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Mr. Hakujin

Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Mr. Hakujin

  1. If Dolph woulda had the fuckin' skull logo on his chest that woulda been the best Punisher movie to date. I'll have to wait for DVD to see how Pullo w/ a gun did int he role as it was only in theaters here for 2 weeks.
  2. Gran Torinio A- Clint Eastwood delivers another memorable screen character as Korean War Vet Walt Kowalski—a man who lets out more politically incorrect humor on his own than Black, Stiller, & Downey combined did in Tropic Thunder. You can definitely compare this to Eastwood's other Oscar winning low budget film about a faithless man mentoring a misfit--Million Dollar Baby. However, I found Gran Torino reminded me of a more somber and violent version of Karate Kid—characters from American & Asian cultures (here the other being Mhong) learn important lessons on life they couldn’t or wouldn’t learn from their own culture. Slumdog Millionaire A Unsettling. Uplifting. Original. The story follows a Muslim boy growing up in the slums of Bombay (now Mumbai) and his journey to freedom. The closest film I can think of that made me feel the way this film did is Shawshank Redemption.
  3. GIGANTIC=Best Pixies song sung by Kim Deal WHERE IS MY MIND=Best Pixies song sung by Black Francis. Gun to my head, and since I had to only vote for 1, I picked GIGANTIC for several reasons: a.) Kim Deal is the original Queen of Alt Rock 2.) Reel Big Fish also do an awesome cover of the song, and c.) Neanderthal, close minded, Dubya-lovin'-douche-bags unwittingly singing along to a song about getting fucked by a big black dick=hilarity on multiple levels
  4. No shit, Shirley. We can't all go off spousing obscure Liz Phair & Blondie lyrics like some sad cutter from the 90s. :p Your last one was ATOMIC by Blondie, which I only know b/c an ex-gf used to play their greatest hits album CONSTANT-FUCKING-LY in college. New (and markedly more difficult than my previous effort) lyrics: Wind me up, put me me down, start me up, and watch me go. I'll be running circles around ya sooner than ya know. A little off center and I'm out of tune...
  5. Give Peace A Chance (reminds me...I need to get that one on my iPod) New lyrics: When I was just a baby, my mama told me, "Son, Always be a good boy; don't ever play with guns." But I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die. When I hear that whistle blowin' I hang my head and cry.
  6. Saw these 3 movies this weekend. Here're my mini-reviews of each one along w/ my "Grade" for the film (A+ being the highest & F being the lowest). Sukiyaki Western Django B+ Japanese Director Takeshi Miike (Audition, Ichi The Killer) brings his unique blend of violence and dark humor along in this homage to Sergio Leone’s Spaghetti Westerns. The plot is a direct lift from Kurasawa’s Yojimbo yet this film comes off as surprisingly original. The DVD includes an interesting documentary that originally aired on Japanese TV. A Must see for genre fans. Ghost Town B- Ricky Gervais in a romantic comedy. If I had to compare it to his previous work I’d say this film comes off as entertaining as the best episode of Extras, but not as good as his best episode of The Office. Gervais’ humor makes up for the plot holes & one-dimensional characters, and thus makes Ghost Town an entertaining enough rental. Eagle Eye B An engaging popcorn action/thriller that’s basically an update/re-imagining of the 80s film War Games and focuses on Big Brother’s technological chickens coming home to roost with a bunch of car crashes thrown in for good measure.
  7. Dr. G, you won't be disappointed! It's one of those shows where I watched the entire first season on DVD in 2 days. The plot, pacing, and characterization in S1 is outstanding. S2 is good, but not as good as S1, and like The NZA mentioned, S3 is better than S2. And I did finally see the S3 finale and it was outstanding. I loved the twist where I'm wondering given the events where S3 left off if they won't do a time jump into S4.
  8. I was hopeful for The Spirit until I saw that 1st teaser trailer when it came out a while back. Then my hopes dwindled. And now after seeing the film clips online I've no hope for this film at all. I'll still rent it though for Scar Jo if nothing else. And I was never a Buck Rogers fan, but I wish Miller and Rodriguez would "Sin City-up" a fucking sequel to Sin City already. I've been waiting for A Dame To Kill For to hit the screen for ages.
  9. That's a sweet hall! YR1, Killing Joke, & Long Halloween are on my list of top 10 BATMAN stories. I started Maus a while ago, but put it down w/out finishing it--too depressing. As for my collection I've got more books in my "too read" pile these days than anything else. I've got a bunch of 100 Bullets TPbs to read and I need to catch up on the Bat Books. I always crack open The Walking Dead, Captain America, and Wolverine right away though.
  10. Anyone still watching this show? I haven't seen the finale (Ep. 3.12)yet but episode 11 was frackin' insane.
  11. I'm always curious how the script was written, the movie got made, how the CGI was done, etc. So when I buy a DVD I usually go for the special edition. The Batman Begins Sp. ed. DVD was especially good so I was really looking forward to the Dark Knight sp. ed. I assumed there'd be some insight/interviews etc. into Heath Ledger's performance, but there was nada. The only thing is a 17 min. doc on the fucking music score! Oh, and it has the 6 IMAX scenes in IMAX format--fat lotta good that does me w/out a fucking IMAX screen in my home. Thanks for jerking me out of an extra $10 Warner Bros! I usually wait until I catch a sale online and generally spend no more than $10-$15 for a NEW DVD, but I got TDK on an impulse buy. That's strange that the WALL-E special ed. was lax on features though. Pixar usually goes all out on the special editions. I love the movie, but haven't got it on DVD yet.
  12. Yeah, I just looked and the V-Mas special is on the S1 DVD set as well, which I own. So yeah, I feel like a big dummy right now.
  13. ^^^ Yep, that was the S3 finale. There's a 10 min Christmas Special I found on piratebay. I'm not sure when it aired on Adult Swim, but I'm assuming it's recent. Look for it online--you won't be disappointed! Oops... Just looked it up online. Thank God for Wikipedia. Apparently it aired during S1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Very_Venture_Christmas
  14. If you think Shane gives Southerners a bad name now then just wait until you see season 7! Also season 7 answers the question of what happened to "the black dude" (I forget his name as well) that was on the Strike Team, and a few other old ghosts from previous seasons come back to haunt Vick--
  15. I got Season 1 on DVD as a gift back in 2006 and have been hooked on the show ever since. The last two seasons (6&7) were probably the weakest of the series, but they were still more compelling than most other crap on TV that tries to pass itself off as quality drama.
  16. I love the movie, but the "special" edition DVD was painfully short on extras and in NO WAY worth the 10 extra bucks over the single disc edition.
  17. Did you see the Christmas special? It was more like Family Guy than a reg. Venture Bros. episode b/c it was mainly one gaga after another referencing old Christmas specials, but it was still frickin' awesome!
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