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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Jumbie

  1. Jumbie

    Milk Myths

    I remember getting very angry watching the movie 'Deep Blue Sea' where LL Cool J plays a chef. As he's about to die, he decides to make a video as his final gift to the world. He looks to the camera and says: "How to make the perfect omelette. Some people add milk to create fluffiness and texture. This is a mistake!" And then the scene cuts away and I never found out how to make that omelette without the milk. Anyway, Myth #6: You need milk to make the perfect omelette. Let's see your friend debunk that one!
  2. For reference on the role model issue, I offer Sir Charles: Now, I actually think Barkley's world has changed. In 1993 it might have been true that he was not paid to be a role model. Today, athletes absolutely are paid to be role models, because kids' adoration is a revenue source. Sports teams stopped being about winning championships a long time ago. But that's the point: Athletes get paid to deliver something and if they don't they can be fired for not holding up their end of the bargain. Ray Rice had value to the Ravens for his 'good guy' image. He removed that value by his actions. Hence the team has no obligation to pay him. The thing that got me angry is the idea that NFL or any other sports organisation is responsible for punishing people who break non-sports laws as if they were an ancillary justice system. Worse yet that the punishment involves taking away income through suspension or firing. Seriously, those people so outraged over the NFL abuse policy that you're buying tickets so you can hold up 'Goodell must go!' signs, what is it you think he should have done and why was it his job to do it?
  3. Since this is the *NFL* and abuse thread, I guess we don't have to have a debate about how terrible battering your wife/gf is or excusing it. The focus here is on the NFL, it's policies and any way it contributes to the problem? I'd be interested in seeing what the rate is with NFL players abuse (if such a thing is trackable) and any other profession with a workforce of young males in a highly competitive setting, say stockbrokers/construction workers/video game designers. I'm tempted to say military/fishermen/oilmen but those guys live away from home for long periods and probably have other factors. NFL players take their demons home with them most nights. The point I want to get to is whether the NFL is a special case of policy gone wrong or just reaping the fallout of it's workforce demographics. Boxing and the NFL etc have a history of being targeted for 'promoting violence' in a culture war setting and I'm wary of this controversy being hotter than normal because of that. ------------------------------------------ And now my rant: If a janitor at an NFL stadium was to be arrested for beating up his wife, who would call for him to be suspended/fired? Nobody. But we get calls for players to be fired/suspended. Why? In the real world we seem to understand that a job is a job and punishments for doing wrong come out of the legal or social system. Yet with celebrities when they commit some error/crime/offense. People look to get them fired or get their show cancelled etc. I think there are two reasons: 1. Celebrities are often seen as not having real jobs. Singers, actors, comedians, athletes aren't really working in the minds of many people. Not the way a bus driver or even an NFL referee is working. So the idea of getting a celebrity 'fired', especially an athlete, is seen more as punishing a rich guy who didn't earn it rather than depriving someone of a job. It's part of a larger discomfort people have with athlete pay that has been going on since the 80s. If Ray Rice were to go get a job working as a garbage-man to pay his bills, I bet no one would be demanding he get fired from that job. Because the idea of calling for Rice to be fired from the NFL isn't to take away his job. It's to take away his privilege. 'People who do bad things shouldn't live well' is not a morally supportable sentiment, but many folks push that. 2. Celebrities get noticed for obvious reasons. All those people calling for Ray Rice to be fired, I wonder how many of them go through their police blotter, finding the battery arrests and the turn up at the neighborhood Kinko's to demand that the manager fire Joe Smith for hitting his kid? How many go the DMV office to demand that Jill Smith the desk clerk get suspended because she ripped out someone's weave in a bar brawl the night before? Again, I'm going to state that I'm not defending anyone's violence. But the punishment is to be applied through the legal and social arenas: You send people to jail. You shun them. You ridicule and condemn them. But blacklisting them from an industry? When Elia Kazan got his Lifetime Oscar, Nick Nolte and half the actors literally turned their back on him because Kazan had helped blacklist communists in Hollywood during the 50s. We understand that messing with people's jobs isn't right. A separate, but related question is, 'Should the NFL have suspended/fired Rice?' Hell Yes. But not on any moral grounds. On PR grounds. It's bad press for the organization and as a private organization it's sound business to fire someone who embarrasses them. But the idea that they have to 'punish' Rice is nonsense. We have a legal system for punishment. +++++++++++++++++++++++ I have more to say, but I'm running late for an work. Fucking Hondo's. I come in here to post a five minute comments and spend half and hour composing a lecture... I bet my productivity plunges 50% now that this site is back up.
  4. I hear Peter Parker and Mary Jane got married, but since our memories have all been wiped for the last year, that doesn't count anymore. Also, new member Mephisto keeps asking me to sign something. Is he a spammer?
  5. Good news, everyone! I figured out a workaround for the challenge link glitch, so you can all try the first challenge here: http://www.hondosbar.com/forum/index.php?/topic/13492-geoguessr-versus-challenge-1/ This way we're going to be able to compare scores of of a common set of positions.
  6. OK, I figured out how to make the Geoguessr challenge links work, so now we can have a context where we all go after the same locations and see who REALLY is better since getting lucky breaks like being in front of a giant signboard or bad luck like getting stuck inside a church won't matter. Getting the link to work will be a little tricky since the forum automatically deletes some of the posted geoguessr url for some reason. Here's the link with the bit deleted: http://geoguessr.com...TQ3NF1dfQ%3D%3D First colick the link address above and bring it up in a new window/tab. Next, insert the following 2 bits of text into the url bar after 'geoguessr.com/' ?s=e followed by yJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MTk5MzEsInZl (I had to post the two bits separately even though they are one string because they actually disappear from view in the forum post if they're put down as one string of letters.) Anyway, after you've added the two bits above after the '/', clicking on the address should bring up the challenge. Remember the rules. You can roam about and take as long as you want to explore, but no googling the names of places and brand names or symbols or phone number area codes or anything else. Just you, the streetview and the map. For the one I just posted, my score was 19 931.
  7. DoJ, God is speaking to you, son. All you have to do is listen. I got put in a Japanese museum once.
  8. 24 230 http://geoguessr.com...jpudWxsfQ%3D%3D I'm throwing in the challenge link in case it's working now. http://geoguessr.com...TM3NTQwMDU0XV19
  9. Ha, you'd think that... But it was the airport district, so even the huge signs on the buildings were in romanized letters for things like 'Korean Air' etc. Plus there was a bus in the street with the words, 'Incheon Airport Shuttle' on it.
  10. 19,592 http://bit.ly/17kKKmQ
  11. You taking this seriously, man. That vidaga one looked tough.
  12. Define 'guess'. Like you guessed Colorado knowing it might be Utah and hit 0.022?
  13. 16 582 http://geoguessr.com/?v=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 I got lucky since one site was right in front of the main library at Notre Dame university so I scored .004km and the last one I knew was Finland and a random guess got me to 80km. I'm kind of annoyed because I was careless placing my marker for Notre Dame and could have gotten less than the 4 meters and apparently the score can go up by hundreds of points just for those last few meters.
  14. Someone please try to figure out the issue with the challenge URLs because the leaderboard should be based on us all doing the same set of locations.
  15. Well, I've been roaming too, but not more than 200 meters since that's all I can get without banging my fist on the computer from frustration with the load speeds. Fuck it, lets allow roaming then. Googling phone numbers and the brand names on billboards etc should be out though. If you SEE a sign that says, "Ankara" well, that's just your good luck. I'm surprised you guys were given locations in Namibia and North Africa. So far I've actually been playing the game with a little crutch since they seem to not have anything in South America except Brazil and nothing in Africa except South Africa. I've also gotten nothing east of upstate NY state and nothing west of Colorado on the contiguous USA. No British Isles. I've gotten *tons* of Scandanavia and the Baltic states. A lot of middle Russia, a lot of Australia and a lot of Brazil. For the far east there doesn't seem to be anything in India and China. Got one Korea, a few Japans and a few Thailands. No Malaysia, no Laos, no Cambodia, no Taiwan. I got to the point where I just basically start with about 10 areas in mind from the get go.
  16. My best score today: You can play the same locations as me by clicking the link and try to beat my score. http://www.geoguessr.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%3D%3D For some reason the url links for the challenges don't seem to be working, though if you paste them in the address box they work. anyone else having problems with the links?
  17. How'd you guess that E so precisely?
  18. http://geoguessr.com/cnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ0xuZyJdLFsxLDQzLjM1NDgyMiwtMTEyLjEyNjE3MywzNy43MTg1OTAzMjU1ODgxNiwtOTcuNzM0Mzc1XSxbMiwyNy4wNjQ4MDIsLTEwNC44MTI0NzQwMDAwMDAwMSwzMS4xMjgxOTkyOTkxMTE5NiwtMTA2LjM0NzY1NjI1XSxbMywtMTUuODUwMTE0LC00OC45NTc3OTgwMDAwMDAwMjUsLTguOTI4NDg3MDYyNjY1NTA0LC00MS40ODQzNzVdLFs0LDE0LjgzNDI2OCwtODkuMTU0MjIwMDAwMDAwMDEsMTguNjQ2MjQ1MTQyNjcwNjA4LC05Ni4zMjgxMjVdLFs1LC0xNS45NjcwOTMsLTQyLjIzMjI5NzAwMDAwMDAyLC0xMy45MjM0MDM4OTc3MjMzMzQsLTQ1LjcwMzEyNV1dfQ%3D%3D Another good score I got: Feel free to challenge it by clicking on the link.
  19. My highest score http://geoguessr.com...DA0Mjk2ODc1XV19
  20. Go to geoguessr.com and play. Post your score here so we can see who's the best. I have a modest proposal: Technically there are no rules to the game's use of streetview so you can roam around for miles to read signs and suss out landmarks etc, but I think the game is more fun when we play static: i.e. you can look around but not leave the spot they set you on. (Also my slow internet isn't kind to moving around so I'm kinda stuck with static anyway.) EDIT: Seems like the consensus is that we should roam about. I also want to suggest we DON'T use google etc to look up street names or meanings of words or area codes etc that we notice in the photos. It should be done as if you were dropped in that place with naked and had to get yourself together. EDIT: Leaderboard: Jumbie 24 230 Reverend Jax 23 750 Mr. Hakujin 20 739 DOJ 15 669 ASC 14 329 FDB 12 260 Axel Napalm 11 579 C U Space Cowboy 11 444 Benz 11 268
  21. Jumbie


    So, since it seems us non-Americans will be something of Xbox 360 refugees for a while, any chance this connect every day shit can be retconned into the 360 service agreement? People who NEVER go online are fine, but often when I do go online I get a firmware upgrade and I could easily see them sneaking in a game-linked-to-account feature or connect daily feature once it's technically possible
  22. Yeah, but where would the winter soldier come in?
  23. Did anyone NOT know that Not a spoiler at all for me.
  24. Best comparison for Sami's appearance I came across was a website named happyplace or somthing similar. They said he reminds them of this: As for Amy. I couldn't help but think of this: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x80zpp_vickie-guerrero-excuse-me_sport#.UZWb9bXvt2A
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