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Anyone else collect them? I have tons all in the boxes. I'm going to continue collecting and hand them down to my daughter if I have one, or Lauren if I don't. Some of them are from the 80's, but I don't have any older than that. My mom and I used to hit up local toy and doll shows. Anyone have a favorite Barbie?

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My mom has three from when she was a kid in the 60s. They're so cool, they look like Samantha and her mom from Bewitched. She gave them to me when I was little, but my collection has somehow migrated back to her possession, with my 20 odd 90s Barbies. I wish we had kept some in their boxes, but I ruined the shit out of them playing with them so much. Cut hair, dye and bleach experiments, tattoos and broken legs... I LOVED Barbie.

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My grandmother has all my old Barbies (even a Ken that I dressed in drag and painted makeup on) put away for my kids to play with sometime...


I have 2 of the New Kids on the Block Barbies (Donnie & Joey)...I also have a Gem (or was is Jem?) with her light up earrings!

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My favorite Barbie is solo in the spotlight Barbie. I have the replica but I'd love to own one of the original 1960's. But they go for several hundred pristine in the box. And also if I ever have a few thousand lying around I'll get the original 1957 barbie, blonde with the no. 1 ponytail in the box.

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