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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by JunkerSeed

  1. If you want recommendations for a few of these I say you should see, I'd say my favs were Amelie, Royal Tenebaums, Mulholland Drive, Memento, and I guess In the Bedroom and Monster's Ball if you like good acting and character driven stuff. Next one on my list is Ghost World, I've heard good stuff, and Heartless was talkin' it up, plus, it's already on DVD.
  2. ... I was kidding about Hard Target.... it was his first American one, and it sucked eggs due to mad censorship... and it had fucking Jean Claude Van Damme in it. 'Nuff said.
  3. A couple o' mistakes, John woo didn't do a Better Tommorrow III, Tsui Hark did, damn fine movie though. And he also didn't do replacement killers, tho he did executive produce, so he probably helped a lot. My vote goes to Hard Boiled, of course. Close seconds go to Bullet in the Head, The Killer, and Better tommorrows. Hard Boiled is just one of the best action movies ever made. And I demand to know why Hard Target isn't on the list!!!
  4. Ya could be right about Kidman, I just figured they'd give it to Berry since she's done nothing but bitch about getting no good roles for her whole career, and she finally got one, and she did pretty badass, everybody made a big deal about her being nominated. Sissy Spacek is lookin' good for this one too since she rocked and In the Bedroom has to win something so they'll find a way to throw it a bone... and I'd have no problems with any of the screenplay nominees winning, 'cept maybe gosford park, movie was great, but screenplay wasnt special.... memento should certainly win something. Oh, and the other shit LotR won was technical stuff. "Best sound" "best sound editing"..... the differance is...? Ian Mkcellan is up for best supporting actor, a buncha little stuff. I dunno, most catagories could be won by anyone this year, that's nice.
  5. Yeah, I've been using this one for a while, ogtta update it though. Been trying to beat it with only fists and feet, utterly badass. Cool thing is that the guy is leting other Moders stick his kung fu mod into their mods to replace the Pipe on the weapons list, so now kung fu is like, a standard feature in just about every max Payne mod. Can't wait till he goes all out and adds all the new stuff.
  6. Well, Oscar nominations are in, figure I'd post the ones I figure are worth mentioning and give my thoughts. Best Picture A Beautiful Mind Gosford Park In the Bedroom Lord of the Rings Moulin Rouge Best Director Robert Altman for Gosford Park Ron Howard for Beautiful mind Peter Jackson for LotR David Lynch for Mulholland Drive Ridley Scott for Black Hawk Down Best Actor Rusell Crowe for Beautiful mind Sean Penn for I am Sam Will Smith for Ali Denzel Washington for Training Day Tom Wilkinson for In the Bedroom Best Actress Halle Berry for Monster's Ball Judi Dench for Iris Nicole Kidman for Moulin Rouge Sissy Spacek for In the Bedroom Renee Zellweger for Bridget Jones's Diary Best Adapted Screenplay Beautiful mind Ghost World In the Bedroom LotR Shrek best Original Screenplay Amelie Gosford Park Memento Monstar's Ball Royal Tenebaums This is just about the same thing that happens every year, very good movies get the most nominations, but the absolute best ones are barely mentioned. I'd say that Memento, Mulholland Drive, Monster's Ball and the Royal Tenebaums got robbed. Heh, funny, the Best Original Screenplay catagory is closer to what my best pic picks would be. Billy Bob Thorton got raped with no vasoline this year. He gave two badass performances (The Man who Wasn't there, and Monster's Ball) and doesn't even get a nomination? Sacrilege! The two indie flicks they decided to give props to are Gosford Park (cause Altman, the guy who did the MASH movie, Nashville, other good stuff, is a god), and In the Bedroom, which they just couldn't ignore. Monster's Ball just came out, so I doubt enough of those acadamy screwheads have seen it yet, but Berry will pick up best Actress for sure. They have absolutely no excuse for not nominating Royal Tenebaums for more stuff. I say they probably give it the Screenplay one, out of an extreme sense of guilt, just like Almost Famous last year. Oh, and they have a new best animated film catagory this year, and they already fucked that up, nominees are Shrek, Monsters Inc. and jimmy neutron Boy genius. These people didn't see shit that wasn't advertised all over the place, I swear. A great Animated movie called "Waking Life" came out a little while back, cool, new style of animation, and an overall great movie, certainly better than Jimmy friggin Neutron. Eh well. I don't think many of you have seen a lot of these, lord knows I've had to hunt some of them down in this Godforsaken city. But now Palace is playing Amelie, and In the Bedroom, and Town and Country is playing monster's ball, and royal tenebaums I think. So now you all have a chance to check em out.Well, that's enough bitching out of me, you can all wake up now and post what you think.
  7. Yeah, I just checked out the oscar nominations. They're alright, I'll start up a new thread about that. And noone said Braveheart wasn't cooler... if we're debating about which movie is better, Braveheart would win a billion times over, easily. I dunno, I just figured Maximus would beat the guy in a straight one-on-one fight. I mean, I liked "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" more than "Commando" doesn't mean i think Jimmy Stewart could beat up Arnold Schwartzenagger.. Obviously, the tro...err, representatives say otherwise, so I stand corrected...
  8. Shit, next time I get into a fight I'll make sure not to implae the guy with a spear, or crucify him, 'cause then it won't count as a win. Oh, and Jack Skellington is cooler than you'll ever be... :p
  9. Yeah, I think I'll most likely be going to zetafest, if anything for Rob Zombie. The lineup isn't nearly as good this year though, IMO... I'm not a big kid rock fan (dodges machine gun fire from Nick) , but I figure it's worth it for Rob zombie, sevendust (even though they played the last like 5 zeta shows), candlebox, local H, and gravity kills. That's worth 25 buck for me. Check the zeta site (www.zetarocks.com) for the lineup, have you heard of any of the bands below Local H other than gravity kills? The order looks off too. It's hard enough swallowing the fact that Rob Zombie is opening for Kid rock. But Rob Zombie and Sevendust go before Puddle of mud?... What the hell!? Fuck, even candlebox and local H should go after puddle of mud, they're a helluva lot older. Next thing ya know, U2 will be opening for those damned mud guys... anyways, I'm pretty sure I'm going, I'll just rest and maybe try to get Rob Zombie's autograph during the last two bands....
  10. 9 to 7 is almost double? I guess that's why you're not a math major... ???
  11. hell no, Mighty Mouse would fly through him at insane speeds perforating him like so much swiss cheese.
  12. Just got back from the concert and Goddamn it was great. They sound even better than the cd live. Lots and lots of cool solos and improvisation, which is exactly what I love to see from a live band. They played most of the favorites, and a lot of stuff from their first cd and comfort eagle, which is what I was hoping for. They even brought out some guys that played banjos and a washboard player for a couple of songs off the first cd, that was definately one of the highlights of the night. They were much better than I expected them to be, they did more than just play their songs, they jammed a lot, stretching some of their shorter 3 minute songs to double their length or more with crazy solos. And I didn't notice that in that ampitheatre, anyone with a seat ticket can go down to the pit in front of the band, so, needless to say I was on the barricade for the whole show. The crowd was great too, they went nuts for the band and knew all the songs, even from motorcade. They seemed to enjoy the crowd's enthusiasm, I can only hope that they saw that they have fans down here too and start to tour on this coast more.
  13. Cool, anybody know if the newest Crystal Method cd was any good? Think it was called Tweekend. I really liked Vegas, so I'm wondering if that one came out alright.
  14. Notice to anyone who might want to go but didn't get a ticket. If you are regretting your decision to not go, this is your lucky night! One of the friends I'm going with can't go to the concert, so she's selling her ticket. This is pretty short notice, but if you still want to go, message me, or find me on aol IM (Danny54o) so we can work something out. Concert is tommorrow at 7:30 in pompano beach, so message me soon!
  15. True, Denny's ain't too great, but you learn to love it. All the IHOPs around here just blow, so when it's like 4 in the morning, there's nowhere else to go. And Nick, Starlight diner ain't open till really late... is it? That place is incredible, if they're open late they'd replace Dennys real friggin quick...
  16. I see you eyeing the poster for Rollerball.... stop it!!! I just came back from watching In the Bedroom bout an hour ago, and holy god damn I could barely stand up when the thing was over. Some of the best acting I've ever seen, I really don't know where to start on how good this one was. I don't really want to say what it's about, but it starts out being about a summer romance and a family in Maine. It's pretty melodromatic, but really damned good. Best part is it's playing at Palace 18! No more paying 10 bucks to go to sunset place or going to the darkest recesses of the beach just to find a good movie playing, this one and Amelie (which is just as good as this one) are now playing right in your backyard! So rip up that ticket for Kung-Pow and go to a good movie, you monkeys!
  17. First thing I'd wanna say is they both suck ass, only fast food I ever touch is Wendy's, Arby's or the chicken ones. But um, as far as the ones that taste like garbage go, I used to go with BK cause of the 99 cent menu with Jalapeno poppers and Motzarella sticks, but they decided to get rid of those, so now the only edible things at either one are the chicken nuggets, and I'd say I like teh Mcdonalds ones more, so they get my vote. And their sweet and sour sauce is the only thing in there that moves past "edible" and actually rises up to being "good" in my opinion.
  18. ::Slaps forehead:: How did I know we'd be hearing from him...
  19. I just picked sub zeros cause... come on! He rips your fucking head off and takes the spine with it! Second to that are Kanos and Johnny Cages for me.
  20. I figure we're not comparing actors, or real life counterparts, just the guys in the movies. And for the record, I thought Braveheart was a MUCH better movie than gladiator, I just thought Gladiator was really cool action movie, but Braveheart was a classic. Thought Braveheart deserved it's ocsars... gladiator didnt. But just based on the way each guy fought, I'd give it to Maximus, who is a rip-off of sparticus, sure, but I still think could take out Wallace one on one. There's not much that you can base it on, both movies show that both guys are badasses, it just seems that Max could do better in a one on one fight. And did we ever decide where they were fighting?
  21. I went for Back to the Future, since I didn't know if we're voting on how good the movies are, or how they handled the time shift, but Back to the Future rocks either way. Best way any movie ever handled time travel in my opinion is 12 monkeys. I liked the fact taht they could go back in time, but only to collect information to help em in the future, they couldn't go back and change anything. Um, another Gilliam one that should be up there, Time Bandits!!! don't know if any of you have seen it, but Mike can back me up on this one, me and Kym made him watch it in Texas. It's about a buncha dwarves that steal the map of tiome from God and go around different time frames stealing shit.
  22. Yeah, I'd have to go with Maximus too, regardless of which movie was better, Maximus would just whup him. Aussie vs. Aussie as far as the actors go, so it's a pretty good match, but Maximus would chop Wallace in half in a one on one fight. If it was like, a pep talk contest, then sure, Wallace would win.... but it ain't.
  23. I found the oddest game on the web recently... BRAD: The Game It's a text "Choose your own adventure" game where you can do just about anything, and it's pretty funny and addictive. Among the things you can do are score with your sister and have an illegitimate son with her, screw a 6 year old Greek boy, become a secret agent, and die in about a billion different ways. All I can say is you have to try it...
  24. I saw Orange County earlier today, and it was pretty damned good. Thought it looked like another random teen comedy, but I heard good things so I saw it. Funny as hell, and Jack Black (the fat guy from High Fidelity) just rocks. Oh, and maybe Heartless would like to know, there's a Cake song on the soundtrack that's used pretty well in the movie (Shadow Stabbing, from the new one). Thought I'd put that up here since I saw some talk about more movie suggestions.
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