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With the recent release of the season 1 DVD's(need to hit best buy this weekend, everyone please buy a copy, I want season 2) I thought I'd bring up a topic on this(and maybe an american animation topic as well) This was by far an amazing show. The animation wasn't anything to write home about the but the story was well connected, fun and pretty deep, I thought the character were very good. The show was also pretty hardcore, people died in fairly large amounts including some regulers. This show is definetly worth checking out and picking IMO.

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Exo-Squad was so great. I was obsessed with this show as a kid. It's been years since I've seen it (though they were all on Hulu last time I checked). It's rare that a Saturday morning cartoon actually tackles something as touchy as race relations without being just awful. Exo-Squad pulled it off well. It didn't take me long to figure out that the term "Sape" is the equivalent to "Nigger" in the ES universe, I remember being genuinely uncomfortable when it would get thrown around too much in an episode. Which is a good thing, if it can make me feel something for it's crudely drawn characters it must be doing something right.


I'm gonna have to snag this.

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Exo-Squad was truly an awesome show. I still have my Phaeton and J.T. Marsh toys in their boxes right behind me. I even still have the final episodes on tape somewhere on my movie shelf. I was a little disappointed when the animation quality went downhill but the story made up for it in so many ways.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Got the first season Friday, and damn if it wasn't awesome. Animation was completely hit and miss and you could tell entire sequences were done by different animators and directors; still very pretty. And FUCKING HARSH! God, I couldn't count the bodies fast enough as they were dropping out of the sky. I remember how it hit me back then how often someone died in this show and how this; was one of the first cartoons to actually show the killing and the dead. And it was made back in 1993 and 94! And that was just the bloody combat, it is constantly hinted there was this massive slaughter that was going on in the background and then there were all the poor people being dragged off screen never to be seen in the show again while the bad guys were gloating on the unpleasant deaths awaiting them. I can't wait for the last season to be released.

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There was no hinting there was massive slaugter, they pretty much outright tell you about it!!


The show really ends up being very hardcore for a whats supposed to be a kids show(they show a floating dead body in the first episode and then some more people die) and they never shy away form saying someone died on screeen or even who they blame for it. George was a bit surpised by it since he'd forgetton how it got. Once again fantastic show, though I'm almost wondering how they got all this stuff in sometimes, I need to find what the creators went on to do.

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Yes, they tell you there was a slaughter, but they never actually show you the extermination camps or mass executions. Universal Studios Animation made the Earthworm Jim cartoon series, Back to the Future the animated series, Monster Force (another awesome but underrated series), Wing Commander Academy, The Savage Dragon Animated series, The Mummy: The Animated Series, and several others. Pretty much all the cartoons I grew up with on USA's Action Extreme Team of their old Cartoon Express section. Here's the Wiki: USA Action Extreme Team

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