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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Spongebob

  1. If you like it so much bring it over. So I can watch it.
  2. Yea I guess IC just happened to stummble across this when he was watchin' his animal porn. He just posted this cuz it was dog on toy not dog on cat which is what he watches and perfers.
  3. I hate fucking SCHOOL 4 1/2 hours of homework last night. With my puberty remix of every song.
  4. what ever to this day the only good sub titled movie is brother hood of the wolf. still need to watch crouching tiger agian.
  5. Yea gangs of new york looks good. By the way when are we going IC?
  6. Probally one of thoes crap black and white movies or one of them movies that u got to read on. The whole reason for movies is so you wont have to read. Same reason T.V. was invented to replace books.
  7. Gandalf could severly kick yoda's ass. In the last battle with dooko and yoda, yoda has to struggle to save Obie One (is that how u spell it?) and Anikan (keep in mind I dont read). Gandalf is the bad ass of bad asses. Try and find someone that can beat him. (Nick dont cout)
  8. It pissed me off!! When me and my friend went to go and see it the power got cut in the 1st sene and we had to wait about a week to go back. Other then that the movie was top notch kick ass.
  9. Duh the replay value is crap arent all horror/suspence movies replay value crap. You already know exactly what will happen.
  10. In my opnion This is the coolest fucking game on a PC. Especially when you play online. I havent sucsessfully completed the game on single player but online I have gotten the high kill.(42) Anyone else have this game? Or insight?
  11. Yea. I just wish that the 5th book would come out. She has been on her honeymoon since last July. :angry: :angry:
  12. Don't know where you got that hugging balls thing? Obsession? I think so.
  13. Give me a website for filmography.
  14. I really liked the books (read all 4 of them in a week) The movies so far were good. The seccond one left out of more detail. My uncle told me that he heard somewhere that this might be the last movie. Something to do with J.K. not liking peoples imagination being messed with.
  15. Don't forget your comment on me watching it at 1 in the morning no lights on. Don't remember well according to Mike I have huge balls.... Nevermind that dosen't mean much.
  16. YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all must be happy that I am back I think some of you might have forgotten my B-Day 11-19 ;) Well I forgive you.
  17. Got new time on easy 8 secconds but hard went up
  18. They at least have the courtsy to not tell me that. And now to you guys is this true? Do you guys think this too? :angry:
  19. Best one I can think of would be Spiderman vs. Megaman
  20. On an totally unrelated note. Mike is a affluent person that needs to stop impressing us indigent people. (like my use of big words )
  21. I hate when people prove me wrong. :( :(
  22. I told you I have to streach my brain just to come up with theese. Sorry. :( :(
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