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t3h cr3at0rz
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Everything posted by MetalHeart

  1. You can turn on subtitles in the video if you go to the youtube page for it.
  2. Holy shit man! It's your one year HONDOSVERSARY!

  3. SRSLY!! In regards to , I really wasn't expecting that from him at all. As for the first part, Cj and I called it, too. That crazy whore!
  4. The Second season started back up last Monday. I'm enjoying it!
  5. see more Lolcats and funny pictures see more Lolcats and funny pictures
  6. Don't know how the weather is up there, but it's HELLA-FUCKING-HOT here. I hope you're ready for it! muahaha.

  7. Today is a holiday that reflects the beautiful people that you helped create, and watched/are watching grow up and make mistakes, fall down, get up, and finally lead lives that they no longer need your help to do. It's also a reminder to all of those who have lost fathers, or for those fathers that have lost their children. I'm not going to lie, I'm blessed to have my dad still with me. But for people I know very close to me to have lost their dad or child... it crushes me. My heart is so heavy. Either way, Happy Father's day. You are wonderful, and they are still wonderful. This is a day to rejoice and reflect on the good times. Love.
  8. Oh assface... WHAR HAVE YOU GONE. It's your third hondosversary today! uh luhv u.

  9. Damn Jax! You badass!! What a great idea! I need to be whipped into shape.... Cj too. I wonder if we can get something like this going locally here for us DFWTF peeps. In the mean time, I'll be ya'lls long distance cheerleader!! <33 PS: I'm in yo threads, stealin' yo ideaz!

  11. Do you mind if I follow you?
  12. What's your twitter handle?? (lololololol)
  13. I'm following you! My username is Frailure
  14. ORLY?! Yeah I thought there was one, but I have a grandma memory so. I thought maybe I made it allllll up in my heads. Merge'd!
  15. We're getting this as I type. When Cj showed me the trailer, Ryan totally popped into my head. Seems like something he would dig. Can't wait till he gets here!
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