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Sr. Hondonian
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Posts posted by bishopcruz

  1. I was told that this game will no longer be made. So if you want a copy nows the time to do so.


    As a side note the art book that came free with the game is worth $50-70 bucks. Good thing I have said artbook unlike some people I know.


    where did you hear this?

  2. Nick you were talking about working with Los to make an arcade stick. I've been looking into making a stick, but am seriously intimidated by the process of actually building the case. The wiring doesn't look all that bad. I suck at carpentry however, and it could be kinda fun to do these in a group, or some shit like that. Hey we can make a custom Hondo's stick.

  3. My biggest problem with the show is that the characters are getting dumber. Claire and Peter in particular are just flaming idiots half of the time. The only once who have been consistently intelligent have been Noah and Sylar. Which is way too little of a giant cast. I don't buy Nathan's motives, Hiro has in no way advanced as a character since season 1, and Suresh, Parkman, and Nikki 3.0 are just boring as sin. I hope it picks up soon, the end of volume 3 was pretty good, but the series has gone nowhere since season 1.

  4. you guys are mean. it aint pretty, and the level design...well, its there. but the controls arent that bad...i dunno, i know im arguing taste here but id play decap attack all day over flicky, ristar, gain ground, thunder blade and a few others here.


    whats sad is there's so much on this disc (all 4 Phantasy Stars, Shining in the Darkness, Shining Force, Fatal Labyrinth etc) that ive conquered and cants see myself ever beating again.


    wait, you mightve unlocked a lotta things, sir, but youve by no means gotten alla trophies! check your trophy list. yovue got most of the harder ones. if i can tie up the Vectorman games tonight, i think ill have the platinum.


    Only trophy I'm missing is MBM unless there are hidden ones that it isn't showing. As for Decap attack I think that's the rosy sheen on nostalgia talking. Ristar is a much better platformer, the little of it I have played. Others just stood up better, even ones I hadn't played before like ESWAT, Ristar, Headdy, and even Kid Chameleon.


    The worst games in the collection are: Decap Attack, Golden Axe 2 and 3, and Gain Ground. Flicky at least has old arcade style charm (though I can't believe it's a Genesis game). I'm still amazed by the Golden Axes though each had at least a 2 year developmnt cycle yet they play and look far worse than the original. Seriously, what the hell?


    Edit: And I got my first Plat!!!

  5. Decap Attack is awful, pure and simple, the controls suck, the animation is horrible and the level design is even worse. Seriously bottom of the barrel, even for that time.


    Got all the trophies except the MBM one, tomorrow Robotnik falls.

  6. It has to load before you hit the button, if there's a picture up on the top it comes through before you have time to minimize.


    And that is the crux of the problem, there are places assigned for blatantly NSFW material, and those threads are pretty much never touched. The shout box, being where it is does pose a bit of a concern. It would kinda be like running down the street holding a TV that is playing hard core porn.


    If there were a way to enable and disable images on shout box individually, this wouldn't be a problem.


    At the end of the day though, what Nick says goes, he could change to logo to a bear fellating a goat, and that would be his business, though I imagine there might be sharp drop off in visitations. Followed by a sharp increase.

  7. From CBR


    NYCC: Breathed talks about the new "Bloom County" collections


    This October, IDW is publishing the first of five volumes collecting the entire run of Berkeley Breathed’s Pulitzer Prize-winning comic strip “Bloom County.” Edited by Scott Dunbier and designed by Eisner Award-winner Dean Mullaney, these five hardcover collections will be part of IDW’s Library of American Comics Imprint. The daily “Bloom County” strip started up in December of 1980, not long after Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United States, and Breathed developed a loyal following using the quirky denizens of the fictional Bloom County to comment on the politics of the time. CBR News caught up with Breathed to get the details on this definitive collection of “Bloom County.”


    Despite the success of earlier collected editions of “Bloom County,” Breathed had resisted the idea of printing new editions for years. “The fact that so much of the content is so badly dated just kept me from getting excited about it,” Breathed explained. “I knew there was no mass market remaining to make a normal collection at this point.” But IDW managed to convince the writer that the strip’s legion of fans deserved to have a complete and definitive collection of the work as a whole. Breathed’s fans had been encouraging him to release just such a collection for years, but it was IDW that finally wore Breathed's resistance down. “IDW will do it right, which is what it will need.” In part to combat Breathed’s fears that the strip’s topicality has dated its content, “context pages” will be interspersed throughout the collection to bring new readers up to speed on the political humor that may not have withstood the test of time.


    Fans can also most likely expect to see a new forward by the strip’s creator. “I'm sure I'll have something to say,” Breathed said. “I always seem to, alas. I don't think the collection will come with a flexible record of an obscene rock song, like one of the Bloom County collections came with. Scratch n' Smell-O-Tunes may be tried again. Really, why not.”


    Breathed told CBR News that he appreciates “Bloom County” more now than he ever did when he was in the thick of creating it. “Age is a factor, I suppose,” Breathed said. “I should have gone to college at my present age to really appreciate what stuffing your head is all about. And I should have done ‘Bloom County’ with the sense of the world that I have now, to better appreciate both the art, the politics and the fun of having a successful enterprise against all odds.”


    Back when he was writing “Bloom County,” Breathed asserted that the comics page was perhaps the single best venue in a newspaper to put forth political commentary, because most readers avoid opinion columns like the plague. Today, Breathed fears that the medium itself may be obsolete. “Nobody under the age of 60 reads any part of the newspaper anymore,” Breathed said. “Editorial pages are rather musty, empty crypts now. The New York Times op ed page is still fun. And they never had comics. I sense a connection.”


    Breathed went on to write two “Bloom County” spinoff strips, “Outland” and “Opus.” The latter, Breathed’s latest, and perhaps final, foray into comic strips wrapped up last year. “Opus” lasted a full five years longer than Breathed had originally planned, due in large part to the political landscape during George W. Bush’s presidency. “I would have deeply missed Mon Amour Bush, it'd be like missing the World Series and you've got box seats,” Breathed said. “Politics is entering a very, very boring stage right now for satirists, I think. On the other hand, the world will soon become quite nuts. A deeply mixed blessing, these times.”


    In recent years, Breathed has shifted his focus to writing screenplays and children’s books, because to his mind, the comic strip audience has all but dried up. “[Comics] were the canary in the newspaper coal mine,” the writer lamented. “When young eyeballs left the daily comic page, it was doom.” As far as Breathed is concerned, the last comic strip to become a household name in America was Bill Watterson’s “Calvin and Hobbes,” and he firmly believes that the form’s dwindling audience means that the days of a weekly strip as a cultural zeitgeist have come and gone.

Breathed may have hung up his comics spurs, but the writer is just as prolific as ever. “I’m finishing my first chapter book for young readers, due out next Fall, ‘Flawed Dogs: The Shocking Raid on Westminster,’” Breathed said. “We're setting up several film projects on past and future books, and in a couple of months, Bob Zemeckis is scheduled to begin production on the film based on my recent ‘Mars Needs Moms.’ Retired, I am not, dammit.”


    Nice. I personally can't wait. The whole idea of context pages could be cool, though I think the series has worked well, even without them. God knows a lot of the politics just seems to transfer perfectly.

  8. damn, rental's due back and id not had time to get past the bit in the 3rd level where the game arbitrarily decided i should start hitting things. pissed me right off for 10 minutes or so, trying to find a way around it, but looks like i gotta go back and remember how to disarm people. i kinda get why the reviewers were bitching about the game punishing you for partaking in combat, and then later changing its mind.


    Not to mention MOST times you can actually get around the guys pretty quickly with a minimum of fuss. If it's the area I'm thinking of you can make a bee line to the door you need to go through and not worry about fighting the dudes. I can really only think of one or two places where you HAVE to fight.


    Now I will agree that the enemy AI is way too fucking accurate at hitting a fast target, at range with a machine gun at times, especially on hard it can be frustrating to be trying to escape, and getting hit by a burst of fire from across a room and dying.

  9. I'm rather stuck on a part. Where you're in the mall and you've 4 guys coming at you from down below. How?


    You have 2 options that I know of, the speed one where you run along the wall by the glass, swing to the catwalks ad run like a motherfucker. The timing is pretty fucking tough, but it CAN be done, it just took me 3-4 tries. The easier way is to go back down and take out the cops before you do your leaps, though that means you have a bit of combat ahead of you.

  10. I found that speed running through a level helped me respect the main mode more. The impetus in them is speed, finding the fastest way through, and occasionally you'll hit something and say things to yourself like "fuck, how could I have missed that way the first six times through the level?" Hell, I just did a speed run of chapter three, and I learned for the first time that I could hold onto a handgun and still do the parkour! Went through the entire game ((three times, mind you)) thinking I couldn't, and then finding that I CAN opens up a whole lot of new windows for me.


    Well... planes of glass. Not technically windows if they're separating the indoors from more indoors.


    Mind blown.

  11. I dunno, outside of a couple of places where it took me a little bit of time to figure out where to go, I never saw that as much of a problem. the first time through, a lot of the fun in figureing out how to get from point a to point b, then the real cool shit is replaying the levels when you know what you are doing. Having a level that took you a half hour or more get turned into a level that takes 5-9 minutes is a great feeling, especially because you are just constantly doing all the cool shit you know you can do.


    Mainly, if you liked the demo, you'll like the game. If you found yourself replaying the demo over and over to get the best time you could, you'll LOVE the game.

  12. Don't fight, run.


    Alot, and die, alot.


    I will say that ME is rather old school in the you are dying a metric fuckton way. Most of the combat sections in the game are kinda puzzles that you have to figure out, and 90% of the time your best bet is running the fuck away, Faith may be able to pull off Ninja jumps and shit, but she is still weak to the all powerful shotgun to the face.


    Still, once combat clicked for me, it wasn't too bad, it's all about singling an eenmy out and using momentum against them.

  13. About 6-8 hours, I think. There is a lot of ground that you cover, it's just that you're moving so fast, the huge levels can be done kinda quick.


    Currently I'm having a blast doing the speed runs, ranked 93 on Chapter 1. Kinda funny, that a level that took me the better portion of an hour to beat I can clear in under 6 minutes when I know what I'm doing.

  14. Anyone else grab this one? it's short, well mainly because of how fast you go through the levels, most of the real badass stuff seems to be in trying to get a speed run going on. When you are on a roll though the game is awesome! Few slight problems, one the combat is kinda crap, ESPECIALLY the gunplay. Of course I played through the game without shooting anyone, but when I tried guns on my second playhtough, they really did blow. I think the controls are impressive as fuck, but I think the game needs just a touch more assist on the grabs. There are times that it looks like I should have caught a pipe or ledge and it missed. Still I am amazed that the platforming works as well as it did in first person.

  15. Almost done with Fallout 3, first play through anyway. I just love how alive the world feels. I'm hoping to finally

    take out the base of the Talon company mercs.

    when I get the chance just for fun, and sweet sweet revenge. Also, god bless Tesla armor.

  16. Heh. The worst thing Bethsedia did was release those gameplay vids showing what happens when you blow up Megaton. Noone I know has done it. And VATS is indeed crazy-awesome. Dr Adam was saying he doesn't use it at all, and sometimes it is kinda necessary to just go FPS, but I love the fact that VATS is such an interesting take on the classic AP system, while still retaining all the intensity of a good moody FPS.


    Just picked up The Fallout 3 collector's guide, it's fucking monstrous but I've no intention of looking into it until my second playthrough.


    I'm thinking about getting the guide for a later playthrough, I'm almost done with the main quest and there is a ton of stuff that I don't even know I have missed. The FPSing kinda blows IMO, but VATS is the shit, especially with a high Agility, right now I can sneak up on a group of four raiders, then blow all of their heads off before they could even see me coming.


    Also I love Dogmeat.


    Has anyone found all of the locations on the map yet? i swear, I've been in only 4 cities (or what's left of them) and I'm still tyring to do everything I can mission-wise. I'm only a level 4, my husband is like 15 or some crap.


    I'm just in awe....


    I've found like 70+ locations and I still have a ton of the map unexplored, there are tons of little towns and stuff that you could simply never find on a play through. It really helps make if feel like a living breathing world.

  17. Fallout 3 is just nonstop awesome. The am still amazed at just how immersibe the world is, and how much better an more real it feels than Oblivion did, the cities are great, and the quests are just amazing thus far.

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