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t3h cr3at0rz
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Everything posted by dante

  1. All your goddamn animated GIFs and goddamn lengthy ass sigs make viewing Hondos remotely a fuckin headache....good thing I'm not here that often
  2. I never retired. still around All the ones I play currently are on the Arygos server. my main: Serrat, lvl 68 human rogue, Arygos Server. I'll create a new toon on another server if ya'll ever want to meet up. PM me, I still get those you know ;p
  3. The inconquerable.... Vikki Blows (yeah, that's her name, and she's 19) I come back with a vengeance, don't I?
  4. I don't know. I don't think she did though. I'll ask her when we aren't at work.

  5. Chicky Baby Hot Dog and Cool Cat Cowboy Carl Jambi and Ms. Yvonne King Cartoon Talking Furniture and a Grown-Up acting like a kid and wearing some kind of lip stick This show is cracked out... Connect the dots...la la la la...connect the dots....la la la la....
  6. The Smiths - How Soon is Now breathing is the hardest thing to do. with all I've said and all that's dead for you, you lied - good bye
  7. From Dictionary.com crapulous \KRAP-yuh-lus\, adjective: 1. Suffering the effects of, or derived from, or suggestive of gross intemperance, especially in drinking; as, a crapulous stomach. 2. Marked by gross intemperance, especially in drinking; as, a crapulous old [1]reprobate.
  8. Holy shit, you actually got me on that one!? Heh, sorry I haven't been around much guys. It seems that Blargh has lost that initial rule about not commenting on someone's post and I am happy to follow this new trend. Still playing WoW, but not as freakishly obsessed with it right now...give it a week or two though.
  9. OMFG Darkwing Duck's evil nemesis was Negaduck Darkwing Negaduck Know your shit!
  10. Actually that's Negaduck..... *runs away*
  11. Answer: Because some Irish person won't learn some simple HTML...
  12. Yes, I checked...ok on with the game. Easy one. You walk up to her. Ask her to dance. She says, "Hey, baby, I just might take the chance." You say, "It's a good thing That you float in the air... in the air. That way there's no way I will crush your pretty toenails into a thousand pieces."
  13. Hah I know this one. Bitches by Mindless Self Indulgence....did I get the name of the song right?
  14. Mariah...I think she was hotter when she had dignity... ...hm? oh nothing, just throwing that out there.
  15. Some girl I dated once in middle school just added me to her friends list on myspace. I feel bad because I kind of avoided her in High School. I added her on now...bah, myspace.
  16. So did Nick discover what LL did? I took small part in it...
  17. Yeah, yeah, yeah it wasn't that easy. Mine is "Pin" by the Yeah yeah yeahs. New one:
  18. I fucking love that song! But I can't remember the title for the life of me. Um, Sunspots by Nine Inch Nails? I don't remember, it starts: Sunspots cast a glare in my eye, sometimes I forget I'm alive...right? That's it. I know it is. :P I was listening to it today...ok this is a really long answer. Here's mine:
  19. My mom hands me an envelope that came in the mail today. She said, "I was about to rip this up." She would have just ripped up some tickets to the NIN show. Luckily her instincts set in and they are safe.
  20. CoV can be standalone, you won't need Heroes to play it. However, I just got a newsletter in my inbox that says that for those who do have Heroes, you won't need to pay extra for Villains... there was much rejoicing in my mind. not out loud for I was at work. But yes, I have the newsletter to prove it, and it made my friend want to reinstall City of Heroes for that very reason. Oh, nothing will get done on my time. Incidentally Rach, I'm sorry I missed our Guild Wars appointment. Please forgive, I was careless. :( I won't make those kind of promises anymore.
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