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Favorite 3rd Party company



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  • 8 years later...

I played it up at a friends house and I wasn't overly enamoured. I'm not overly keen on these "insert object" hero games or rockband. I'm firmly in the sandal wearing asshole camp who says "I'd rather just play the instrument".


Shadow being on a game or not, its not something that'd be a massive selling point to me.

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I'm firmly in the sandal wearing asshole camp who says "I'd rather just play the instrument".


i hear you. its like those d-bags who play soccer games; go the fuck outside and play a sport for real, ya sexless cunts! AMIRITE?!



good mashups are rare, good hip-hop in games even more rare. i dug it, anyway.


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If playing real instruments is as easy and fun with a few drunken friends that we can literally switch off guitar/drums on the go while playing crazy-elaborate songs and not spending potentially thousands of dollars to realize we're not very talented or interested in such wankery, then sign me the fuck up.


and we have come full circle, sir.

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Its not something I'm being elitist about. Its just personal preference really. I'd rather play guitar than guitar hero, and I'd rather others try similar. I'd also rather play football than FIFA. I'd also rather others do similar.


However, I'd rather play Call Of Duty than actually go to war. I'd also rather others do similar :ike:

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There used to be a time a long time ago when I was a little Bindy. Back in those days I was bright eyed and bushy tailed (sans tail because i'm not a furry) and eagerly awaiting ANYTHING Square would put out. In those more innocent times they could do no wrong by me. Then, they did.


I still love the hell out of Square but in a lot of ways they have lost most of their magic. I have a lot of love for Capcom because of they way they treat their fans (IE listen to them and they have a great community site). I also love the hell out of Konami. Maybe one day Square can bring me back home but for now i'm just disillusioned.

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this can't be said enough, though: Square-Enix is not Squaresoft. the budget & spread of titles you're looking for is from a different age, with much less development costs.

post Spirits Within Square couldn't operate the same, or they'dve closed their doors years ago. "blame Sakaguchi or god."


Los - heh. god, i wanna back Konami here, but even they're the house of Metal Gear these days.

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Sega all they way for me. Mainly for Sonic, Comix Zone, Streets of Rage and Phantasy Star.


I would of voted Treasure but they aren't up there. Come on, Gunstar Heros and Radiant Silvergun how much better can you get.


How could you of all people not back Konami?The_Konami_Girls.jpg

You know you want to...


I want to see the overweight whore representing EA

or the tombstone representing Acclaim.

Edited by Mr. Sexy Hat
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Hats, you're voting then for Sega-Sammy at this point.

who does good things like Valkyria Chronicles, House of the Dead Overkill, Sonic Yakuza, Racing & such, but make sure you're into that kinda thing.


Los - i wanna back em, i do. but they used to be the house of Castlevania, Team Silent, Suikoden, Contra, TMNT, Gradius, etc....and DDR, MGS etc never got in the way of stuff.

now, dev costs go through the roof, and im lucky if CS or SH show up. last thing i saw them do that got me excited was like when they bought Hudson Soft.


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Hats, you're voting then for Sega-Sammy at this point.

who does good things like Valkyria Chronicles, House of the Dead Overkill, Sonic Yakuza, Racing & such, but make sure you're into that kinda thing.


If Guilty Gear is included then yes my vote stands.

Anyways Sega has released some of its Mega Drive and Master System/Game Gear games since they became 3rd party in 2001 and again since the 2004 merging with Sammy.


Thoes games should count, becuase they have been released on other companies consoles while Sega has been acting as a 3rd party dev.

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eternally battling capcom in my mind!


Wait. What? Am I getting this right?! You're not siding with Konami and winking over at Capcom's direction?

Nick, don't get the girls excited now.


In any case, there's always room at Club Capcom.


Greet the nice girl at the entrance and make sure you sign in at the front desk.




Oh yeah, don't forget to pick up the free Sengoku Basara schwag on the way in.


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