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La Lindsay

Dirty South
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Posts posted by La Lindsay

  1. You know what, I've watched a lot of Juliette Lewis movies in the past few years and I never noticed before how she can really only seem to play the shy and simple teenager that seems to have downs syndrome.


    or literally has downs syndrome.




  2. make an assessment.


    i usually only watch the first couple of minutes or so. i really can't explain why i think it's funny but my friends were quoting the crap out of it when i was visiting them in new york a couple of years ago and it made me laugh really hard.

  3. wait, i think i remember seeing something about Uninvited, what was that about again? and im guessing this wasnt the chris farley black sheep.



    the uninvited is about a teenaged girl who gets released from a psychiatric hospital (she tried attempting suicide following the death of her mother) only to find that her dad has shacked up with his new girlfriend and then some freaky shit starts happening at home.


    no, not the farley black sheep. this is actually about sheep. killer sheep.

  4. i saw it - should i watch it, though? i havent seen any of the show.


    you know how i am. i wanna make sure these things stay on the air for a while before i get all invested and shit.


    watch the clip. it's not castle you need to have seen to get it. i know you're fairly familiar with the source material.

  5. What? Why, what've you heard?



    well, i read that their ratings are ass (and have been for a while) and that the show is on hiatus until december. once it returns, they're going to be burning 2 episodes at a time until january and then that's it. they're not expecting to get renewed. whedon has already said he's going to try to give closure to the series. fox is like an abusive spouse and whedon keeps coming back. he needs to dump fox for sci-fi. they know how to treat a genre.



    nick, did you see what i posted in blargh?

  6. Agreed! Which was this, this week or last weeks? Probably this week.



    i believe it was this past week. i didn't see it but i saw it on a blog and flipped out. between this, the dr. horrible clip on the emmy's, and dollhouse getting renewed for a second season (though that's not gonna last long), i've been a happy camper.

  7. it's not so much breaking my heart as it is weird. i mean, she's definitely hot but there's a blurry picture of them dancing and they look like a regular married couple. it's freaking me out.


    do you know how old she is metalhearts? she looks super young!

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