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Unfinished RPG syndrome


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right, so, i made that Unifinished game list thread, right? but this, this is different. This is like a phenomenon. Bish, newt, any hardcore RPG fans already know where im going with this. You go right to the end, but just dont seal the deal.


For me, there's 2 kinds of unfinished RPGs:


1) Ive invested like 80 mediocre hours and i want to see the goddamn end - but you don't. Because the last boss is cheap/bullshit, or makes you split your party and forces use of those level 12 castaways you ignored the whole #$%@ing game, and frankly, another few hours of painfully grinding them basically becomes a dealbreaker.


Suikoden 3 totally did this to me. I wasnt as into it as id wanted, and splitting the party forced a lotta guys who were scarcely level 10 to get owned in a single round with Yuber. that's an ending that's getting youtubed, frankly.

i can tell you right now, if i didnt pull an all-nighter with FF VIII in college, that bitch would never have gotten done (ironic that the ending was one of the better elements, too). I had to gameshark my way through Xenosaga 2, so that barely counts.


2) I'm really enjoying this and the sidequests are done but i just put it down, no idea why - you can always guess a part of you doesnt wanna see it end, but you're not quite sure even that's it.


If i didnt tag-team FF XII with sen, that mighta applied. Last i checked, Bish did this with Persona 4, despite loving it. I really have to force myself to not do this, and sometimes with my favorite RPGs. im halfway doing it right now with Vesperia. I'm told i should all but plan on this with Lost Oddysey.


who else gets this? which adventures did you just not close out?

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took me 6 months to beat FF4 my first time out, this used to be a much bigger problem with me, still never finished Lufia 1. My current problem is starting rpgs(fallout3, mass effect, etc) getting a few hours in, really enjoy myself and then just put it down ><. hoping to break this with Vespira,


Also on this list is the world ends with you, y's 1 and 2. Bish also did this with Shin megami tenshi which sucked cause while I didn't want to play the game I was following the story watching him(and the bastard still has to be beat shenmue 3 again!) Bish and I sometimes solve this by just watching the other person play through a game, we used to tag team alot and still do on the FF's.

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took me 6 months to beat FF4 my first time out, this used to be a much bigger problem with me, still never finished Lufia 1. My current problem is starting rpgs(fallout3, mass effect, etc) getting a few hours in, really enjoy myself and then just put it down ><. hoping to break this with Vespira,


any idea why youd do this with ME and Fallout 3? like you said, theyre good. Now that youre off WoW, is it still an entertainment overload/ADD thing, or wha? i mean, ive done just that with, say, Disgaea or any game nearly as daunting.


The World Ends With You - i was like a week in, DS corrupted my data :???: no idea when ill give it another to, but itll be regularly backed up, anyway.


Bish also did this with Shin megami tenshi which sucked cause while I didn't want to play the game I was following the story watching him


Tensei Nocturne is fucking unforgivably hard sometimes. in related news, DMC's Dante can suck it hard.

so tempted to game genie that one just to see how it turned out.


(and the bastard still has to be beat shenmue 3 again!)




Bish and I sometimes solve this by just watching the other person play through a game, we used to tag team alot and still do on the FF's.


mean to ask, howd you guys manage this? do you just grind and not advance the story till the other guy gets home? ive only managed this with sen in FF XII cause she gave up on like the last dungeon.


you finished Xenogears, right?

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My reason is that by the time I reach that point in the game and get all the sidequests done I'm just usually not at the right level yet and I don't want to spend 25 hours of my life level-grinding just so I can go beat the fucker. I would have to say Final Fantasy 5 was the biggest offender in this department with Final Fantasy 4 in second place.

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yeah well griniding doesn't bother me at all anymore(ask bish sometime of what I did to FF 12 lol) mostly due to getting used to it with wow, I dunno why I do this with like fallout 3(maybe cause it's an rpg style that isn't my fav, or ME(no real idea)


yeah mostly we grind out if the other person isn't home, we mostly just dont'leave the house on weekends till we are done and go the moment we are both in the door.

yes I've beaten xenogears twice in face. don't ask.

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