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Everything posted by Maldron

  1. Thanks. In honesty, I should probably find a way to get my N64 stuff up there somewhere, but that's hard to do since they came from the time when I chose to throw away packaging.
  2. *sigh* Months, really. Probably not until I had to go to some new college in the fall. If I get in. So, yeah. It'd have gone untouched, largely because anytime I add something that doesn't end in "Z", shit gets complicated.
  3. Well it needed doing anyway, but I'll let you go on believing that. Because that IS what friends are for, after all.
  4. You know what? Fine. Also, fuck you for making me reorganize my shit after leaving it alone for too long.
  5. Yeah, that was the one. Zany nonsense, plus a naked chick combo attack thing. Anyway, yeah. I should probably... try to put shit back in the bookcase and take a new picture. A bit hesitant, as I don't want to have to redo A-F, what with how little room my "F" section affords me.
  6. Tch. Being above the peasants doesn't mean I rank among kings. You're still my hero, though. Oh, and if you don't have Combustible Campus Guardress, I'd pick it up. Didn't see it anywhere in your lists, so I figured it warranted a mention.
  7. *Sigh* Why Irish has even suggested I'm in your league is beyond me.
  8. My store said they didn't get them in today... and I have to wait until tomorrow to check again. I swear, I hope they didn't get them in a second shipment. I do not feel like getting screwed on this. EDIT 04/08/08: Managed to get my copy today, to much rejoicing. Now to wait until the appointed time for downloading action. And then, face-shooting!
  9. Fuck respect. *Sigh* I was also told that Brad's working on a new project himself, so there's even less which can be done.
  10. Killing Frank Miller might be the ticket. Make sure it's an ordinary uninteresting death though, gotta not give him the satisfaction of glory.
  11. Having just been told by a friend that Brad Byrd wanted to take The Spirit, I am newly annoyed. Never read The Spirt in the past, but I'd definitely prefer a new Brad Byrd movie to a new Frank Miller movie.
  12. Absolutely loved the new episode, by the way. There's something adorable about walking animated fat.
  13. It's like all I do is resurrect posts. Ah well. NEW EPISODES JUNE FIRST. HENRY KILLINGER RETURNS. I'm somewhat pissed I missed the first half of it when Adult Swim did their April Fools nonsense. I missed a new 15 minutes of venture, a new Metalocalypse, and probably something else I care about. Anyway. This was for awareness.
  14. I've come to trust [MM] for quality Doctor Who and Torchwood videos. Isohunt is where I typically find them both. However, I can't find much in the way of seasons one or two on there. Three years after the fact, I'm not terribly surprised. I'd loan you the DVDs, but you live outside of walking distance.
  15. Behold, THE RESURRECTION! Seriously, what's up with your search engine? I type in "Doctor Who" and this is option sixteen, below numerous things that don't even have "Doctor" in the title. I hate making repeat topics, and if I can't trust the engine to tell me what's been told before, I have everything to fear. New episodes of Doctor Who begin today. Which I am absolutely thrilled about. I'm giddy with torrent-lust over this one. Series Four begins today! Doctor gets to go to Pompeii in one of 'em. Hell, he'll probably end up causing it, knowing that chump.
  16. Not really. Guarantees, and shit.
  17. All the more reason to celebrate my collector's edition box in all its boxy came-with-a-handkerchiefy glory. Amazon still has some for sale, though. Used as low as fourty bucks, which takes the piss right our of my vinegar. Ah well. I'm sure that handkerchief is worth the extra HUNDRED FIFTY FUCKING DOLLARS. It's fun to laugh.
  18. A lazy one, thank you very much for your interest.
  19. Doesn't mean you had to play it. Your lack of DMC4 pretty makes me cry. Be better at DMC4.
  20. Pfft. If it's score-padding you want, it's Avatar you need.
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