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Hyrule Warriors


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Not a huge fan of Dynasty Warriors, either - kinda why I didn't pick this up at launch (Wii U). Been waiting for a significant price-drop or some...Game of the Year edition, w/ all that character DLC.


Before the Twilight Princess HD and Linkle announcement, I've coincidentally been checking out reviews for the game these past few days - I've been itching for a HD romp in Hyrule. The game looks as close to one as it's gonna get for now - plus, it really does look like it's a lot of fun.


Definitely picking this up this holiday. It is time...

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  • 3 weeks later...







Oh, man! I wish they had this as an alternate skin in Smash - and his Ocarina look. Same w/ Ganondorf - would've been cool if they had his Ocarina / Melee look as an alternate design. Sucks just Toon Link gets something resembling the classic Link - at least Zelda got her Ocarina colors. I've been checking out the DLC skins and characters for Hyrule Warriors. Pretty cool! That NES Hyrule looks insane.









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  • 3 months later...


I ended up getting the game for XMAS and every bit of DLC - this game could keep you busy for years.


Looks like you can get all that 3DS stuff transferred over to the Wii U version:


Linkle, Skull Kid, Tetra, King Daphnes and Toon Link


I don't plan on getting the 3DS version, but the fact that Wii U versions exist - it'll just be a matter of time before they're available for purchase.


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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Heads up - all those 3DS exclusive characters are already available on Wii U as a 'Legends' Pak.


Also, they got a 'season pass' goin' on for $9.99 - for all those upcoming DLC paks. (The Link's Awakening Pak alone is $5 - so, the season pass is a total bargain)


Picked it up all - got the 3DS exclusives and the season pass. But, uh - w/ the Link's Awakening Pak...the Koholint map for Adventure Mode...is only available on the 3DS.



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  • 1 month later...
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  • 1 year later...

WOW - but, I don't plan on ever taking my Switch on-the-go...


I already have this on Wii U - w/ all the DLC.  Looks the Wii U is negating - yet another - 'AAA' Switch title.


It's the same w/ Mario Kart...you're at an advantage if you already own this stuff.  LOL - I'd say it feels rewarding.  Like an investment paying off.  (I love my Wii U)


Like, hey - BotW didn't cost me $400 - just $60...didn't need a new system to play.  I already have a Wii U...that I use.  Feels that way w/ these ports.


If Mario Maker gets ported - it's gotta be a monumental upgrade.  I mean, these ports 'sell' is play 'anywhere...anytime'.  I already own it - I'm going to play on my couch.  Sell me.

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i mean, GC sold like butt so they ported stuff to the wii & beyond, you gotta know WU sold far worse so we're gonna see ports of good games continue coming.  the switch already has an interesting library of first party stuff and a lotta indie gems i need to check out (starting with stardew valley), so i don't mind...but like you, if i already have a game being ported, i'm not looking to buy it again.  

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Not being familiar with the title(smash bros)   does it use both sets of bumpers up top?  Cause it could be that they're optimising controls for single joycon use maybe?  


And of course it's going to bank which means they're probably saving that for a rainy day, marketing misstep or Reggie getting fingered in some #metoo sordidry. 


If Hyrule warriors is dw style I'm all over that!  The box art made it look like a 3d fighter. 

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4 hours ago, The NZA said:

- so we're gonna see ports of good games continue coming.  the switch already has an interesting library of first party stuff and a lotta indie gems i need to check out (starting with stardew valley), so i don't mind...but like you, if i already have a game being ported, i'm not looking to buy it again.  


Yeah - they totally showed their hand here.  Tons of good games on Wii U...all totally gonna be ported.


I mean, porting these games over to Switch makes total sense - but the eventual Wind Waker HD Switch, Twilight Princess HD Switch, Pikmin 3 Switch - are gonna be taking up precious slots for real new content.


LOL - if you thought Wii U had dryspells and had anxiously devoured the trickled games - make peace w/ those same trickled games coming back - to be the heralded 'gems' on Switch.


I ain't paying another $60 to play as Funky Kong...or as 'BotW Link' in Hyrule Warriors.  LOL - these aren't remakes of GC or Wii games - these games are pretty damn recent - and still look great!  Wii U was a very underrated machine.


Again, advantage if you already invested in Wii U - and have no interest in playing Mario Kart on a train.  Don't wanna see Wii U greats taking up a chunk of the Switch library / future 'new release' slots...but, I totally 'get it'.  Still - 'New console!  New games!'


Jables - Hyrule Warriors is essential 'ownage' if you don't already own it and have a Switch...'specially if you're into DW and have an interest in LOZ.


Smash Bros was optimized for a Gamecube controller - every Smash sequel let's you play w/ a Gamecube controller.  Switch recently added Gamecube controller support - Gamecube controller doesn't have 2 sets of bumpers - so it has a couple of redundant buttons in modern controllers.  (Every Smash version lets you fully customize button-placement)


Gamecube controller.  Gamecube controller?  Gamecube controller...


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Thanks for the Heads up Nemo!

I see your point about HD ports detracting from new game development, but I'm like a kitty in a sunbeam enjoying all the fruits of the proto-Switch's labour, and there are a lot of people in my position.


You and the possibly less than dozen like-minded folks who still support the Wiiu are the MVP's who basically pre-alpha tested my hardware and now it's pre-made library though, so thank you for your service.

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The ports can only do good things. They've already teased a Xenoblade Chronicles X port (Which, in my opinion, is so much better than XC2. I'm actually pretty disappointed with that one.) Bayonetta 1+2 is coming soon also. It'll be a worthy distraction for folks like you JZA. People really missed out on some great shit. God, Pikmin 3 would be amazing on Switch also.

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I'm a big fan of HD remakes - all for it.  But w/ the Switch - these Wii U games are just ports.  They're already 'HD' on Wii U.


'Ey - dat 'Resident Evil HD remake' of the Gamecube version that every single system got - 'cept the originating system / company - c'mon!  New ports to grace a 'Nintendo' console, ever - then, we're talkin'!


Disney Afternoon HD Collection...?  C'mon, Nintendo!  HD Grim Fandango, HD Day of the Tentacle....HD Monkey Island!  Where's 'Dead Rising'?  Stuff that Nintendo has no reason to never have let that stuff see the light of day - on their system...would be kick-ass.  They did Skyrim n' Doom - bring more of those 'new to Nintendo' ports over...don't take up 'hot new release' slots w/ that 'member the stuff that made Wii U great?  Oh, you do?  Everyone, else - here's why Wii U was awesome.' ports.


Yes, Nintendo-newbs get to see what made Wii U great - and have die-hards buy it again, but to folks like me - that shit's still warm n' sitting on my shelf.  C'mon, Nintendo - that stuff should be filler, for dry spells...not heralded 'new Switch content'.


1 hour ago, Jables said:

You and the possibly less than dozen like-minded folks who still support the Wiiu are the MVP's who basically pre-alpha tested my hardware and now it's pre-made library though, so thank you for your service.


Welcome to aaaaall that - that is Nintendo.  BONUS:  Zelda is the princess, not the green guy...and 'Star Fox' is the name of the team.


:wink: LOL!!!!

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15 hours ago, The NZA said:

i usually wanna do a confused reaction to old man nemo's rants...



Heeey, wait a minute...



LOL - if they added like, online multiplayer to Hyrule Warriors - gangbusters.  I'd be on that like, white on rice on a paper plate in a snowstorm.  Maybe in a sequel.  Playing this arcade-like mindless button-masher w/ other buds online?  Man!  W/ the tons of characters - that's tons of variety n' replay.


I would've held out on releasing this, to incorporate online - then treat the release as a AAA must-own on Switch, once the online pay-service gets 'Switch'd' on.  But, (shrugs) eh - they can just get away w/ just a port...but, imagine Hyrule Warriors online.  That's what they shoulda dun w/ dis.



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