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It’s official — Patrick Stewart is returning to the Star Trek franchise. The acclaimed Shakespearean actor is set to headline a new Star Trek series for CBS All Access, reprising his iconic Next Generation character, Captain Jean-Luc Picard. The project, which has been rumored since the June announcement of a Star Trek universe expansion with new series, was just unveiled by Stewart himself in a surprise appearance at the Las Vegas Star Trek Convention.


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I've really no idea what this series is going to be, nor do I think there's been any details, now would be a good time to wildly speculate!

Personally I really like the direction it's been taking with Discovery (I'm only five or six episodes in, don't spoil me) and hope it follows on from that thematically. Definitely want to see it painting more nuanced chaotic worlds, hopefully we're truly done with the spaced out laudanum'ed vibe of the Nineties (thought I love it in its own way) 


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I love TNG - I really enjoy it.  Not every episode is a gripping winner (95% are) - but, it's TOS and TNG for me, all the way.


I haven't gotten into Discovery - but from what I've heard...it's not so good.  Prolly why they're going back to this 'classic' setting?


I'd love to see the 'Further Adventures of Picard'...I think most would.


I think we'll definitely get classic cameos: the return of Number One...most certainly Giordi - prolly the most iconic visually...other than Data - but I hope they don't touch Data.  Even if they plaster the actor w/ cg and get him all young like Stark / Downey Jr. in that one Marvel movie (Civil War?)  I think it'd destroy the mystique of the character...ah dunno, maybe.  I'd say don't do it.


I'll take the colorful, grounded, low-tech approach to Trek to the murky, 'splosion-fest insanity I've seen in clips of Discovery.  I hope the tone is somewhat consistant w/ what was.


Dude is 78 - I hope getting back into the grind of making a tv show doesn't kill him.  I hope he'll be doing a lot of sitting.  He could do a lot in that chair and in close ups.

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1 hour ago, Little Nemo McFly said:

I love TNG - I really enjoy it.  Not every episode is a gripping winner (95% are) - but, it's TOS and TNG for me, all the way.


Dude is 78 - I hope getting back into the grind of making a tv show doesn't kill him.  I hope he'll be doing a lot of sitting.  He could do a lot in that chair and in close ups.


TNG is the only Star Trek version that I love. I have tried to get into the others, but I haven't been able to.


Patrick Stewart is in great shape for his age. I think he can pull it off.

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10 minutes ago, The Vagrant said:


TNG is the only Star Trek version that I love. I have tried to get into the others, but I haven't been able to.


TNG is sooo goood.  YEESSS!



I really hope it feels connected - it doesn't need to be a carbon copy...but it'd be nice to feel sum sense of legacy and history.  LOL - TNG is the shit.  It'd be cool to see Picard leading the 'New Class'.

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On 10/3/2018 at 11:57 AM, The Vagrant said:


TNG is the only Star Trek version that I love. I have tried to get into the others, but I haven't been able to.


Patrick Stewart is in great shape for his age. I think he can pull it off.

Agreed on both points! I like  about 70% of DS9, 55% of Enterprise, 45% of TOS, & 40% of Voyager. (Disclaimer--those stats are likely to change depending on the day and my mood. Also, I still haven't seen Discovery yet.) However,  I love the OG crew films (Mostly.) and TNG --even S2 w/ Dr. Polaski. (It's like, damn, get off Data's ass, bitch!)

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Now I'm curious if the movies are gonna get de-canon-ized.  I've never seen any of the TNG movies.


Well - I've actually seen 'Generations' - the one where Picard meets Kirk.  That was...so...badly handled.  The rest I've 'seen' through the Plinkett reviews.  The films look like extended episodes.  Extended, bad episodes.


Now I'm curious if anything major happened in those movies that would hold any bearing in this sequel series.  'Cuz I'm sure - Picard is gonna have a moment where he explains where's he's been - what's he's been doing - since...the last movie?  The last episode?

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Just watched the first episode. I was nervously optimistic going in, but I really liked it. It was wasn't wall to wall explosions and fighting like I feared (though it has both), it seems happy to take it's time and introduce us to where Picard is now and what has happened to him and the Federation since Nemesis. That said, a lot happens in this episode, and not everything works. But overall I was really pleased that it feels like the Jean Luc Picard we love, and I'm very much looking forward to next week's episode.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Episode 2 was more meh, but episodes 3 & 4 picked things up. I like the crew of the new ship. Samaurai Romulan and Hispanic Han Solo look to be standout characters. Having him do the EH holograms in different accents is hilarious. Although the Irish one made me cringe. What say ye @alive she cried, was my Irish brogue at least better than that EH?


About to watch episode 5 now.

Season Prediction Spoilers


Rich Evans from RLM had a great prediction that I totally agree with--the reason Data's "daughters" keep getting called "the destroyer" is because the Romulans accidentally created the Borg thousands of years ago and that's the secret the DajVajwhatever are keeping secret and why they hate synths so much. Maybe they're somehow Borg, too?


Also, I totally think peppy blonde doctor is totally gonna betray Picard and his crew somehow. She's one of the baddies in disguise.



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  • 1 month later...

Finally finished S1 a few days ago. S1E7 was so damn great. This is what I hope we get more of in S2.


S1E09-10 though were just a total shit show. The absolute worst of this show was on display in the two-part finale--story/plot points totally ignored or left unanswered, characters behaving in ways contradictory to previous behavior, bat-shit illogical actions by characters--just piss poor writing and continuity overall. 

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