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Everything posted by crimsonfire

  1. Dear lord she is gorgeous. I get all primal thinking about her.
  2. This women has done what very few women have done. Gotten hotter with age!
  3. Ooh id forgotten about T'pol. Damn. She was smokin. Angelina Jolie Mk2
  4. Holy fucking crap! It kicked all the ass there is in the world. Better than die hard 4 easily. Michael Bay has truly redeemed himself. Pearl what you say? The Island? Never heard of it...
  5. I dont like getting busy to music 1) its a little distracting and 2) i cant listen to that music comfortably again afterwards.
  6. Ah Deannas uniform: the last bastion of male chauvinism or female empowerment in science fiction. Which ever way you look at it.
  7. Originally despised trek as a kid until a friend of the family showed me The Undiscovered Country. From then i was hooked. Best trek film second only to first contact.
  8. I much prefer the new ones they had in DS9. There was something so spiffy about them. Never thought purple and black would make a good uniform.
  9. I read on wikipedia that matt damon was loosely connected to the role of Kirk. Leonard nimoy was offered a cameo but shatner was "upset" he hadnt been offered a cameo.
  10. Seen as trek fandom is reaching the point of epidemic around here lately though this would be appropriate. Mods feel free to shunt this to a more suitable forum if you want. You should know im having a geek attack right now cos nobody i know discusses ST with me cos they all hate it/know nothing of it. Star wars fans feel free to hurl abuse this way. It'll just cement your reputation as the Jocks of the sci-fi world. Some topics to get the ball rolling: Janeways cameo in the last movie. The new movie (whenever they get off their asses and make it) some of the cooler stories on fanfiction.net
  11. Then radio is the exact same over there. I too am forced to listen to the same songs every hour in work.
  12. Rhianna - Umbrella Videos on MTV and rhianna is really hot...dont judge me (plus its kinda catchy)
  13. Oh no all my mates think im mentally deficient for not liking Borat as much as them. So people loved it here too. Dont get me wrong it was by no means a terrible movie, it was very good but just not as good as everyone led me to believe. The naked wrestling part had me in convulsions. Now thats commitment to a role.
  14. Oh dont get me started on X3. After X2 kicked so much ass i really expected better. Dark phoenix was incredibly underused and by the end I found myself wondering what exactly had all the pretty special effects really illustrated? Not a whole lot...
  15. I've heard so much about Borat and how it was one of the funniest movies ever but I finally got around to watching it and to be perfectly honest I'd only give it 6/10. There was a few laugh out loud moments but overall I thought it was just recycling the same joke over and over. But if I ever said this in front of my friends I'd probably have something thrown at me.
  16. Oh dont worry i agree that its a thing of beauty
  17. So old ford mondeo? or new? Personally i liked the old one. My dad had one and he sold it....the fucker. The new ones growing on me though.
  18. Hahaha Thats so cool! Boogie: A picture for every occasion.
  19. You see Big Brother? One of the English housemates had never heard of Shakespeare. Now thats a retard. So no they arent just Americans.
  20. Good choice. Even I agree but I'm probably biased cos I love Nine Inch Nails and Trent Reznor is a fucking genius.
  21. It came out in Australia before europe? Its not usually that way. I still have to wait 3 fucking weeks to see it and The Simpsons.
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