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Preacher's Divinity
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Everything posted by DevilsAdvoc8

  1. Triple agree. Great points Arc also lets not forget Supes 775 vs. Authority type team...I mean I guess it's an endless debate....
  2. Prime? Go fight Pitt. IC c'mon Cosmic Spidey? Why not ninja Wolvie? It was a gimmick a schtick, dont count. Surfer been wilding the power cosmic forever - his villians: Galactus, Thanos, Mephisto, gone toe to toe w/ Doc Doom, and sew of others that BUILD universes. Lyc if th hammer did get away from him and Supes picked it up (and we all know he's worthy) - WOW. 1st Thor was actually Eric Masterson, think he died or sumthin...but yeah IC Thors' been good, pick it up.
  3. I been reading not ish 3 yet, but your reference to Planet Hulk and The Sky Rider is ludacris, SS was depowered, or powered down, what ever. After coming through that tunnel shit, any who SS has been repowered by Galactus no less and is once again the cosmic powered ass kicker that stood the world devourer. He's beaten the Hulk. I do have a profound and now utmost respect for the Hulk he definetly #2. The Sentry is complete shit Thor should be 3rd and I can carry on.
  4. I love MARVEL and I'm a fan through and through, but I LOVE Superman (lika a father, perves) and I do have a certain fondess of Batman. It does no change that Batman is overrated though. I've always seen it like this but Marvel kinda fucked it up at one point, but this is how it shoulda gone down and wil if ever have the chance to fix it. What needs to openly ackknowledged is that SUPERMAN can defeat anyone in any other Universe any time, with the exception of MARVEL's SILVER SURFER. MARVEL's tops however can defeat ANYONE ELSE from EVERY other Universe. Thor, is better than any other Universe counter part, Spidey, Cap, Wolvie ALL of em' are unrivaled by any other Universe. The Justice League is REALLY truly Supes, Bats, & Diana IF they ever really fought the TRUE Avengers really - Cap, Tony and Thor it'd be Supes vs. Thor, Cap vs. Bats and Tony vs. Diana DC get 2 outta 3 Diana and Supes win but Cap n Thor would take out the Amazon at which point Supes'd pick em apart.
  5. Dan is one of the worst SF characters of all time. Jean-Luc is kick ass.
  6. lookin foward to havin'u near by!

  7. Remember that show Werewolf? Pretty tight, IC when'd you live in TX and not look me up? I hesitate to say I'd have been your friend but I'd out drink you and kick your ass good n regular every now and then.
  8. sunuva!! "Hey I know that monkey his name is Donkey!!" "Donkeys aren't Monkey's stop playing with my mind!!!"
  9. What did you take what I said as I was leaving?? HA!! Never.

  10. guess no one looked up scruples, shame... IC did you READ my prior post??
  11. whore??? WHORE?!? I like that...Lyc what the fuck man are you like Lithgow's PR rep or what? You're doin' a shitty job - YOU'RE FIRED. Jont - Your hired. Good point Jont, but that old hag? Shit the tall chick was hotter and he was in the same house as her, clearly the guy has fuckin issues.
  12. No. I am your goddam FUCKING MASTER!! Sad lil man?????? IS THAT the best you fucking GOT?!?!
  13. But this ONE time DA8 get out and HE GET... CRIP didn't I call YOU a character out of a movie(/book) a few posts back?! RIP OFF. IC?!? Fuck you doin' in here? You here to put me in charge?
  14. lot you frustrated ya need the BIG ol' DA8 ta give ya a jump? Cause you r clearly frustrated to me.
  15. Dont know what Im usin' but it aint workin...saw all those ones Jont put up...
  16. Aca Thanks for the props on dusting off the old Hairy vs. Harry fight...
  17. What is Lithgow's prowess based on?? 3rd Rock???
  18. They may have turned tricks on the street together getiing bitch slapped by the baddest PIMP in the galaxy CHEWBACCA!!
  19. Gotta disagree 2T Risk was the game of WORLD DOMINATION I can realte...Frustration sounds like what happens when you ain't been laid in a week, also it looks like TROUBLE...is that like the UK version???
  20. Uh...I know Raising Cain was terrible I wouldn't hug his ass either...Wookies got class, hanging w/ Indy n shit. Harrys' rollin with that 'B' actor Lithgow, that don't make him tough it makes him stupid.
  21. Who says Harry is from Earth? Perhaps he is the last remnant of a world long dead. Perhaps Harry is the missing link between Wookie and Man...I think so... Wookies rip peoples' arms off lets not forget, all Harry does is growl and hug John Lithgow. C-3PO had heart and heart goes a long way!! However I don't know what I was on at that time but it was definetly before one General Grievous who shred Data to circuits!!! Truth be told I actually like TNG and those cats, just not as much as SW I am willing to concede that 3PO would indeed be Data's bitch. Chewie though is takin OUT Worf and/or Harry Henderson. They may get him in a rush but not before he makes one of their heads into a canoe w/ that crossbow.
  22. yeah I know of it, let me know when & if you head to the Alamo City.

  23. Close-ish? Where? Austin right...Nah you have nothing to fear but fear itself kiddo. >wink< I like you MH it's these other fucks...

  24. Nice but I like posting in FC cause the dark dankness...in here its like being in a strip club with the lights on. How come I cant see alot of the pics? It has an x and says ibf or ome shit.
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