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Everything posted by Maldron

  1. Yeah. Personally, I wouldn't watch the finale in america, I'd download 'em. The last episode is supposed to last an actual hour, and it's likely that Sci-fi will butcher it down to size like they butchered the titanic episode. Just saying.
  2. He never does. Not even on Liquid Easy. Enjoy!
  3. Well if you get the big boss emblem, you'll be getting a free stealth suit/bandana. You only have room for 50 tranq ammo of each type - mosin, handgun, shotgun. I'd imagine the same's true of the emotive ammo. You can't use rations for the Big Boss Emblem either. If you're just dying too much on big boss hard... try harder. :p As far as going down that section - you'll end up doing it enough to memorize enemy appearance patterns. Plan around them. You have other friends - like the sleeping gas mine, for instance.
  4. Bitch, do your own damn job.
  5. It and a couple others don't count.
  6. Nothing, really. Only thing that stopped me was the need to get the solar gun. It's why I only was lethal on crying wolf. Had to be non-lethal on crying beauty, but whatever. Not a big deal.
  7. It's never that scarce, really. There's pretty much every type of tranq ammo on the field with every single beast, which magically reappears after they become a beauty. Like Magic. MAGIC! Solar gun was never really necessary. What IS necessary is that one-handed shotgun from the start of act 2 after you save those ungrateful jerks. Would've made Act 3's chase a whooooole lot simpler. You can kill the beast but you must tranq the beauty for no kills.
  8. Be specific. What award? Stop being horrible!
  9. I don't want to call them liars when they say they don't have outfits.
  10. Don't make assumptions based on preconceived notions!
  11. I saved over things. It raises caution, but it never made an alert.
  12. What caused me to lose my fucking hair was the fact I had one fucking alert in fucking and I had to reload the last fucking leg of the fucking in fucking to get back to that fucking However, it really wasn't that bad. The boss fight rooms all had tranq ammo hidden somewhere. My biggest problem was because that would alert whenever I used my against her. Switched to the and was fine. and fired repeatedly. She goes down in under a minute. Didn't even have to use a scope. All the bosses are fairly straightforward, if you ask me.
  13. Done and done, party peoples. 3:38:05.
  14. I got yelled at for saying that Nothing is safe.
  15. completed, 2hr18min. What qualifies as spoilers to some people irritates me. Had to re-do it... managed to mess up the next act somewhere.
  16. You may be happy to know that it appears that can't raise alerts. And yeah. If it wasn't for the internet, i wouldn't even know what I needed to be doing right now. >.>
  17. I did know, that's what really gets my goat. I knew of them, but I didn't realize that nine times out of ten you had to collect them during the beauty fight. The only one that didn't apply to was the only one I got.
  18. It really is. I managed to get the first with a shotgun with v-ring ammo, and managed to But it's really, REALLY annoying that I have to conserve. It's the biggest pain I had at the start of the , thankfully going into the next I have over forty bullets in my handgun. I'm gonna need a bunch of mosin nagant bullets if I want to get the statue, which I missed my first time through. You can kill the shells, that doesn't count as a kill unless you kill the beauties. But since I missed four of the statues the first time through, I'm forcing myself to get them this time. Anyway. It's a fun thing to challenge.
  19. I agree. Wish I could use the more.
  20. Nevermind. Act 1 Clear, 38m20s.
  21. Deleted. See below. Lazy.
  22. Alright, made it through! No kills and no alerts too, up to 36 minutes or so.
  23. I'm right at the fight with manged to get there in under 20 minutes, though it would've been even less had I bothered to prepare for this mode at all. Like, say, Seriously, he's having trouble with no kills? You ask me he's playing the game wrong. The sequence leading up to that first spoiler right there I never had to fire a single shot at anybody.
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