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Turbo Zombie
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Everything posted by Thrizzle

  1. I won't see it. I'm committed to anything I do, that's just the kind of person I am. My head is...strange. I spent no more time per week playing WoW than I did a shit-ton of other games before I started. Or any of my other myriad obsessions throughout the years. Nothing suffered for it, I didn't call-in to my 50 hour a week job, my lady-friend was still carnally satisfied (well...as much as I can take credit for anyway. And even if she wasn't, it wasn't WoW's fault. We can blame that on my comically small penis and nervous sweating), my kid wasn't being neglected, I still saw my friends and made a few more in the process. I wasn't spending time here for a while, so I picked up WoW to fill that gap. Not the other way around. I don't spend my time off sitting and staring at a TV or whatever the fuck everyone else does with the half of their day they aren't working. I play games/music/read/draw or write. I usually choose one. Almost every day. I wouldn't call it "burying my social life". I say that you just say "I don't like that game" and make no attempt to explain your reasoning. You don't have to have a reason, and none of them are going to be valid to people who dig it. It's too personal. And it's a really solid, polished game. Reason for edit: Beer = Overshare...sorry 'bout that...
  2. ASC: Yeah, that's Daken. I'm actually of the opinion that that was a pretty cool death. Frank kept fighting up until the end. This whole thing seems contrived as a way to give them a Frankenstein character in the League of Monsters, and a big name to boot. What really bugs me is that I loved Gerber's run on Man-Thing back in the day, Werewolf by Night was one of my childhood 25 cent box favorites and the cover to Morbius #2 was the coolest picture I could think of at 10. I know nothing of this mummy person, but besides that this entire team is made up of guys I dig or dug...and it looks fucking stupid. But Punisher actually has some power now...I predict a proper Daken ass wupping in the near future. That, at least, may be worth a glance. I will be thoroughly ignoring everything else that has anything to do with this Frankencastle person.
  3. This game is fucking awesome. More fun than the first one. The new infected are fun to play and lend themselves well to teamwork. In one of my games I Jockey'd a survivor and ran him towards my boomer teammate, who vomited on him, and then I ran him off the edge of an apartment complex. The Smoker on the roof tongue snagged the guy that went to help, making the other two survivors choose who they're gonna help or split up. They chose to help the guy the Smoker had and our 4th teammate, a Charger, ran thru all 3 of 'em when they bunched up. So much fun. The addition of Melee weapons really adds a lot to the game as well, gives it a totally different feel. You feel like quite the badass when you manage to find a Katana or a Chainsaw.
  4. Full disclosure: Found these on someone's weirdest comic cover list and I wholeheartedly agree. Batman battles the evils of Obsessive Compulsive disorder. Why in god's name is he wearing Lederhosen?! Thank you thank you THANK YOU Crisis on the Infinite Earths. Beppo (The Super-Monkey), Comet (The Super-Horse) and Streaky (The Super-Cat) should totally get their own Vertigo title tho.
  5. I was gonna say that, but the claw configuration is wrong for Ultimate Daken. Not that that means anything these days, and it could totally be some other bastard offspring. I meant to add that it wouldn't be inconceivable for her to have absorbed some shape shifting power. And you're wrong, it's way more stupid than many you can think of.
  6. One of the coolest, most iconic covers ever imo. I love that fish. So cool. I remember being on the edge of my seat after KM came back in the previous issue, this cover let me know a bit of what was in store inside but the scope was still staggering:
  7. Art Adams, eh? That's pretty cool. Loeb...not so cool. The only one of these I've read is Spidey, and Mysterio is definitely at his least-lame. Kitty Pryde is in that too so I'm sure a new X-Men team will be cobbled together shortly. That cover could be Ultimate Rogue, right? I don't remember her dying and she could be all hyped up on Banshee, so she could call on any absorbed powers at will. Just an idea, albeit a stupid one.
  8. As far as the clips Axel posted, judging by the Lazytown-lookin' little girl casually dismembering people, I'm pretty sure we're looking at an "R" rating. I completely agree that it looks too campy, parts looked almost shot-for panel with the book, but almost none of it had the "tone" I had in my head while reading it. We'll see, there's still work to be done. I agree completely with this.
  9. I picked this up today but haven't played it yet (damn you Bruno and your millions of deleted scenes and video commentary...)
  10. That comic strip was awesome, tho I will never understand why WoW is the target of so much hatred, even from those that are avid videogame players. I don't see the difference (and I don't really want them explained to me, it would change nothing). I suspect some people just resent the time their friends spend on it, it's like hating the dude your girlfriend is hanging out with and fucking all the time instead of hanging out with you. Perfectly understandable reaction, I suppose. Personally, I've found myself bored to death of WoW at the moment. I hop on and fly around with my kid, but I've ceased to do anything productive on the increasingly rare occasion that I'm on. I just can't find the motivation right now. I find myself sitting around in Dal or Org, watching /lfg and running the occasional Heroic. None of my friends are ever on anymore when I login. I've got about 680 hours on my main and a couple hundred scattered across a dozen alts, I have my pimp ass Mechano-hog motorcycle and I've pretty much done all the game has to offer me at this point. I'll prob'ly play for a bit when the next big patch comes out and I'll definitely be playing Cataclysym, but I'm pretty much "done" with it right now. /e cracks his knuckles and scowls at his gamerscore
  11. Co-op Megaman NAO plx. That looks like more fun than a zebra with a waffle iron.
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