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Drunken Deputies
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Posts posted by Stilly

  1. Usually I'm not one for the cliche "movie with a lot of explosions"...but when

    they decided to firebomb "sector one" or whatever it was called

    , I almost yelled "YEAH! BLOW THAT SHIT UP! KILL IT! SHOOT IT IN THE HEAD! HIS AXE IS ON FIRE" and other things completely unrelated to the movie...it was good times.

  2. I think you're all being hard on DoJ, he is many things, but he is not intentionally deceitful, if you look at the thread subtitle, it mentions playgrounds, that is clearly where the confusion arrised.


    If I hadn't already given my FHD away, this would totally take it. Jeez, man.

  3. there's a big ass year zero leak pack on demonoid.. its about a gig... i'll link you when i get home from work if you want


    Thanks for the link, I checked it out and it seems to be most everything from the forum I've been going to about the game...actually, I think a couple pieces of my art are included in the pack.


    Kinda cool.

  4. When I prepay for something, I feel like it's a little sweeter when I wait.


    I'm really just giving you shit, though. I hope you realize that...


    I know you are, MH. :blink:


    I don't know, I've just been going nuts over this thing...I kinda had to get it to keep up. A phone number and another site have both been found through the leak.




    ...and the site that was found went live on March 9th.



    ...this leak is a part of the game...

  5. How can they not play with them? I'm handing them to the uncaged kids?


    Just because it doesn't have the cd-case, packaging, all the cool shit....doesn't mean the kids can play with them.



    Or am I missing a fundamental part of this?



    Why are you so anti-piracy all of a sudden? Did the Bureau of Morality re-educate you, too?!

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