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Lets all go to the movies


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Movies are constantly filled with mystery and allure. For example in the past we had the moment in "Starwars" when we find out the Darth Vader is Luke's father or the time in "Planet of the Apes" when we find out that man kind is responsible for the monkey world because just as Charleston Heston once said "they blew it all up" or in the crying game when we realize that our hero is dating a transvestite.

The modern movies also have there twist and turns for example in "The Village" the whole society is based on a lie made up by the parents in the movie. You see the parents all decided to put in some money and buy a preserve in the middle of a park. After that was done they decided make up a creature race in order to limit how far future generations would build. If you haven't seen it yet then don't be fooled when the blind girl is been attacked because it’s the retarded kid. He stole one of the costumes but don't worry he dies before he causes any harm. Or how about the "Sixth Sense" when we find out that the main character is really a ghost and the kid isn't lying about being able to talk to ghost. Or in "Brokeback Mountain" the gays don't stay together.

But surely by now you are wondering what about remakes, like in "King Kong" does the monkey still die? Yes. I hear you loud and clear my friend what about "War of the Worlds" what happens? Well mankind survives because the aliens are exposed to the bacteria that we just live with, but then if you stay toned till after the credits the aliens blow up the planet from far away.

I know what you're thinking and it's true I even know about movies that haven't come out yet . For example "Spiderman 3", the coolest thing that I have heard about it isn't sandman's guest appearance but the intro to the Captain America spin off movie. This summer you will see Captain America shield his way into action, and as predicted he will be played by

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NBA Superstar Shaquille O'Neal is Kazaam, a larger-than-life genie with a magic touch for nostop fun laughter!  After 5,00 long years of captivity, Kazaam is set free to grant three wishes to a new master.  From then on, he's catapulted to one wild adventure after another... from becoming the latest rap sensation or untangling an outrageous mob scheme! As the giant genie with an attitude, Shaq scores big laughs in this hilarious comedy hit that's sure to be a slam-dunk winner with everyone!

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"i think that was his way of trying to make people mad, by listing off movie endings, most of the people on here have already seen."


some people actually are too busy making out at the movies to catch the ending. so i decided to provide a service and up date them all. i suppose that you don't need any help but truthfully your apathetic relationship is not of my concern.

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