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Knights of the Old Republic


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a while back, newt was purging his home of MS products (thanks again man, you really gave me some greats here) and amongst his biioware collection, i got this & part 2. At the behest of bish & advice of like half the internets, i finally gave it a go.


My first go was rather short - i felt it wasnt aging well, having come off Mass Effect (my first real W-RPG experience, truth be told) the battle engine in particular felt clunky. However, ive said numerous times in the past that i'm willing to work with less than inspired engines if the story/character holds, and this one was on too many "top 5 best written RPG" lists to not give it a fair shake - i mean, fuck, I adore Xenogears but it really doesnt play well.


Also, the engine - particularly with stat-building and talk of d20 rolls and such - its not trying to be very approachable - an easy comparison for me is modern day Persona, which takes a somewhat complicated system and tries to hold your hand a bit more than say, Shin Megami Tensei, which is quite content to throw you into a demon world and not even wish you well. This isnt to say Mass Effect wasnt without complications early on, but i think the generational gap - and the stress on making such titles for console, rather than PC first as was prior - is still a bit evident. This isnt to say KOTOR's unforgivably esoteric, but between this and Planescape, ive been trying a few things that really needed a bit of spoiler-free FAQ reading to get going.


Once you're past that, the game's pretty good. The varying worlds are really cool (especially Wookie planet!), the pacing is pretty good as long as you dont bury yourself in sidequests like i did, and the morality system of jedi/sith is somewhat forgiving...there's enough options to bring yourself back up (if that's how you're playing) while still being a dick once in a while when it's clearly called for.


and that fucking twist...shit man, i almost switched sides over that shit. WTF.



The characters are pretty interesting...some feel flat at fist, but ongoing (optional) dialogue as you progress really fleshes them out. I took a liking to meatbag-hating HK-47 and cranky old middle-of-the-road Jolee, though the whiny emo jedi cat chick was so boring i dont recall her freaking name. I personally defaulted with the most Han-like guy and a Wookie for my party.


on the negatives....game's buggy as shit. I cant imagine this was entirely the case originally, but its 360 emulation is not great, and if anyone's looking to give it a go, id recommend the PC version completely. Death from laggy fights, loss of background/ambient sound etc are common but thankfully the game-breaking freezes arent as much.


I'm taking a break from the series to a) find out if the BC of KOTOR II is better, and b) see if its worth my time to wait till the fan project of patching all the left-out shit in 2 together is still moving along, cause at this point, it might not make sense to play through a game ive been assured is better on many levels and has a vastly more awesome story, that rushes itself towards a crap ending to've met a release date. Fortunately, a quick glance shows it's coming along nicely.

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I really enjoyed KotOR and KotOR II. The first game had a bit more on the story side, but the second had an evolved items and powers system, more interesting combat, and IMO better characters. The second game is a little shorter, but very pretty. And if you slogged through the d20 retardedness of the first game, the second is built on the ruins of the first, but with shinier buttons.


Personally, I like 2 better.

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I just bought a copy of this on ebay for my Xbox. I haven't played a video game in three or four years now. My Xbox has become a glorified DVD player for children's movies. I'm looking forward to playing this over my vacation coming up. I really enjoyed Fable 2 (a first person shooter RPG).

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It's a great game. Are you gonna play it on the original XBOX or the XBOX 360? Like NZA said, the backward / emulation of classic XBOX games aren't that great - especially w/ KOTOR. I ended up buying a refurbished original XBOX just so I can play it without all the freezes and the audio / dialogue cuttin' out every so often.


Plus, I have a pretty big classic XBOX game library - no way I was retiring them. 360 can't even handle The Warriors! Classic XBOX also runs a few classic XBOX games in widescreen that 360 emulation doesn't. (KOTOR is natively full screen, though) Something to consider if you bump into a cheap, classic XBOX.

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I have a 360. We will see how it works out. Since I haven't played video games in years and even when I played the occasional one, it wasn't very often, so I will be patient. And if it ends up bugging me too much, it only cost me ten dollars on Ebay.

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It'll run - I've beaten it all the way through on the 360 before. Revisiting it, I was like, "Okay, fuck this." LOL - plus, I had a lot of games that hadn't seen the light of day in years. It'll run - totally playable.


Just make sure you SAVE. OFTEN.


EDIT: The right! I meant, stay to the right!!!


Edited by Little Nemo McFly
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It'll run - I've beaten it all the way through on the 360 before. Revisiting it, I was like, "Okay, fuck this." LOL - plus, I had a lot of games that hadn't seen the light of day in years. It'll run - totally playable.


Just make sure you SAVE. OFTEN.


EDIT: The right! I meant, stay to the right!!!



Thanks for the advice. I will remember to save often.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey, Vagrant - how far along in the game are you? Are you still playin'?


After you said you were gonna give it a go - I thought I'd give it another replay, myself.


I just beat it:




- 46 hours, 23 minutes. I started playing after my last post, so a little over a month - pickin' at it, here n' there. I went full-on Light side. In all these years, I've always gone Dark side.




The official ending and how the EU went w/ it, is: Revan went Light Side. So it was cool to play out the 'established canon' (RIP). LOL - you really do start to develop a sense of 'self-righteousness' as you pay-off complete strangers' debts and settle fights you bump into w/ literal peaceful negotiations...rejecting any gestures of reward. It was fun. "There are still good people in the universe." (I went w/ the Jedi Consular, who focuses on diplomacy n' persuasion)


I took Mission and Carth w/ me the whole way. I'm gonna start KOTOR 2: The Sith Lords in the next couple o' days and go Light side on that, too. I'm gonna take a couple of dark characters w/ me and try to turn them to the light and see how that plays out. Lookin' at HK-47...






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