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Drunken Deputies
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Everything posted by Keth

  1. the golden compass kicked ass yeah the whole sex party thing wouldnt work onscreen.
  2. hopefully, when/if the movie actually, officially, no matter what, happens it won't be just one movie. But Sam Mendes is a good director so hopefully the screenwriter that does this has some chops as well so everything falls well into place. but thats wishful thinking considering the controversial aspects of Preacher.
  3. thats a good point but was pretty climactic as well, not to mention a nice, bloody, extended
  4. yeah that dude was pretty cool in pathfinder and that movie sucked big balls
  5. i think the saint argument is a great example of how, no matter how much the fans want it, a preacher movie shouldnt happen.
  6. yeah the saint is most definitely more pissed than annoyed. the guy i think thats a little more than an annoyance. lol
  7. He also directed road to perdition as well
  8. Haha never said it was a good idea
  9. i think clint should pull a raging bull and do dark knight returns, but thats for another thread lol. ive heard rumors of nick nolte as saint, but they were of the faintest. as long as samuel mutha fuckin jackson doesnt do it........
  10. here's some Preacher movie news that i wasnt sure how many have heard about this but it never hurts to post.
  11. Keth


    haha of course not. i only rented it so i tended to rush it so i do still need to do all of that. i also really wanna see what the heroic ending is. the infamous ending was very satisfying i must say. the story itself didnt peak till the last cutscene.
  12. Keth


    i beat it in 4 days.... or a little less than 10 hrs
  13. alright this is my sequel thread to the ultimate slayer list cause im seein folks starting to gather items now for the looming zombie plague that awaits us. assuming that we're stocked up on essentials, what 5 weapons, real or otherwise, would you keep close when fighting the undead menace? Mine: 1. BFG (Doom) 2. a .22 rifle 3. Crossbow 4. an axe 5. a power fist (Fallout). feel free to include items that may not be a first thought as well. HARPOOOOOONNNNN!
  14. dude it does look cool but you are right jax. lol to me it looks ye old iron man.
  15. Keth


    just rented it last night (one of the perks of working at blockbuster) and its pretty fun. im still keeping my sights set toward prototype to be better but we'll see.
  16. REVAMP! Pulled this gem out of someone's myspace profile bloggity blog. *let's just not copy and paste stuff from Baytor's and Hajerkinit's review threads. That ain't fair
  17. holy fuck really? then you couldnt be more right
  18. i totally forgot about the fly. and wasnt even aware that scarface was a remake. metalheart- yeah thats crazy about LTROI. i think its super unnecessary. im most upset about will smith in oldboy theyll definitely cut that out @ baytor
  19. it seems that hollywood has been doling out these remakes by the barrel full. they try and artsy up the term 'remake' with 're-imagining.' i dont think im gonna re-imagine jason voorhees as nothing more than a deformed psychopath with a machete.... and apparently neither did the director of the new friday the 13th. he made him a little bit faster, but did he really need that? now i really like alot of remakes. peter jackson's king kong was awesome and i love the thing. even dawn of the dead kicked ass. but we really dont need a play by play remake of the omen. it was enjoyable but unnecessary. what really is the biggest annoyance are the upcoming onslaught of foreign remakes: oldboy, the host, versus, let the right one in, and the newest movie martyrs are all coming to america. i know the driving force behind this is $$$$$$$$ but is a little originality too much to ask?
  20. max payne wasnt to bad, but the unrated version is the one to watch (it shouldnt have been pg13 in the first place) and i actually enjoyed doom. but if you dont watch it at all the end first person sequence is definitely worth a look. i still think silent hill is the best game based movie, but im not a fan of the SH games, which may be a factor
  21. PSN= keifer2188 i wanna change it though. lol its so bland
  22. haha yea man. other than some obvious stuff in the movie deadpool was portrayed very well. alotta people were upset at the little screen time he had but its comin.
  23. "A solo movie for one particular "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" mutant character, Deadpool, is being pushed forward. Splash Page MTV has come up with the story, claiming that there is official word on "Deadpool" being in active development and that the spin-off will have Ryan Reynolds reprising his role as the mutant assassin known also as Wade Wilson. The official word on "Deadpool" movie being made came up soon after "Wolverine 2" was announced. A Fox insider reportedly informed MTV that "Deadpool" will have Lauren Shuler Donner and Marvel as the producers. Though the studio are still seeking for writers, the proposed project is said to be an exploration of the character's background, and how he goes from being a part of the Weapon X project to becoming the mask-wearing Merc with the Mouth. Talks about Deadpool getting a spin-off treatment have made its round long before "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" hit theaters last Friday, May 1." http://www.aceshowbiz.com/news/view/00024046.html wont let me fit the whole thing
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