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alive she cried

The Doors Of Perception
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Posts posted by alive she cried

  1. As always, it's disheartening to see these imbeciles lash out. But like we saw with Black Panther, there's no risk of this tiny minority actually having a tangible negative impact, and if anything (as is often the case) protesting something just brings it extra attention, and raises it's chance of succeeding.

  2. Yeah, I'm not as prolific a reader of comics as a few of ye are, but if I see his name on a book, it goes straight on the list of things to be read.

  3. Yeah, just caught up last night. Jesus Christ, this is worse than Y.


    And yeah, I don't see how there can be much left, but this book has never failed to surprise me. One of the best I've ever read.

  4. I bought this on a whim a little while back and coincidentally started playing it in October it was so cool playing it coming up to Halloween. 


    I agree with you a hundred percent, the characters and dialogue are fantastic and I really loved finding out about the history of the town and its people. I still haven't finished it though, but I'm about 90% through, I'll probably try finish it today. Thanks for the reminder. 

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  5. I thought just hit me. If there is life on other planets in the universe (which from everything I've read seems very likely), not a single one of them would have dogs. The universe just grew a lot darker, and earth a lot brighter with that realisation. 

  6. ^ What he said.


    I'd love to hear both. Although when I started the thread it was with horror songs more so than horror themes I was thinking of. In my mind we're hypothetically making a playlist for a Halloween party. (though an ultra nerdy, open to all kinds of music kind of party) So a smattering of what Axels posted above (love it by the way), but more so leaning towards, I Put a Spell on You, Bela Lugosi's Dead and The Coffinshakers up there.

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