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Everything posted by crimsonfire

  1. Jean Claude Van Damme is such a fag. The fuck he get to?
  2. Nick ive noticed certain things dont work right in IE. I cant Fast Reply or use the formatting buttons in Add Reply (quote, bold, link etc) Maybe its just the IE on the shit-ass college PCs. Sorry I hate to bitch.
  3. Sorry to get rudely back on topic but i voted gone in sixty seconds. His performance in that is just so cool. He really embraces the whole car booster persona especially the whole thing with "eleanor".
  4. Clerks 2 Went to see it with DoJ yesterday. Yeeeesss fuckin yeeeessssssssssss!! It was awesome! I'm reviewing it for my college radio show and I only have like 30 seconds to do so. Not enough time!!!
  5. This sounds pretty good. Any idea when\if itd be comin to irish shores?
  6. Four hour break in college right now cos some tutor fell down the stairs. I have no work to do so im just gonna procrastinate here in the IT room for an hour or two.
  7. Alice in Chains - Dam That River I broke you in the canyon I drowned you in the lake You a snake that I would trample Only thing I'd not embrace Oh, you couldn't dam that river And maybe I don't give a damn anyway So you couldn't dam that river And it washed me so far away I pushed and then you stumbled I kicked you in the face You stare at me so hollow Got to keep that killin' pace Oh, you couldn't dam that river And maybe I don't give a damn anyway So you couldn't dam that river And it washed me so far away I burned the place around you I hit you with a rake You piss upon my candle So proving you're a fake Oh, you couldn't dam that river And maybe I don't give a damn anyway So you couldn't dam that river And it washed me so far away
  8. Its starship troopers 2 all over again. "Theyre back and they look just like us!!!! Ooooooohh" Translation: We don't wanna spend money on bad ass CGI bugs..... ......sorry thats kind of off topic but i feel better now.
  9. Yeah!!! Straight to DVD Chow Yun Fat movies rock hard tasty ass!!!! YEEAAAAH YEEEEAAAH BRING ON DA PAAAAAAIIIINNNN!!!!!!
  10. Got bored and insomniacal last night and watched Old School on DVD for like the 50th time. Gotta love the Frat Pack.
  11. If this goes all "Hollywood" (read: the murderer of decent indy flicks through shitty fucking sequels) I will personally kill whoever is responsible for it. 28 days later was a masterpiece and ideally i don't really want a sequel at all but i guess when these studios are in sequel mode there's no stopping them. Pardon my cynicism but im really not looking forward to this.
  12. You won't regret it....or will you.....? No...no you won't.
  13. I dunno. Danny Dyers humour is the same typecast stuff he does in his other movies (drunken, drug-addled london geezer) but he does it well. The humour is slightly similar to shaun of the dead actually. You might think different but thats what pops into my head.
  14. Severance. Its about a bunch of English people going on a business teamwork weekend to Hungary and then people start getting horribly butchered. This film makes Hostel look tame in terms of sheer gore plus its hlarious. The best thing about it is the humour is real subtle and situations which wouldnt normally be funny (just disgusting) are hilarious but then again im a sick bastard who cheers and laughs obnoxiously when people get offed in these type of films. Plus the god of all blokes Danny Dyer is in it! The fact that he's in it is reason enough to go! Imdb page
  15. Goin back to the Star Trek thing I'm pissed off that they keep trying to prequel it to death. Enterprise was a good series but they need to move forward not back I think.
  16. Get your swords out lads, we're goin' on the piss!!!
  17. Oh damn! I was intending to put one in that post but its too late now, you've said it already.
  18. Ive seen them in the zoo but i dont need to see a real live one just to freak out. Even pictures of them or (god forbid) "Snakes on the TV" freak me out.
  19. The trailer just aired over here and by jesus i nearly fell off the fuckin couch. I AM TERRIFIED OF SNAKES!!! Thats why im definitely gonna go see this. i'm not easily scared by films and have yet to find one which actually makes me scream like a little girl but this one guarantees that i will shit myself in the aisle.
  20. Yeah it wasn't great and it was number 10 so big things were expected from it. The posters were really good. Although i find they seem to like putting Picard and Data in them. Give Deanna Troi and her bountiful bosom a look in next time
  21. A truly iconic image in my opinion. There are some more run-of-the-mill posters which follow the same format as most historical/classical epics around today. There's something in Sir Anthonys expression which tells you how truly tragic and darkly funny the film will be before you've ever seen it. A simple eye-catching design. One that really tells you: "People get bate up in this movie dey doo ya fackin geeza!" Pardon the awful phonetic spelling but im sure you get my drift. Just a great poster. Simple as. As an avid Trekkie I just couldn't not put up a Star Trek one. There's an alternate poster for first contact with Picard and Data on it but its not as interesting as this one. This one is just amazing looking in my opinion and is one of the best star trek movie posters ever.
  22. Holy shit! Its Steven Seagal! And he looks fuckin pissed!!!!
  23. My left shoulder is killing me. I think I nearly dislocated it in work. Well...maybe not but it still hurts like holy hell!
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