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The Slingers
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Everything posted by APANCHALYPSE RETURNS

  1. I like to, for once, know just the meme and not the source material for the awesome hilarity that these memes provide. That way when someone mentions the source I just have the meme to reference.
  2. Agreed! It's fuckin' gold. I didn't even bother googling, though. I got the gist from all that craziness. Really, its better that way.
  3. There's this (companion with the Panda DVD): And this: Which Nick knocks, but its actually pretty fun. It follows the story a little bit. Kinda fun, more behind the scenes training and missions. You get the Five and a bunch of new friends and enemies that I hope make it into the next film.
  4. Great. Fucking hilarious! Haha! Sci-Fi movie references out the wahzoo! There were parts that I was the only person laughing out loud in the theater during some of the more obscure references! Star Wars ones were great! Will buy this on DVD. This flick does for aliens what Shaun did for zombies! A+
  5. .....................................................
  6. Back to the Minors. I've heard of that. Wasn't that straight to DVD?
  7. Seen this movie dozens of times, bit its been a while. And you know, with all this 'winning' going on lately I thought, what the Hell...
  8. How can anyone forget this classic? ...if you don't know EVERY LYRIC of this song, just forget hip-hop and go listen to Justin Bieber...
  9. There's a thing about these guys that's so likable. I halfway wish I was their buddy cause they look like they're having such a blast. Granted I'd probably be too chickenshit to do even a quarter of that stuff, but I'd be nice to have friends like that. NOT! Seriously though, the gags are getting old, but can still get a real laugh outta me. Ok, I've watched it and got it out of my system.
  10. Except for King's Speech (cause I haven't seen it) I co-sign.
  11. Very predictable, but entertaining. Basically the dude version of Kill Bill... just with a normal director.
  12. I'd hit it. Both of 'em. At the same time. Def, hit me up ;)
  13. Woah. So Michael Jackson was resurrected as a Brazilian cab driver... and he forgot the words of his songs!
  14. The only internet I have is on my phone and Hulu videos don't load. YouTube and others do, but no Hulu :( I catch it eventually. I'm just looking forward to New Orleans for my birthday where I'm gonna try and visit actual Banksy art on the street. He did some stuff there after Katrina and I never knew. It'll be a great bday present to get some photos with his work.
  15. Yeah, sorry for being a jerk. I'm going through my own stuff and my mind is stretched pretty thin. Stupid shit gets to me. Yeah, I gotta see that flick. Oldboy guy? Sold.
  16. I knew someone was gonna come in here and have that rebuttal. I'm sorry. I'm just saying, I think its a give in if you see a flick that you review it when mentioning. One word. Crap or great is all it takes. I know when I watch a movie I liked I want people to see it. If it sucked then I like to let them know as well with the invitation to watch and make your own judgement. I know that's what this thread has become. Whatever, I'll shut up now. Sorry Linds.
  17. Must of not been so good cause there's no review along with those words. Seriously? I just don't get why folks just come in here and don't even say one word about the movie they just saw? Not even one word? The movie wasn't good or bad enough to garner one word? Why even post? I see what you did there Lindsay and I don't appreciate it.
  18. Glad you liked it, man. Still better than Scott Pilgrim. As for the novel... let me know how it turns out. I'd like to read more about Nick Twisp/Francois Dillinger's adventures. You know, if you make the time.
  19. IT WAS YOUR THREAD! HAHA! It was so crappy you couldn't remember where you put it. Also, that was pretty bad. I think that if I went to that show I'd walk out with those plot points. Only thing that'll save it is if the Playbill was a comic.
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