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So I started watching this show this season (it just started its 2nd season), and it's pretty good. I haven't seen the 1st season, so this is the setup from what I've gathered from 3 episodes this season:


Chuck works at a Best Buy type store called Buy More. The government has a single centralized computer called the Intersect, with all its secrets on it, and it somehow gets downloaded into Chuck's brain, and the original gets destroyed. The information from the Intersect 'flashes' to Chuck when it's triggered. For example, if he hears a voice or sees a person that the CIA or NSA had a file on, that person's file flashes in his field of view. The CIA is now charged with protecting him and utilizing him to identify enemy operatives and such, while maintaining his cover, continuing to work at Buy More.


Like the subtitle to the Topic suggests, this show is a Scrubs like take on the Spy genre. The way Scrubs is about a goofy lovable idiot in a role (doctor) most shows have a very serious character for, Chuck is similar to JD. The show is a comedy that goes back and forth between serious and funny.


Anyone else watch it?

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Yeah, just finished episode three, and I'm enjoying what they're doing this season. Chuck's becoming more of a spy than a back-seater, which is entertaining.


I'd argue against the scrubs comparison - this is the spy genre with a lighter overtone, but Scrubs is comedy to its core. Though there are the serious moments, they're few and far between, and often have more to do with the characters than the practice of medicine.


Still, yeah. This second season is shaping up better, because they have an overarching mission, as opposed to the villain-of-the-week dealie they had in the first.

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yeah, i've never thought much of the plot but the casting is what's been keeping me happy with this show. levi is good as chuck and really he's too attractive to play that character, but he still pulls it off and is believable. and you can never go wrong with adam baldwin.

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well, it's more of the same for the first season. you really haven't missed too much but if you really want to watch the first season, check either nbc.com, hulu, or surfthechannel. the season was short b/c of the strike so it shouldn't take you too long to watch all the eps.

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