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Drunken Deputies
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Everything posted by Stilly

  1. Probably Illinois. It's the only one that I've tried that I can do in one sitting (though I've not gone through even half of everything yet), and I hate myself for it because that album is SO. DAMN. GOOD. Silver and Gold is a collection of his weird Christmas songs, which are just perfect. So, as you guys know, today was muh birfday, so Jenn and I went to Forever Young to look around. Grabbed a couple, and then grabbed one more with a Half Price Books gift card I got from my folks. It feels good having a hobby they support. I would always ask for cash, or Steam gift cards, but I would always use the cash on vape/smokes/booze or whatever, and they never seemed to care too much for that. This year, it just felt good, if that makes any sense. They knew I wasn't going to waste it on just crap. I dunno. Take that however you will. Anyway, I picked up: Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Yanqui U.X.O. Haven't listened to it in full, yet, but what I have is absolutely amazing. I went in to this album completely blind, as I never got around to it, but now I have no excuse. Just fantastic stuff. Miles Davis - Kind of Blue I just needed it. One of the greatest albums of all time, ever. I picked up the double LP edition that has the original Mono version as well. Not much to say, every collection needs this album. John Carpenter - Anthology (Movie Themes 1974-1998) BLOWN. A. WAY. Not at all what I expected, but everything I ever wanted. Sounds great, looks great. Comes with a little 7" of a couple extra songs, it's so cool, I love it. Also, the John Carpenter one looks like this, and is one of 2000 pressed this way:
  2. The broken and fragile repressings are actually available on nin.com, and not for bad prices, either! It's everything after The Fragile we're still waiting on. Go get you some NIN!
  3. Nice! (Lol, didn't even mean to copy your post) Here's mine: Aphex Twin - Drukqs Presidents of the United States of America - self titled Anything by Cake (seriously, even Motorcade) Sufjan Stevens - Silver and Gold I would kill any of you people for these. I metaphorically, of course.
  4. YES! WE NEEDS TO! The vast majority of my collection is from Half Price Books or Goodwill, though I've made out like a bandit at Forever Young a couple times. Need to head there with you and just fucking geek out at some point. I'm planning on a brand new setup 'round tax time, because I'm an adult god damn it, and because I'll have some cash to throw at it. New shelving, new turntable, prolly a starter amp, and whatnot. I don't know yet. NEW PICK UP! One of my friends at work gave this to me for mah birfday. Said he found it at HPB, which is good because they range between $45-200 online, depending on condition. It sounds like ass (terrible pressing), but the Coke Bottle coloration is absolutely worth holding on to. Definitely one of the more interesting looking records in my collection, and my first clear one, so still really really happy with it. Plus, it was a gift, and a complete surprise from the guy I talk vinyl with all the time at work, so yay! I will probably pick up a better pressing at some point and frame this one because it just looks so damn cool. Also, just finished my first vinyl listen-through of Grandaddy - The Sophtware Slump and now I'm tired and existentially depressed. Love that album.
  5. Pickups from today!!! I saved a good chunk of holiday overtime for a trip to Forever Young today (today being the last day off before school kicks in, and the day off right around my birthday), and I found these beauties. In no particular order (edit: or Alphabetical order, apparently): Godspeed You! Black Emperor - F# A# ∞ Grandaddy - The Sophtware Slump Rammstein - Reise, Reise I went in for the GY!BE, because it's the only store I've seen with it. Sure I could order it online, but what's the point? The Rammstein freaking blew me away, though. I had no idea they were doing repressings and IT SOUNDS INCREDIBLE! @MetalHeart YOU NEEDS A TURNTABLE AT SOME POINT!
  6. And that's how new reactions get made, folks!
  7. My wife named Agatha Crispy, and is now parading her around the apartment screaming "I AM AWESOME!", so there you go
  8. So, a...year or so ago?...I decided to make some alternate movie posters for my HTPC setup for a couple movie series because the original series art varied wildly, or because I wasn't able to find good versions of the ones I wanted or something. Anyway, I made a couple series, and I'll post them in a moment, but I was wondering if anyone had anymore examples of stuff like this? Personally, I like overly minimalist posters (which you'll see in a second), but anything goes!
  9. Stilly


    Also also, relevant to my interests: Akira Vinyl Re-release! FURTHERMORE:
  10. Stilly


    KANEDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Also that gif at the end, holy shit!
  11. Ah, shit! I want that one. Saw a remaster today at Fry's (of all places), but I don't know if it's a shit pressing, so I passed. Sad times.
  12. Nice! I need to start branching out into other genres that I've always loved. Right now I have an odd blend of Prog Rock / Weird Electronica / Metal / Industrial / Herb Alpert. I'm taking the rest of my holiday money to Forever Young on Wednesday, so I'll hopefully have some more awesome then. Until then, it's me and Herb Alpert: Mandatory Agatha Crispy: And the only gatefold I'll ever need:
  13. Also, that chicken is named Agatha Crispy. Just so you know.
  14. I CAN'T BELIEVE I FOUND THIS AT HALF PRICE BOOKS IN PERFECT CONDITION Holy shit, I love it! Also, found a diy crate kit, and so now I have a crate for vinyl! Yay!
  15. Alright, new problem! The Insane Music Videos thread was bogging down to an extreme level (it took over a minute to load on my end, and I know it was taking @Da Cap'n 2099 a while to get it (if at all)). It turns out a post by @Iambaytor on January 13, 2016 eventually bugged out and became a series of embedded iframes that would load the Insane Music Videos thread again, which would then load that particular post (with the bugged out iframes), which would load the page AGAIN, and so on and so forth until the browser gave up. I have ended the infinite loop and will try to repair the videos. I'm sorry I had to edit someone else's post, I don't like doing that, and I will try to restore the original content (minus the infinite loop) as soon as possible. Thank you. double edit: the original embed code became so corrupted that I was unable to restore the original content. I have no idea what went wrong, but it was likely something to do with how they were embedded at the beginning (not Baytor's fault, mind you, just something odd). I'm sorry. :(
  16. I've got most of my collection on Discogs. The app works pretty well, and even has barcode scanning. It's helped keep track of which releases I'm looking for, and what I already have. It may not be great, so to speak, but it's the best one I've come across so far.
  17. Chuck Magione represent! Also, probably one of my more interesting (to me) parts of my collection, a counterfeit copy of Bread from Goodwill: Also, don't even get me started on the amount of Herb Alpert I have now....
  18. Holy crap, that's a lot of stuffs! I've been eyeing the KALLAX stuff for around tax season. They just built an Ikea near us (also near one of my favorite record shops), so I'll be getting one like that soon! May just start at the 4x for starters like you said, because we could always use the storage!
  19. Also, I need more shelving because I am so out of room.
  20. They had Origin, Absolution, Showbiz, and Black Holes and Revelations at the place I went today. Wanted all of them reaaaaaaaally badly, but ended up grabbing my first exposure to them. I'm going to have to take a series of pictures of everything I got this year...I kinda got outta hand... Those are incredible finds, by the way! A huge portion of my collection is from Goodwill / Half Price Books. One day I walked out of Goodwill with Saturday Night Fever, Lionel Richie, and Rick Astley for $.59 each. Picked the limited edition of Marilyn Manson - The Pale Emperor at HPB for <$15 last week, too. Also, that was less than the gift card I was using, so it felt like it was freeeeeeee!
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