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scorpion king

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I think the mass apeal was the rock.  If he wasn't in this movie...I don't think there'd be a movie.  There were a bunch of girls just squeling over the rock's body shots.  If you are look for a bunch of one liners and a just good looking people trying to act, then go watch this movie.  I personally don't see what's so great about the rock in the first place. ???

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Yeah, I guess it's between the rock's popularity (I can't really explain it either) and the fact that it's a spinoff of the Mummy movies.  People figure if they saw the other two, they might as well watch this.  I thought the first one was fun, but they should have stopped there...  Also, there ain't much else in theaters right now.  Only decent big movie out now is Changing Lanes, that was pretty good, but other than that there's really nothing else for people to watch... that is untill next week, Spidey, Deuces Wild, and Hollywood ending come out, so people won't have to watch the rock run around and badly imitate Conan for an hour and a half...

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The only reason I found the first Mummy acceptable was that it came out one week before Episode I and I needed to see something to take my mind of the excitement. The second one I didn't go see and didn't hear good things about it. A spin-off of a silly series in which Brendon Fraiser wants to be Indiana Jones, why bother?

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:D  :D  :D  :D


hell I AM WITH JEWELS!!! He can Rock my boat anytime... The less clothes he had on the better the movie got... humina humina humina....::D: oohh sorry... well yeah the movie was cheesey and it was romantic even to a certain aspect...but everytime he lifts that sword......hhhmmmm rock.. hey did you guys know that he lives here in miami, and he is a very humble guy...despite his big attitude in the ring.. not only that he is a UM football player... eerr was...


hell two thumbs up in my book..... :approve:  :approve:

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