry about the double post... weird stuff happened...
  2. Um, I couldn't go for the P-Roach vote, The Bassist from Tool was on there! Holy god damned hell those two shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentance.... And yeah, Arf de meur rocks, liked her in Hole, and she's prolly the only person I would have had replacing D'arcy in the pumpkins. I wonder what she's doing now that Hole seems to be and the pumpkins...... ??? :scared:
  3. I'd have to put in another vote for subs. Stuff is rarely ever given a decent dubbing job, (Akira, Crouching tiger hidden dragon dvd and uh.....) and even if the translation subtitled isn't much better, dubbed voices make the most serious thing in the world seem cheesy. They always put in the wrong accent. (In foreign movies, everyone is british, Chow tun fat? Give him a british accent. French people in City of lost children? hell, they can have a british accent too) And in anime, everyone sounds like a 6 year old girl. Only thing that annoys me about subbing is that it takes attention away from the cool visuals in anime and movies, but I just try to see stuff twice then.
  4. I'm up for that, especially since there's been an assload of good movies comin' out that noone knows about.
  5. I've played all of em up there, and I have to go with the arcade ones 'cause they were really great. But the one arcade game I'm thinking of isn't listed. It was a game that alternated between nintendo game-style platform parts, where your guy would shoot at enemys, and then it would zoom in, and it would switch to a final fight style game, and after you'd finish combos, you'd read the sound effects "SMACK! FWOP! etc" It had Spiderman, Namor, Hawkeye and I think one other guy in it, and it started off with you fighting an inexplicably huge Venom, that took up like the whole screen. I remember loving that one, trying to find a rom of it. Other than the Konami Batman for SNES, my favorite was the Sega Cd one, which I just remember having a Badass Batmobile part. I should still have it, but no working sega cd. Oh, and remember that other Batman Game for Genesis, the insanely hard one that was by Konami i think? I couldn't get past the first fuckin level of that...
  6. hmm, I thought he looked a little fat...
  7. wtf? Is that a picture of someone beating Mike Tyson in punchout by a knockout? I didn't think it was possible to do it by anything other than decision, that guy used a game genie for sure.
  8. I'd go on the 5 star system, but allow for half stars in there, since sometimes movies aren't absolute classics, but they're not really flawed either, so a 4 1/2 would be a movie that was no Godfather, but didn't have any flaws that kept it form being a classic, it just didn't quite get there. I'd say that at 3, a movie stops being worth watching, 3 1/2 being a decent concept that wasn't carried out well, or some cool scene or character that makes it worth seeing. 2 and below just means that I can barely sit through it. If I were assigning a movie points though, I'd take into consideration why you're going in to see the movie. So, after the 5 star compared to all other movies score, I'd give it a score for how well the movie fulfills it's purpose. I'm not a fan of romantic comedies, but I'd probably rate sleepless in seatle pretty high in this catagory, cause if you volitionaly rented or walked into Sleepless in Seatle, it's probably exactly what you want to see.
  9. Ran is just badass, some say his best one. It's loosely based on King Lear, just the basic idea. Hidden Fortress is supposedly Lucas's official inspiration for Star Wars. It's basically a lighter, funnier kurosawa movie. I never really understood the Star Wars thing that much, it's not all that similar, but it's still really good. And Sanjuro is none other than the sequel to Yojimbo. And it's just as good as yojimbo, if not better.
  10. You mean Akira Kurosawa. You can't go wrong with anything he's done. Ran, Yojimbo, Sanjuro, and Hidden Fortress are some of his other best ones. A bunch of the westerns we watch are based on his movies. If you like what you've seen so far, you'd love those. (umm, it's a bit late after heartless' post, but this might *SPOIL* a little if ya haven't seen the flick.) And yeah, I agree that they could've done more with that dream idea in the movie, it's the perfect opportunity for a lot of added depth to the movie. Imagine how cool it would be if almost every major shot was based on stuff we saw in his room in the beginning (cd cases, video boxes, pictures, etc)? Sure, it seems like a lot to ask for, but hey, it's a remake, so Crowe should have to work a little harder to make it worth watching. I still loved the movie, but now that you mention it, there were some ideas in there that could have been gold that they didn't give enough attention to. And I still say Cruise didn't do a bad job. I don't really care if he's typecast, he's good at playing the character they always cast him as, what's the harm in that? And of course the soundtrack kicked ass. The soundtrack for tenenbaums was great too, cool hey jude instrumental in the beginning, ramones, dylan, the clash, just full of cool music. hell Rushmore had a great soundtrack too. Have you ever seen Bottle Rocket? It's Wes Anderson's first movie, it's supposed to be great. Gotta rent that one one of these days.
  11. I thought Cruise was just fine for the part and did a good job. I didn't know there was a new rule that all relatively young roles must be played by Pitt. He has his work cut out for him... I don't really see what there isn't to like about the movie, it's a damned fine mindfuck. And I don't have any problems with penelope cruz, I didn't think she took away from the movie at all. As for BrigitDryad0's question as to what other good movies are out, see the royal tenebaums! That movie just kicked ass. A beautiful mind was really cool too. Not this whole "give everyone an oscar! Fuck it, give the guy who holds the microphone an oscar!" movie, but it was really good. Also, Gosford Park is good if you have the attention span for it.
  12. Black Hawk Down is supposed to be absolutely badass, I'm up for seeing that anytime, I've just been waiting to see it with some people. Oh, and now that I'm reminded by my former post about that French movie, I saw another really cool French one, Brotherhood of the Wolf. Holy fuck that was cool, stylish martial arts special effects everything and teh kitchen sink stuff. What is it with those Frenchies recently?
  13. Sure, if you get your hands on the Berserker series I'll watch it with you, the game rocked. First Golden Axe type game I can think of with a story.
  14. Bah, Batman shouldn't be the only underdog to beat Superman just because he has enough of an inferiority complex to plan Rube-Goldberg style (think those cartoons where it would take a huge machine to cook an egg) tactics to beat Superman, and he still fought dirty, using kryptonite and another person to help him! Wolvy could do it with just kryptonite, hell, schmuck human lex luthor almost kills Superman every ten seconds with a bit o' kryptonite.
  15. You know what? If Batman can beat Superman, Wolvy can! Since he's the underdog, he automatically gets some points in the comic book world. While you certainly can say "Supe could just toss him into space, use his inconsistently fast super speed to punch him a thousand times in a second, fly up in the air where he can't be reached and shoot lasers at him etc etc ad nausem" when is the last time Superman did any of that stuff? The simple fact that superman can fly adn has projectile attacks should beat out anyone who can't do either of those, but Supe never uses his powers to demolish the enemy as he should. Reminds me of the power rangers who always had a giant robot with a giant sword, that could beat any enemy in one hit (if the enemy was too powerful, they'd just get a new robot) but never chose to use it untill they were getting their asses beat. Supe never even pulls out all the stops when he's getting beat on. I saw good writing would triumph over super powers that might be powerful as hell, but are never used pragmatically.
  16. How about Record of Lodoss War? I've heard nothing but good about that, but it's like 8 tapes so I haven't bothered renting, since blockbuster has like, tapes 2, 6, and 8 anyways. I've been dying to see it.
  17. Oh, Ape Escape just rocks, I'm trying to go back to the old PSX library of games I haven't beaten, R-type Delta is next. Max Payne just isn't the same without the kung fu mod and the upcoming cool shit people are starting to make online. And a burned copy of Rayman would ROCK, I can't find that game anywhere.
  18. I agree, rushmore absolutely rocked, so did bottle rocket, another movie by the same director, you should check that out if you liked Rushmore. As for Planet of the Apes, you'll like it if you expect little from it. It's pretty funny at points and its visually friggin incredible. Look for Charlton Heston giving the characters a gun at one point. Good, entertaining movie that gets blasted too much for not being the first one.
  19. As for king of comedy, well, imagine Taxi driver.... just... funnier... Deniro is an aspiring insane comedian. Has Jerry Lewis playing one of his only kind of serious parts ever. Its a pretty weird, but great dark comedy. Agree completely on Brazil by the way, one of my favorites too.
  20. No love for SNK other than that potpourri of fighting games that is really a Capcom game? Samouri Showdown and King of fighters beat Tekken any day of the week.
  21. Last movie I saw was spy game... ugh, Pitt broke his good movie streak with that one IMO. Some parts were alright but it was just boring, and they had a cameraman with parkinsons or something, they kept doing that whole spin the camera in fast motion thing. The guy picks up a pen and they do a bullet time shot of it... A few recomended movies: Dark City - Sci-fi noir, good stuff, from Alex proyas, he who made the GOOD crow Being John Malchovich - one of the most creative movies you'll find Monty Python's Life of Brian - You've all seen holy grail, this one's worth it just for the ending. Almost Famous - Gladiator was a cool action movie, but this so deserved to win the Oscar last year it's not even funny. King of Comedy - Scorsese movie that more people should know about. Shawshank Redemption - If you havent seen this, kill yourself. Well, thats my 2 cents, I couldn't recommend these more highly.
  22. ... was I the only fuck up more excited by the Policenauts poster I saw in MGS2 than the other locker posters I'm sure you know I'm talking about?.... ???
  23. Other than my 3 day metal gear marathon (BUY THAT GAME!) It's been all about Max Payne and Ape Escape on the PSX. Currently looking for Rayman 2 for DC. I'm all up for the fresh start on Diablo 2, maybe I won't be a barbarian again this time.
  24. There's an instruction manual?... Eh well, beat it a couple of days ago, Goddamn that was awesome. I was kind of getting dissapointed with the story when BAM they just hit you upside the head with everything they got. Now I guess it's time to go and beat it faster or something.
  25. Holy friggin' crap. Borrowed my friend's new PS2 with MGS2 since he couldnt bring it home yet for some reason. After two days I've got 13 hours logged on, this is the coolest fucking game known to man. Too bad it has spoiled me for all other games.
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