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Everything posted by Acalis

  1. It also appears in Final Fantasy 12, since Gilgamesh is a boss you fight twice in that game.
  2. It's a shame Final Fantasy V was never released for the SNES outside of Japan. When I first played it on the emulators (before FF5-6 came out on PlayStation), the music was just damn awesome! It's right up there in my opinion just behind FF6 and Secret of Mana! Chrono Trigger had some great music too! My particular favorite from that game was the music for The Land of Zeal.
  3. Check out this funny Chrono Trigger parody: Frog Trigger
  4. This is still one of my favorite games from SNES to this day. I especially loved the New Game+ feature, which lets you start the game from the beginning, but with all your levels and items from the previous game. It's satisfying to defeat the first few bosses with just one hit! "TAKE THAT GATO, YOU FUCKIN' NAZI! YOU'RE EASIER TO BEAT THAN A GAME OF YAHTZEE!" (cheesy I know, but don't you all groan at once)
  5. LMAO!!!!! Wow that made me laugh so hard I almost shot Pepsi out of my nose!
  6. Why pre-marital sex is VERY important!
  7. Get a load of this article about a possible Fifth Indiana Jones movie: This was the part that scared me: Please say it ain't so?!!!! You do not downgrade the main character into a side character in favor of a new character! If this is gonna be the angle for the next Indy movie, it will fail MISERABLY!!!
  8. I saw it this weekend, and I thought the movie was pretty good. Defintely up-to-par with the other Indy movies, but not exactly the best of all of them. The Mac character reminded me too much of Benny from the first Mummy movie. And the , but otherwise great movie!
  9. A really cool Super Mario World musical compilation!
  10. I think it's so cool the movie is gonna open so close to my b-day. And since my b-day falls on Memorial Day this year, I may very well go and see it then.
  11. Train conductor heard having sex--she left the mic on!
  12. Allright I removed the suicide video, gonna leave this for Porn stuff, so it can go back to Pimp Hand.
  13. Would it help if I removed that suicide video to put it back on Pimp Hand?
  14. Hey, a dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste.
  15. That is cool! What game is that from? Makes me wanna put in Soul Calibur III and see if I can make Star Trek characters on there.
  16. I logged onto Hondo's several times last night, and I don't recall having any problems logging on.
  17. Not surprised. Youtube has clips from actual porn movies, like this one: Also, there's a "porno" version of Youtube called youporn.com.
  18. Thought I'd revive this thread. Still looking for a good site to download ROMs. I used to go to nerologic.com, but the site has changed, and no longer has downloadable Roms like it did back in the day.
  19. Check out this Star Trek-related article I found: CBS Considering New Animated Star Trek Series for the Web
  20. It's not Bilbo's age that concerns most people, it's Ian Holm's age, considering the man is in his mid 70s, and it may be difficult for him to play a younger version of Bilbo convincingly. However, if he thinks he can do it, then I would so approve of it!
  21. Yeah I did, and I thought that was one wacked-out movie!
  22. I don't remember Gloin being in LOTR, just a reference to him when Gandalf refers to Gimli as "Gimli, Son of Gloin", nor do I recall Lobelia either (unless they were both in the book version and and left out of the movie just like Tom Bombadil). But fair enough, if you wanna stick to the book, then they should at least get Hugo Weaving, Ian McKellan, Ian Holm (if age isn't a factor), and Andy Serkis to reprise their roles of Elrond, Gandalf, Bilbo, and Gollum respectedly. Also get John-Rhys Davies to play Gimli's father Gloin, although I doubt he'll do it, cuz if I recall, Rhys-Davies was allergic to the dwarf make-up, so I dunno if he'll wanna go through that hell all over again.
  23. I wonder if they are gonna get any of the other actors from LOTR to come back for the Hobbit? I know Gandalf is practically a shoe-in, since Ian McKellan said he would love to play him again. I'd love to see Ian Holm reprise Bilbo, but he might be a bit too old unfortunately. How about Legolas, Elrond, Gimli? Elves are immortal, so it would make sense for Legolas to be alive, and if I am not mistaken, Elrond WAS in the 70s cartoon version of Hobbit, so I'd love to see Hugo Weaving come back to reprise the role. I imagine dwarves live a long time, so Gimli COULD come back, or if not, then I know Balin (Gimli's cousin) was in the 70s Hobbit, so we could technically get John Rhys-Davies to play a dwarf again--if not Gimli, then he could play Balin (just with slightly different make up but keeping the "family resemblance"). Also the Hobbit takes place 60 years before LOTR (according to the caption in the beginning of Fellowship Of The Ring), and in the Special Edition Extended LOTR DVD, Aragorn mentions he is 87 years old, which would make him 27 at the time of Hobbit, so maybe Aragorn could be in this movie as well. I know a lot of this is definitely wishful thinking on my part, but I think if we could incorporate as much of the LOTR cast as possible, it would really help to make the Peter Jackson retelling of the Hobbit a great movie! On a side note, I do have my suspicions on Guillermo del Toro directing the Hobbit, but then again, perhaps if he and Peter Jackson collaborate together on it similar to how George Lucas and Steven Spielberg collaborated for the Indiana Jones movies, then there's hope yet.
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