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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by JunkerSeed

  1. ***um, spoilers in here, I guess, not that there much to spoil about this one*** Just saw it today right after class. Very worthy sequel. The reapers were indeed badass. Didn't like this villian as much as Deacon Frost, he just looks like a typical nosferatu wannabe, but the new vamps more than make up for it. In the sewer part, it felt a lot like "Aliens" with them hunting/being hunted. Pretty cool direction to take. Also didn't like the music as much, but the first Blade's soundtrack was just classic, so it was pretty damned hard to beat. I liked how there's a bit more horror in this one, tho it's definately still an action movie and kept the comic book feel. Looks like it's becoming a pretty damned cool franchise, wouldn't mind if they made a bunch more of em.
  2. I just finished reading the Hulk ones and I like what i see so far... I'll be first in line if they make a trade. Now I gotta take the time to read ultimate spidey.
  3. Had to go with "Whole Lotta Love" as my fav on the list because Led Zepplin 2 was the first zep cd I got, just because I'd heard so much about them, I figured it was a good purchase. When I heard that first solo, I felt like running out and buying every cd they've ever made, amazing stuff. My real favorite tho is "When the Levee Breaks" from the 4th one. There's just somehting about the drums and guitar in that song that comes together perfectly. Oh, and speaking of songs that just bring a smile to your face, "D'yer Mak'er" from houses of the holy is another of my favorites not on the list. That entire cd is just perfect... as are most of them, which is obviously why they rock. Not a "greatest hits" band at all, the albums are where its at.
  4. Absolutely, at first I saw the mudvayne video and thought they just looked like something out of Big Trouble in Little China, then I saw em at Ozzfest and my opinion changed real quick. If you listen to their stuff and forget the fact that they look pretty dumb they're actually really damned good. They're sort of a hardcore band with the polish and talent of a really good metal band (metal, meaning stuff like Iron Maiden, Megadeth, old Metallica). Certainly an aquired taste though. I'm waitin on other people's lists though... surely there are more people on this board who've bought a few cds in the past 2 years...
  5. I think ABM was just fine, I've said a bunch of times before that I don't think it's the best of the year, but I don't really expect them to give it to the best of the year anymore. The best ones this year for me were Amelie, Royal Tenenbaums, Monster's Ball, In The Bedroom, Mulhulland drive, and Memento,... and uh, we saw the insane amount of oscars all of those got... hell, only one of those got an oscar at all. Not gonna complain about ABM tho because I thought it was a really good movie and I think Crowe did a damn fine job. I think they should have laid off on giving it damn near everything it was nominated for. They could have shown appreciation for the other movies that came out this year... And god forbid they give Lynch an Oscar. Anything that's kind of risky or different doesn't have much of a chance. The way it works is that movies that everyone can agree on are usually chosen... And the movies everyone can agree on usually aren't the BEST... just very good. I mean, if they picked Moulin Rouge I know lots of you people would be pissed as hell, but a bunch of other people thought it was the best one this year. (I'll give it a chance and check it out at some point, when I'm very bored) I guess if something like Mulholland drive won we'd be happy as hell but a bunch of other perfectly intelligent people probably hated it. They just pick the safe one and everyone is content knowing that at least a bad movie didn't win.
  6. Oh, the one thing that I just completely didn't like about the winners was that Amelie got shafted! I'm not even talking about No Man's Land winning best foreign pic, I'm dying to see that and it could be better, but amelie was nominated for 5 and didnt get anything! Dammit, loved that one and they wouldn't even part with the cinematography one or something... Wish there was a "Goddammit, this movie deserves and Oscar" award.
  7. Goddamned fucking peice of fricken flaming crap!!!!! Downloaded the 50 something meg demo on my 56k, install it, and it doesnt want to work, I DLD direct x 8 and it STILL wont work, I try to uninstall it and it is missing a file, so i delete it, and now of course it wont let me reinstall it because it thinks it's still bloody installed!!! Dammit all to hell, is there any way to fix this?
  8. Wish I woulda seen the ceremony now, hell, if anything for whatever it was that woody allen did, I'm a huge fan. Watching the after shows now so I'm checking out a bit of what I've missed. Sure, this year was a big "affimative action" one, but I'll say one thing for sure, Berry didn't win that because she was black, that waseasily the best performance, and yeah, she's the first black woman to win an oscar... I don't remember if any others that got nominated deserved it, but she's the first, and she whooped the hell out of everyone else, only sissy spacek came close for me, but I dont think even she beat berry's job. Dont know about training day, I know a bunch of people will say crowe didnt get it cause of the controversy, but if I were him I'd just scratch out "gladiator" from the other oscar and have "A beautiful mind" engraved into it.
  9. Oh hell yes, I LOVE that game. The multiplayer is great, espacially the game where one team controlls the immigrants and the others control the Teddiz trying to blow them away. The single player game is really good too, the movie spoofs are hilarious, and when you get past the dirty jokes and everythign esle it's really just a great platformer that doesn't force you to scavenger hunt for a dozen different things like DK and Banjo do. I reccomend this one pretty highly.
  10. Sydney got it for Lillies of the Field about a construction worker, I've seen it but forgot most about it, it came before guess who's coming to dinner. And while scorsese has gotten nominations, he hasn't won any oscars. This year he has "Dino" and "Gangs of New York" coming out so he has a shot of winning one soon... if the two dont cancel each other out.
  11. Nah, Sydney Poitier is well know for being the first black person to win an oscar. He only won one though, so he certainly deserves another. I know redford won an oscar for Ordinary People, but that was for directing, and that is probably his only one too. I checked up on deniro thinking it'd be funny if he didnt have any but he has one for raging bull and one for godfather 2. Scorsese's looking to get an honorary one though, unless the next couple he has coming up beat everything else.
  12. I'm dying to see this one, I love the fact that you never see the trailer or commercial for it. Went to see it on saturday but it was sold out 45 minutes before it started. Prolly see it in the middle of the week or something, I've heard nothign but good about it, I'll check it out soon though.
  13. Oscars just all got given out, I didn't catch the ceremony, so I can't say if it was any good, but I'll post the winners and see what you all think. Best Pic - Beautiful Mind - You wont see me complaining here, it wasn't my fav of the year, but it was certainly deserving. Best director - Ron howard: beautiful mind - Eh, they damned near always give it to the best pic, I swear, iif Lynch won it I would have danced naked in the streets.... Best Actor - Denzel Washington: trainging day - damn, now I really want to see this movie, I'm a little glad crowe didnt get it just because the gladiator one was BS. I dont doubt that washington's performance was that good. Best Actress - Hally Berry: Monster's Ball - Very happy to see this, it was hands down the best performance this year, glad she won it Best foreign language film - No Man's Land - This was the dark horse behind amelie... haven't seen it because this godforsaken city wouldn't fookin show it, supposed to be great tho Best screenplay - Gosford park - They had to throw this one a bone... I said I thought the screenplay wasnt much special before, but it does juggle like a dozen characters without being confusing, so I'd say it was deserving. Best adapted screenplay - Beautiful mind - damn, thought this was a great to throw in the bedroom or LotR a bone here, they really liked ABM.... Conelly won supporting actress, the only true no brainer of the year, LotR got best cinematography, effects, makeup, Mckellan didnt get best supporting actor. Robert Redford and sydney poitier got honorary award, cant complain about that. ABM won more than I thought it would. Feel free to post your praise, flames, or your "I havent seen 90% of these movies so I can't comment" comments. All in all I think it wasn't too unpredictable, but certainly shows that the oscars haven't gone the way of the grammy in just sucking complete ass, having an oscar still means something.
  14. You know where I stand, it's trades all the way. Unless it's some monumental thing that I don't want spoiled for myself (origin... that goddamned pic is everywhere!!! It's like on every page of every issue of wizard! ) I'll wait for the trade. Then again, it's easy for me to say, I haven't read a comic in a long while, and I just went to megacon, picked up a billion half priced trades and got into reading em again... after I finish playing catch up I'll see if I stick with the trades. One thing about the issues I think is overlooked a bit is the pacing... comics are paced so that each issue has it's own beginning, middle and end. While reading trades I saw that some issues meant to be cliffhangers weren't. Granted, that's really being anal, but it's a bit of a fun thing about issues. For now, I think I'll stick to trades.
  15. Umm, you damned well better get a chance to see the final thing or I'm failing the class.... This thing's gotta be done by the end of the semester, and since we're shooting on a digital camera it'll be real easy to distribute, I could burn it on cds for people as an mpeg pretty easily. This week and prolly the next we're shooting the rest (MUCH EASIER, just two guys saying lines at a construction site) and the rest of the semester is editing.
  16. Just saw the trailer for Lilo & Stitch cause I saw the ET rerelease w/ my sister (which was very cool, btw). I normally don't go for many of the disney flicks, 'specially the recent ones, but damned if this one doesn't look funny. That little creature is cool as hell. Him reguritating a slice of cake in the trailer pretty much sold me on it. It's coming out June 18 tho, so don't hold your breath.
  17. Filming was a success!!!! Fookin rain, laziness, dumb people, and lateness fought against us but we got it done and did a decent job on it. Thanks a MILLION to Nick, Aadil, Mariam, and Jessica for helping out. Even though my 50 dollars of damned fine hard liquor got (taken/stolen/lost???), at the end of the day, a good time was had by all. I'll try and bring some of the people that were there to the next dork party if I can. Thanks again all who came.
  18. I'd have to go with Jet Li too. While they're both gods, and they can both fight like hell, lots of Chan's movies involve him getting the shit beat out of him in style as he runs away from a bunch of guys. (See: Rumble in the bronx) Sure, in drunken master he beats the hell out of everyone, but I'd give it to Jet Li, being a straight fighter that takes out dojos full of people and fights masters blindfolded...
  19. Le's see here, for the past couple o' years mine would look like this, in order of preferance. These are all pure gold IMO. 1. Tool - Lateralus 2. NIN - And all the could have been (especially the cd that wasn't live stuff "still") 3. System of a Down - Toxicity 4. Cake - Comfort Eagle 5. Weezer - Green Album 6. Ozma - Rock and Roll part 3 7. Gorillaz - Gorillaz 8. Mudvayne - LD50 9. Stone Temple Pilots - Shangri-La dee da 10. Cranberries - Wake up and smell the coffee. umm, 5 more that I excluded either cause I'm dumb or I thought came out in 99, not 2000 11. Smashing Pumpkins - Machina: The Machines of God 12. Pearl Jam - Binaural 13. Radiohead - Amnesiac 14. Dashboard Confessional - The places you have come to fear the most 15. Finger Eleven - The greyest of blue skies
  20. coool, System of a down ROCKS live. Saw em down here right before they released toxicity, they're insane. Have fun. "I buy my crack I smack my bitch right here in hollywood (drugmoneyisusedtorigelectionsandtrainbrutalcorperate-sponsereddictatorsaroundtheworld!!!!!!) They're trying to build a prison!"
  21. Aye, yes, come one, come all, 8 o'clock, the place is close as all hell across the street from FIU. Free liquor! We're gonna try and get quite a bit. Have a good time for just standing around with a cup in your hand and letting us tell you what to do for a bit. I warn, while we shoot the beer is mott's apple/grape juice (PERFECT color... compared at supermarket) and the vodka is water, but once the cameras are off it's all fair game. :werd: Number of people is lookin' good so far, so it's all coming together. Be there.... or be eaten by a rabid manatee. :wary: :arrow:
  22. Yeah, thats a good idea, I have some stuff in my shared folder, but 90% of my mp3s aren't in there. Only little known stuff and stuff I want people to hear (like Twice The Sun) are in there. Oh, by the way, I got Idlewild's cd and I'm lovin' it, thanks for the suggestion.
  23. Yeah, Sleepers was great, saw it a LONG time ago tho. Haven't seen it since it was out in theaters, so I don't remember much other than it had every actor I've ever heard off (Pitt, Deniro, bacon, Hoffman, oh my) Haven't seen the new count movie, due to BAD advertising (same thing that killed sega I tell ya) so I can't say which is better, but even though the new monte cristo is supposed to be good, I don't think it could compare to Sleepers.
  24. Hmm, yeah, the current description ain't half bad, didn't really notice the thing. Yeah, you seem to be on the right track with comic books being "feared and hated," heh. Yeah, most people will recognize Xavier's Institute and know it's from X-men and the mere mention of Comic Books and "art form" in the same sentance should get people to check it out.
  25. dont give us any ideas, we're unoriginal shameless bastards and you may end up writing half our movie... hell, the nervous twitch seems like something to do in the background, to give you an idea of how the scene will go... random stuff that will be in it. (most of it, indeed, autobiographical....) - Random potatoes lying about - Guy eating cheese off wall with chip - Table full of guys trying to get a cat to smoke - fat guy playing strip poker think ya get the idea, oh, and would you be up for starting a bit early friday by going to OJ's liquor real quick with us so we can get the "props"? prolly only take a few minutes, it'd help quite a bit
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