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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Spongebob

  1. What does her marrying Indy have to do with me marrying???
  2. If you press it really fast the it sounds like it says Fuck you....
  3. So many train wrecks so much waste of time and money..... :plain: Adrenalynn- sounds like it could have some potential. Thumb up/ Thumb down Agent Cody Banks 2- Didn't see the first one but heard it was a peice. Thumbs down Alexander- Seems like a great role for Colin Farrell. Thumbs up Alexander the Great- Stars Leo? He better not me Alexander.... Thumbs down The Amazing Spider-man- Sounds cool. Havn't read any Amazing Spider-man but the way I hear it is that it is great. Thumbs up Blade III- And I thought Blade II was pushing it.... Thumbs down The Brothers Grimm- Sounds intresting... Thumbs up Cinderella Man- ?? Creature From the Black Lagoon- Crap.. Thumbs down Crow: The Wicked Prayer- No commet..... Thumbs down The Day After Tomorrow- :plain: Die Hard 4: Die Hardest- Might be good but how old is he anyways?? Thumbs up Ghost Rider- ?? The Good Shepherd- DeNiro is in it so I'll give it a try..... Thumbs up Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban- Dammit why did he have to go and die while the movies were being made!!! He had a contract!!! But book was really the best so...... Thumbs up Havana Nights: Dirty Dancing 2- ??? Hellboy- ??? Too many I don't know so........ Spongebob- Great!!!! Thumbs, pinkies, and toes up!!! Underseige 3- WTF. No you stupid hoe!! You are too old to act you passed your prime!!! Go to HELL I am supprised that they arn't comming out with a Spy kids 5 or something...... Then agian didn't they make 2 within a year?
  4. If you love it so much why don't you marry it...... :plain:
  5. Why can't he just buy another hat??? He got the money...... Why risk losing his life for a hat????
  6. Has got to be True Lies. Had alotta action and had some acceptiable drama...... I was sweet how they blew up that bridge.
  7. titanic sucked... The whole time I was watching it I kept thinking the boat will sink.... the boat will sink.... the boat will sink....
  8. spiffytee- It is better then Heat but I have yet to see Carlito's way so I dont quite know about the ranking order with that..... Jax- Behind Enemy lines was a really good movie and I guess you are right I did see Heart's War last week for the second time so it is kinda on the top of my mind but I have already had 4 final lists and if I dont stop now I wont ever be able to....... Huh, I just realized almost half (9) of my picks are war movies...... Then agian war movies are the best because they have action!
  9. Did I hear right the other day??? You had your first satisfied customer?
  10. Yea.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.! nah, not really...........
  11. I was trying to do it for a while but my mom got irritated.... :(
  12. How did you type nothing??? It wont let me do that
  13. I can change it???? COOL!!!!! Real list...... 1. Hearts War 2. Scarface 3. Platoon 4. Full Matal Jacket 5. Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark 6. Saving Private Ryan 7. Princess Bride 8. Behind Enemy Lines 9. Goodfellas 10. Blazing Saddels 11. Pulp Fiction 12. Jackie Brown 13. Serpico 14. Braveheart 15. Enemy at the Gates 16. Road to Perdition 17. Patton 18. Daredevil 19. The Shining 20. Top Gun Hey MLB you might want to tell me that I cant do this anymore..... I have a tendency to keep doing this until someone says I cant
  14. Raiders was the best by far...... But I think Temple of Doom the Crusades......... I like Connery and all "Spock" but I still like the temple of doom with that little bratty ass child that ran around with a voodoo doll....
  15. DANG!! that is cool... you know what would make it even cooler??? If the site worked!!!!
  16. Oh I didnt post.... I voted Kate Hudson
  17. Yea... The third book was my faviorate book out of them all. But The way I hear it is the 5th is gonna blow all of them outta the water. Expecially with the whole ________ comming back
  18. Flipper is my faviorate super hero!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I am wishing that i choise holmes now......... B)
  20. The Cell sucked ass!!!!!!!! Jennifer Lopez was is the worst fucking actor...
  21. Fair enough... That movie wasnt the best but yea. Whatta 'bout MIB?? do 1 then 2 seperatly
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