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Mouse Guard


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So, how many are reading this book? Its like a sleeper hit from last year; Fall 1152 was a mini-series introducing this world where mice served as knights protecting kingdoms from, well, pretty much everything else in nature that's out to eat/destroy them. It has a feel similar to the later chapters of Bone, where it was more tense and less lighthearted...great story, great pacing.


I believe the current mini, Winter 1152, is at least 3 issues in, and i look forward to catching up/possibly getting the trade.

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nah, not Oemning (never did read Bastard Samurai or Stormbreaker), if the art style looks like his at a glance, its really not. which isnt to say that if you dug Bone (did you read that one? i forget) you wouldnt love this.


D. Fluff - lemme know what you think, man.

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The wife read the first series and is working on the new set. She really likes both the art and the story. We met him at NY Comicon last year and the author signed the entire set for her. Really nice guy and easy to talk to.

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that's awesome! so jealous of you guys & your serious conventions. he mention working on any other projects?



No idea. The wife was the one who talked to him.


And for our next serious convention we are thinking about going to Dragon Con in August. :wolvy:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I finished the first trade, and the following three issues all in one sitting. Absolutely fantastic, loved it, only wished there were a ton more. What an interesting idea to scale everything down like that. You'd think that would be not so interesting, but it really is a neat perspective about the world we live in.


The friend that let me borrow this actually talked my ear off about how he wanted to make a tabletop rpg based on these books, and the redwall series. Now that I've read this I really see what he was going on about.

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