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Initial D


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alright. i admit it. if you like cars, you will be exponentially more attracted to this anime than someone who isn't. however, just cause you don't know about or much less like cars, doesn't mean you can't enjoy this series.


The focus here is basically techno/dance/beat music mixed in with cgi animated cars, fighting to the finish line through winding courses. and NO it's not realistic. no anime is. technically speaking, the series stresses on the drifting technique, which is the fastest way around most curves, but totally inefficient on tires. However, it is among the hardest and coolest looking techniques to any driver. In plain english, it's rounding a corner while letting the tail of the car swing out and then regaining control when exiting the corner. When done correctly, it's like ballet on a mechanical level. Even better seeing it done in real life. however, the cgi is quite impressive, you really have to see it in action to see what i mean.


anyway... the progression is similar to any other anime with competition. main guy starts out below average or way above average, kicks some serious ass, while learning new techniques to do so; usually getting a little beat up here and there along the way. what is really cool here is that the main character is totally oblivious to his skill. he's kind of an airhead and a simpleton, but you really get to like him a lot. it's neat to see his progression in the world of street racing which he never knew existed.


the music in this series is also something to be commented on. there's at least 2 songs in there that would be in my top ten anime songs if i compiled one. just a lot in there that you'll find that will stand out.


if you don't like techno and/or hate cars, stay away.

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You know, a lotta folks around here hate on this series, but i keep my mouth shut cause i havent given it a fair shot yet. Im down for Berserk soon, but honestly, i should give this one a go - Spiffy pushes more things lately (like 24) then he used to, but this one, he's been backing for a long-ass time now.

I just wonder if its a theme thing...there's this boxing anime Ghost (Craig) hypes, but he's sure only i'd dig it. Kenshin wasnt as good as Cowboy Bebop, but im a sucker for samurai stuff.

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  • 11 months later...

Y'know, this is a great series! I got the first 3 DVD's and when I got more money, I'm getting more. That and my fave. Series, Yu-Yu Hakusho.


Oh, and I want to get the soundtrack too!


Tokyo Pop's the one's putting it on DVD. The English version as usual suscks. There's also 2 video modes: Original and Tricked out. At the menu selection, always go with the Original. The "Tricked Out" animation's got more cheese than Velveeta.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tim (or anyone else who knows),


What are the episodes for each stage? So far I've got:


Stage 1: 1-26

Stage 2: 1-13

Stage 3: Movie

Stage 4: 1-?


Also where do Extra Stage and Battle Stage fit in the time line, and am I missing anything else?


Oh, I've only seen up through Stage 2, Episode 13, which I think is the last episode for Stage 2.

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oh yes!!!! initial d!!!


ok benny, here goes:


Stage 1: 1-26

Stage 2: 1-13

Stage 3: Movie


Extra Stage (mako and buddies)

Battle Stage (races recap)


Stage 4: 1-6 (fansubbed online)


If anyone at all wants initial d, give me a holler! lately i've been hearing that people that aren't into cars have enjoyed initial d. i'm not sure about that, but it's more of a case by case basis.

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  • 4 weeks later...


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