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Fatal Frame 4


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So if you didnt know, its official; scans from Famitsu are found here, so take a look. Kotaku says:


We've just seen scans for the upcoming Fatal Frame IV - now CVG reports a July 31 release date in Japan. An updated release schedule from Nintendo of Japan has set a date for the next installment in the ghostly photoshooting series, called Project Zero in Japan. The Nintendo-published collaboration between series director Shibata Makoto and Grasshopper Manufacture virtuoso Goichi Suda will be a Wii exclusive.


So, hopefully not far off for the rest of us. Suda51 is awesome, and some feel he might not be right for this, but ive read his PS2 horror releases (sadly japan-only) were great, so we'll see.


Seems to be mixed reactions on this one; some really hoped for a PS3 release, if for no other reason than true 5.1 channel audio - ill admit, i dont expect great shrieks from the wiimote itself, that's for sure. However, playing part 2 again recently, i can say, the game could stand to change direction/look about easier, that's for sure. Controls are stiff even by horror game standards, and that's a shame, cause if any series could give Silent Hill a run for its money, it's this one.

So yeah, this could be really great if well utilized. Here's to hoping for this gen's Eternal Darkness, eh?

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I'mma get Cj in here. I swears!


I watched Cj play through 3 (he's played them all so far) and fuck me it was creepy. Actually, the picture above looks like it could be from 3, but not sure.* Anyhow, the Fatal Frame games are good and if there is a 4 coming out we are going to be sooo getting it! Project Zero sounds pretty good, too.


*Cj confirmed that while similar, it is not from 3! <3

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Didn't 3 come out like a couple months ago?


...seriously? mebbe you didnt notice it.

wiki says its been out since late '05, though!


MH: ask CJ which was his favorite. again, im only into 2 so far, how was 3?

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The sexy beast says: "That's a tough one. I like the concept of the first one, because it was based upon a real haunted house, and I believe they said that 8 people have actually died in the real house. So it was kinda scary considering that the game was based upon the real house, floor plans, etc. Story-wise it wasn't the best story, and it was harder than I think all of the other ones. Prolly one of the hardest ones, but story-wise it was kind of lacking. The second and third had really good stories. I haven't finished the third one all the through, but it looks like it has a good story, and the second has a really good story. The second one is better if you get the special ending (which I didn't get and had to watch on you-tube). The fourth one looks really good especially since it's going to be Wii exclusive. The Wii can bring lots of good things if they have a good team making it. Since it has Suda 51, which is one of my favorite developer/director of games, I'm really excited because all of the games have kicked ass so far. No More Heroes is prolly one of my favorite Wii games, and I hope they make a sequel or something."


PS if the above doesn't make sense, it was because I was doing my hardest to type what he was saying, lol. He gets excited and even sometimes I can't keep up! <3

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No no, that all made sense, and i too wish the Prof posted more now. We're in agreement on Suda51, though i wonder if Seej got more into Killer 7 than i did - great premise but the gameplay made it tough to love after a point. Still, he's dead on with No More Heroes, i gotta get back to that one soon.

Im inspired to trek on in part 2, and excited about 3 but i fear ill have to youtube the special ending as he did, then.

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...seriously? mebbe you didnt notice it.

wiki says its been out since late '05, though!


MH: ask CJ which was his favorite. again, im only into 2 so far, how was 3?


I guess I just missed it/those fuckers at Gamestop haven't been stocking it. It's still a little high in price to be 3 years old, they're still selling it for like $40.

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