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Sr. Hondonian
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Posts posted by sinestetici

  1. The god of Warp records is back. I posted Secret earlier, but now that I've really taken some time to listen to the entire album, I'm just floored.






    If you like lush, gorgeous, intricate electronic melodies and sounds that remind you of spring and summer, grab this. You won't be disappointed.


    /edit - Im gonna repost Secret too, because it has really nice vocals, and people who might like that more.


  2. haven't seen a good asian horror flick in a minute, is Reincarnation good?


    also, i think i asked this but, of the other 2 carpenter apocalypse movies, which is better: mouth of madness or prince of darkness? i intend to see both, just wondering what to expect - i'm not thinking either will touch Thing for me though.


    I watched that by myself one night when it came on the ScyFy channel all late at night (I believe it was part of that big Horror Fest thing...After Dark maybe? I know they elect a scream queen most years, and she is usually a Suicide Girl), anyway, long story short, I watched an hour of it at 3 am, and turned it off because it was too scary on my own. Then I dl'd it on Demonoid, and made a friend watch it with me at like noon a couple days later. I was still super scared. Shimizu is probably my favorite horror director, because he knows how to seriously terrify an audience. There wasn't a lot of gore, but for days after I was sleeping with the hall light on, and checking my closet because OMFG WHAT IF SOMETHING WAS IN THERE AND I DIDNT CHECK IT....laugh if you want. Ill probably check my closet tonight just in case, now that I think about it.


    /super scared now :(

  3. <3 <3 <3 <3 The Tuss. Rushup is my fave song (I think that's the name of the one you posted right? It's been awhile since I last listened to the whole album), but this is my second fave:




    And now I'm off to slsk to dl everything I can find by him. Don't you love it when someone reminds you of music you used to love, but had kinda forgotten about over the years? Thanks Logan <3

  4. Ha - that's super cool. I made a soyrizo tofu scramble the other night while some friends and I got drunk. I barely got any :( I love how friends expect me to make vegan food now, and they all want to try it because they know it's going to be pretty gosh darn tasty. :D

  5. Morningstar makes me sad. They used to be so good and then out of nowhere decided. "Our food doesn't have enough EGG, vegans should be eating more aborted chicken embryo" and like 90% of their stuff become non-vegan safe


    Right about that same time though, Bocca turned like 90 % of their products totally vegan. And honestly, I think they taste better anyway. I'm addicted to the soy crumbles - I use them at least once a week now.


    GD. Now I want chili. Again.

  6. Oh! Aarty - there are **tons** of decent pho bacon products out there. Although, not all of them are vegan. But Morningstar Farms makes a veggie bacon that I remember being really great (it's been years since I've had it though admittedly). You can also make your own, which is a lot less hard than it seems.


    And as far as frying the tempeh strips - you only kinda brown them a min on each side. Just so they get kinda crispy :D

  7. Aarty - there are soooooo many things you can do with the vegan veggie patties too. Have you tried using those tempah maple strips yet? If you fry them, they end up tasting like bacon (except better because there isn't any grease), throw them on top of the vegan patties, and voila - bacon burgers. I always eat mine with hummus and spinach and jals.

  8. If we're being honest, I think this is probably a better example (don't click on it, you'll be sorry you did. It's really sad...actually Imma put it behind a spoiler tag).




  9. Fucking hell. Glad she got it recovered, but why is she not using a PC to write her stuff? We're talking a few hundred bucks for a laptop and some software. And if it's the tactile sensation of writing she can still use a keyboard or learn braille. I hope she learned a lesson from those 26 inkless pages.




    Probably not using a PC because knowing she can write a book by hand is an incredibly inspirational thing to do if you're blind, and maybe she just needed to KNOW she could do it.

  10. I loved both of the '28' movies, now I'm going to have to watch them again.


    Seriously. If society were to fall apart because of a virus that acted like a quicker rabies, I'm 99 percent sure that's exactly what would happen. The part where the older girl is shoving pills down the younger girls throat before she was about to be raped, saying "Take this, it will make it hurt less" made me openly weep.



    I really like the first half or so of the Dawn of the Dead remake. It starts out excellent, it gets straight to the point. I will remember it fondly for that. About half way through I started to lose interest, and by the end I was pretty "meh".

    Man, it sure does get goin with a bang though.


    The TV news clips in the special features were pretty badass too.


    The first 15 min will go down in cinematic history as probably the most memorable zombie attack ever. His...aorta...and...jeez :(

  11. I voted Shawn of the Dead, but of the movies listed 28 Days Later is my favorite. It's not a zombie movie though. The infected people are still alive, and they don't eat anyone - they are just really violent towards living things.


    Also, I thought 28 Weeks Later was pretty great, but I know I'm a minority in that. But you all know in your heart if something of that magnitude were to happen, the US Army would be all over it, and eventually something would fall through the cracks.

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